Chapter 401 Nonsense Literature (for Subscription)

Seeing that Hu Changqing was sure that he had shares in Shen Kong, Yu Dong was not too surprised.

Lao Hu's office is not far from his office, and Lao Hu can get a general idea of ​​what's going on here every day. After a long time, he can definitely guess something.

Not to mention Lao Hu, Yu Hua and the others should also know something, but they should be the same as Lao Hu, only thinking that Yu Dong has shares in Shen Kong Company.

"Even if I don't have a share, in order to keep your trophy, I have to go to Jimmy to buy some shares later."

In fact, this matter will be made public soon. Yu Dong and Jimmy have been signing a series of internal agreements such as the nominee holding agreement and equity transfer agreement before, so outsiders don't know that Yu Dong is the boss.

However, the equity of the company will change in the future. Because Dong and Jimmy jointly hold shares in Deep Space, Jimmy previously received dry stock dividends, which will be directly exchanged for [-]% of the equity in the future.

At that time, there will be no proxy holders, and Yu Dong's name will also appear on the information registered by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

Hu Changqing smiled. On the surface, Yu Dong's words seemed to be denied, but he listened to the sound, and it could be heard that Yu Dong admitted in disguise that he had shares in Deep Space.

Although there was speculation before, seeing Yu Dong's attitude, Hu Changqing still couldn't help sighing: "So, you can be regarded as one of my bosses."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "You are in a cooperative relationship with Deep Space Company, there is no such thing as a boss or a boss. If it really matters, you are Party A, we are Party B, and we serve you."

"Well, the way you speak is a bit like a boss." Hu Changqing smiled, and looked at the stage again, "Let's stop chatting, the novella award is about to be awarded."

Yu Dong also looked up at the stage. Yang Xiao had already gone down and replaced him with Xi Ke, Dean of the School of Electronic Engineering, Rongcheng University of Electronic Science and Technology.

There are four best novella awards, and the winners are Wang Jingkang, Yang Peng, He Hongwei and Xie Wenyang.

Xi Wenyang was not in good health, and only Wang Jingkang and the others came to the stage to accept the award.

After the novella was awarded, it was not the turn of the novel, and the best manga and best art awards began to be awarded.

At this time, the staff came to remind Yu Dong that it was time to go on stage. After the Best Art Award, it was the turn of the Best Science Fiction Short Film Award.

Yu Dong waited by the stage for a while, and after the Best Art Award was awarded, he walked up, holding the hand card Yang Xiao gave him, on which was written the name of the winning work for the Best Science Fiction Short Film Award.

First, he walked to the center of the stage, and Yu Dong smiled and opened his hand card to look. Sure enough, the winner was "Bring Her Eyes".

After a pause, Yu Dong said slowly, "The next award will be the best sci-fi short film."

Suddenly hearing that there was another Best Science Fiction Short Film Award, many people in the audience murmured to themselves that this year "Science Fiction World" has too many moves, not only changed the traditional awards, but also suddenly added a best There was no news about the Science Fiction Short Film Award.

But for the best sci-fi short film award, most people don't care, because the best short film has nothing to do with them.

It may be that Wang Hailin and others, the main creators of "Bring Her Eyes", and those few foreign guests paid more attention.

Wang Hailin and the others were also quite surprised. When they received the invitation for the Galaxy Awards, they guessed that it was related to "Bring Her Eyes", but they thought they were just here to join in the fun.

Who would have thought that a new award for the best sci-fi short film was added this year.

Wang Hailin looked excitedly at Qu Aiguo who was next to him: "Brother, this award should belong to us, right?"

Qu Aiguo's eyes were also shining with excitement, but he still waved his hands, "Don't worry, listen to Brother Dong to announce the result."

Seeing Qu Aiguo's performance, Wang Hailin admired him a lot. The big brother is the big brother. Those who have seen big scenes can be so calm and relaxed at this time.

After Yu Dong on the stage said that, he continued: "I vaguely remember that when I came to Rongcheng to participate in the Galaxy Awards last year, I talked with President Yang, Editor-in-Chief Tan, and Editor-in-Chief Niu of "The King of Science Fiction" about visiting China. Sci-fi developments."

"At that time, Editor-in-Chief Niu said that the development of Chinese science fiction cannot be done alone. We must stand together closely to develop and improve the upstream and downstream industries, from novels to comics to movies, and then to subsequent animations. , every aspect must be paid attention to.”

Speaking of this, Yu Dong sighed: "Unexpectedly, after a year, we saw an excellent science fiction short film on the stage of the Galaxy Awards ceremony. This award-winning film is based on the "Science Fiction World" published It is an adaptation of a novel, and I think many of you here have already guessed which one it is. But before I announce the results, please allow me to say a few more words."

"These few words are for a few foreign friends. Maybe you don't know much about Chinese science fiction. It doesn't matter. What I want to tell you is that Chinese science fiction will eventually lead the world. Here, not only There are only many excellent writers, and there are countless enthusiastic readers."

"So, you are lucky to discover such a vast market before most people. At the Deep Space Annual Conference last year, I said that China will become a ticket warehouse comparable to or even surpassed North America. Now I want to add a sentence after this sentence, China will become one of the top ticket holders, and science fiction will be an important part of Chinese movies!"

Yu Dong didn't speak loudly, but just a few simple words excited the people in the science fiction field present, and they applauded enthusiastically one by one.

Yu Hua and the others also applauded. Looking at the excited crowd, Yu Hua smiled and said to Bi Feiyu, "Don't think that Yu Dong is usually low-key, but when he is really crazy, few people can compare."

"Is this called madness? This is called self-confidence." Bi Feiyu said.

Mo Yan said with a smile: "Other people say it is crazy, and he said it is self-confidence. There is no way, his achievements are there. Now there is no science fiction writer in the world who can compare with him."

"That's the reason." Yu Hua nodded in agreement.

When Yu Hua nodded, Yu Dong pressed his hands on the stage and said with a smile: "I won't talk nonsense, I will directly announce the answer, and the winner of the Best Science Fiction Short Film Award at the Galaxy Awards this time is—bring her eyes. "

The applause sounded again, and most people had already guessed the result, so they were not surprised.

"Brother, we have won the award." Wang Hailin hugged Qu Aiguo excitedly, "We have it!"

Qu Aiguo patted Wang Hailin's back with a smile, "Come on, let's go up to receive the award together."

The main creators of "Bring Her Eyes" were all sitting together, Qu Aiguo stood up and greeted the others: "Everyone go up together."

Liu Cixin just went up to get a trophy, and was about to decline it, but was hugged by Qu Aiguo, "Da Liu, you are the original author, why don't you go up?"

Since Yu Dong called Liu Cixin Da Liu, this has become Liu Cixin's nickname, and others are used to calling him Da Liu.

Liu Cixin's stature was not small, but he couldn't break free from Qu Aiguo's hug, so he could only follow him.

There was a lot of clamor, from the front to the back, and Li Bing, as the heroine, was among them.

Yu Dong shook hands with them one by one, then took the trophy from Li Yi and handed it to them.

Qu Aiguo humbled himself, pushed Liu Cixin forward, and motioned for Liu Cixin to pick him up, but Liu Cixin didn't listen to him this time, instead he pushed him forward.

Without much effort, a strong man like Qu Aiguo was lightly pushed to the front.After pushing, Liu Cixin looked at his hand strangely: Is my hand strong?

Yu Dong handed the trophy to Qu Aiguo with a smile, "Say a few words."

"I'm not ready to give a speech."

Hearing this, Yu Dong, who was behind the audience's back, rolled his eyes, "Do you think I believe it?"

Qu Aiguo had been Yu Dong's student for eight years, and Yu Dong knew him very well. Seeing his expression, he knew that it was impossible for him to be unprepared.

"Hey, I made a little preparation." Qu Aiguo smiled sarcastically, then walked towards the middle of the stage.

Like everyone else, he didn't know that "Science Fiction World" would add an award for the best sci-fi short film this year, let alone that "Bring Her Eyes" would win, but when he received the invitation from "Science Fiction World" After the letter, he began to prepare his acceptance speech.

Moreover, he made several preparations and wrote several acceptance speeches.

At that time, he began to imagine that there would be opportunities to receive awards on stage, such as some personal awards as the president of the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association, or some awards for the short film "Bring Her Eyes"...

Holding the microphone, Qu Aiguo rolled his eyelids and recalled one of the acceptance speeches, and then slowly said, "I am Qu Aiguo, the producer of "Bring Her Eyes", and the president of the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association. Good. Standing on the stage of the Galaxy Awards ceremony, I feel extremely honored and apprehensive. I still remember that in the autumn of five years ago, I went to Jinling Art Institute alone with my luggage on my back. At the age of 24, I started my first life. Second trip..."

Once Qu Aiguo opened his mouth, he couldn't stop. He started from the night he first met Yu Dong when he entered the school. He talked about "Science Fiction Literature and Art" being renamed "Science Fiction World", and talked about Yu Dong discussing science fiction with them and discussing the future. , but he didn't talk about his "speech" on the upper bunk wearing red underpants that night.

Others' acceptance speeches usually lasted about 1 minute, which could be resolved within half a minute, but Qu Aiguo's acceptance speech lasted five to six minutes.

At the end, he should have finished his memorized manuscript, and added a paragraph temporarily, "I used to be Teacher Yu Dong's student, and I will always be his student, and all his prospects on stage just now will also be my Future goals. And I believe that all members of the Cucumber Garden Association are also willing to support this vision. Finally, I would like to thank the organizer for awarding this award to "Bring Her Eyes", thank the original author Mr. Liu Cixin, and thank the screenwriter Wang Hailin ,grateful……"

Hearing Qu Aiguo's "flattering" in public, Yu Dong couldn't help curling his lips. After so many years, this kid's flattering skills have not weakened at all, and even become stronger.

After the best sci-fi short film award was over, Yu Dong returned the microphone to Li Yi and was about to go down with Qu Aiguo and the others, but was stopped by Yang Xiao, "Yu Dong, don't go down now, I have something to trouble you. "

Yu Dong stopped on the stage, then took the microphone back from Li Yi's hand, waiting for Yang Xiao to continue.

Yang Xiao walked up to Yu Dong with the microphone, looked up and down at Yu Dong, and joked, "You might as well guess why I kept you here."

Yu Dong didn't answer, but just shrugged his shoulders.

Instead, someone booed from below: "Best novel!"

Yang Xiao waved her hand down, and then said to Yu Dong, "Let's wait for the awards, and let me ask you a question on behalf of the readers."

"Well, you ask."

"Is there any new work coming out recently?"

Yu Dong nodded, "Yes."

Yang Xiao's eyes lit up, "Is it science fiction?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Are you asking about my next movie or the next movie?"

Yang Xiao was surprised, "There are already two plans? Is the next one a sci-fi movie?"


"The lower part?" Yang Xiao asked again.

Yu Dong shook his head again, "No."

The audience roared with laughter, Yang Xiao rolled her eyes, "Aren't you talking nonsense?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "You haven't asked me if the next part is science fiction."

Yang Xiao pursed her lips and asked, "Then is your next novel a science fiction?"

"I haven't thought about the next part yet."

Yang Xiao breathed out and waved her hand, "Don't ask, don't ask, I'm going to have a heart attack if I ask again. I'm asking you this to remind you that this year is running out, if you don't write, I'm afraid next year No more awards for you."

"It doesn't matter." Yu Dong shook his head and said solemnly: "My wish is that every year in the future, different people will come to the stage to accept the award."

Yang Xiao's expression froze. She was just joking with Yu Dong, but she didn't expect to get such an answer.

She knew what Yu Dong meant.

If the same group of people win the Galaxy Award every year, it indicates that this industry may not be as prosperous as they imagined, and a single flower is not spring, but a hundred flowers bloom together and spring is full of spring.

Only when more creators stand up and the industry is full of competition will it be healthy and long-lasting.

Yang Xiao didn't joke anymore, and also solemnly said: "I believe that even if other people want to win awards, they don't want to win awards in your absence. If you want our science fiction world to be full of vitality, you, as one of them, must also Just be full of energy."

Yu Dong nodded and said with a smile: "Of course I won't fall behind. There will definitely be a science fiction novel to meet you this year. As for whether it's a novel, a novel or a short novel, please look forward to it."

Hearing that Yu Dong will have a science fiction novel this year, Yang Xiao showed a bright smile: "Then let us wait and see. Alright, let's stop talking nonsense, and then let us announce the last award for tonight—the annual Award for Best Novel."

She opened the card in her hand and handed it to Yu Dong, "You tell it yourself."

Yu Dong looked at the card in his hand and said slowly, "The Best Novel Award of the Year--The Martian."

 Today's update, there is a chapter before twelve o'clock, and a chapter after eleven o'clock. Question: How many chapters in total?

(End of this chapter)

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