Chapter 402 A Good News (Please Subscribe)

"The Martian" won the best novel, and no one here will be surprised. When Yu Dong said "The Martian", there was very warm applause at the scene.

Yu Dong took a look at the trophy and let out a long sigh. He didn't specially prepare his acceptance speech, but he naturally had to say a few more words after receiving this award.

"The first two times I came to the stage, I almost swayed my emotions, but now I don't know what to say. Let's talk about sci-fi movies. I want to tell you a good news. "Bring Her Eyes" is in the It will be made into a movie in the next two years."


Hearing Yu Dong's words, many people didn't react. Isn't "Bring Her Eyes" already made into a movie?

Yu Dong seemed to know that they would have doubts, and continued: "This time it is no longer a short film, but a film that will be shown in theaters. Last time in the deep space short film competition, Harold, the director of "Groundhog Day", also One of the judges, after watching "Bring Her Eyes", he became very interested in this film, and then contacted Deep Space, expressing his desire to remake it."

Under the stage, Wang Hailin looked at Liu Cixin in a daze, "Da Liu, what else is going on?"

Liu Cixin also looked confused, "I don't know."

"You are the author and you don't even know."

Qu Aiguo said, "Maybe it's still in the initial stage of discussion."

On the stage, Yu Dong felt very satisfied when he saw the surprised expressions of the people below.

He didn't intend to make this public on stage this time, but he just thought about it, and it seems that everyone is most interested in this matter.

Now it seems that his idea is right, and everyone seems to be willing to listen to it.

Yu Dong's novels are very successful abroad, and they are being made into films continuously.Although this incident encouraged domestic sci-fi authors, most people still think that Yu Dong is an exception and does not represent the entire Chinese sci-fi world. Even Yu Dong himself can become famous abroad. luck.

Other people's works are not as good as Yu Dong's, and they probably won't have such good luck, so they have no confidence in their works going international.

But now Yu Dong told them that another person's work was also valued by foreign directors, and they wanted to remake it, and things became different.

If there is one, there may not be two, but if there are two, there is a high probability that there will be three.

If Liu Cixin's "Bring Her Eyes" can go international this time, then the works of other people are naturally very promising.

Yang Xiao, who was standing aside, licked her dry lips. She was also pleasantly surprised by the news. She hadn't gotten any news about it from deep space before, so she couldn't help asking: "Bring her eyes?" Has this matter been settled?"

After she finished speaking, she regretted a little. This is not an interview, but Yu Dong's acceptance speech stage, and she is not suitable to intervene.

But Yu Dong didn't take it seriously, and replied with a smile, "It's almost the end of the conversation. Before that, it was Liu Cixin, the representative of Deep Space Corporation, who was talking about it, and he didn't tell Liu Cixin himself. Now many things have been negotiated, and the rest is Harold. Liu Cixin contacted him himself, and I think there should be no problem."

Then Yu Dong continued, "I'm telling you this now to let you understand that our goal is not imaginary, but a real hopeful one. Well, I won't say anything else on stage. Yes, there will be a reporter interview session in a while. If the media reporters present have any questions, they can wait until then to ask me. ", In addition, "The Martian" can come out, and many friends have helped me."

"For this novel, I spent a lot of time looking for information. The first person I want to thank is President Yang Xiao. When I talked about the need for information on the phone, she patted her chest without saying a word and said she would help me. And I went to the Sichuan Science and Technology Association to help me collect a lot of information. So the second thing I want to thank is the Sichuan Science and Technology Association, among which there are many people from the scientific community..."

Yu Dong himself didn't expect that he wanted to end his speech quickly, but he couldn't stop once he said thank you.

These words really came from his heart. When he wrote "The Martian", he did encounter a lot of troubles. It was thanks to Yang Xiao and the others' help that he finally wrote it.

In this way, it took about 10 minutes just to thank these institutions and individuals.

Kang Zhenhua also attended this awards ceremony, sitting in the first row, listening to Yu Dong thanking the Sichuan Provincial Association for Science and Technology on stage, the old man was grinning from ear to ear.

He still remembers the scene when Yang Xiao went to the association to ask for information. At that time, everyone was very attentive. Not only did they provide detailed information, but they also made notes for fear that Yu Dong might not understand something.Even after knowing some of Yu Dong's plans, they will help provide feasible solutions.

It can be said that the completion of "The Martian" is a perfect collaboration between literary and artistic workers and scientific researchers.

Just because scientific researchers don't do publicity usually doesn't mean they don't want to do publicity.

Since "The Martian" thanked the Sichuan Science and Technology Association in the book, more and more people pay attention to science and their association. Over the past year, they have received more letters from science enthusiasts than before. And more.

Most people express their interest in science in their letters and want to know more about it, but they don’t know how to find out. The association will reply seriously when they receive the letter, provide these enthusiasts with some ideas and solutions, and tell them what to look at. Book, where to start to understand.

Some of them are middle school students, and they will send some difficult physics or chemistry problems... If these people in the association are not busy, they will help answer them.

What surprised Kang Zhenhua and the others the most was that some people really wanted to support the country's scientific construction, and would put money in the letter, usually not much, but it also moved them very much.

In this case, the association will return the money and attach a thank you letter, telling the other party that if you want to support the country's scientific construction, it is a better way to help promote basic science.

Later, "The Martian" was published abroad, and the Chinese version of the thank-you letter was also translated, which made Kang Zhenhua and other scientific researchers very happy, which was tantamount to promoting their association abroad.

They had never had such an experience before.

They have also experienced more and more such things, and science fiction has gradually become more and more positive in the scientific community. They found that science fiction can also play a very positive role in science popularization, at least it can play a role in publicity.

On the stage, after thanking all the people and organizations that should be thanked, Yu Dong said with a smile: "My speech is over, thank you for listening."

After finishing speaking, he nodded with Yang Xiao and went down.

Then Yang Xiao stepped forward and gave a closing speech, and the ceremony went to the next stage. First, all the winners took a group photo with the organizer on the stage, and then it came to the reporter interview session.

The reporter's interview session was very long, because not only the winners were interviewed, but also some other famous guests were also targeted by the reporters.

Great directors like Zhao Baogang, well-known actors of the new generation like Ning Jing and Xia Yu, and great writers like Yu Hua, naturally cannot escape.

Yu Dong was interviewed together with Yu Hua and the others.

Standing in front of the reporters, Yu Hua and Mo Yan pushed him forward, and he temporarily acted as the spokesperson.

"Teacher Yu Dong, you said just now that there will be science fiction novels this year, can you ask what the subject matter is?"

"How much will "Bring Her Eyes" cost, and will it be released domestically?"

"Will "The Martian" be adapted into a movie anytime soon?"


Standing in front, listening to the various questions raised by the reporters, Yu Dong pressed his hand, "Don't worry, everyone, come one by one, I'll call the roll, you can ask questions."

Afterwards, he looked around among the reporters, and suddenly saw the sign of Rongcheng TV Station. He smiled and waved to the reporters of Rongcheng TV Station, "My friend in the blue T-shirt, come to the front."

"Me?" Xiang Jianwei pointed to himself, flattered.

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, it's you."

After confirming that it was him, Xiang Jianwei squeezed excitedly to the front, and then began to introduce himself, "Hello, teachers, I am Xiang Jianwei, a reporter from Rongcheng TV Station."

Hearing that it was Rongcheng TV Station, Mo Yan raised his eyebrows. He looked at Yu Dong and thought to himself, isn't this kid messing around.

Yu Dong didn't notice Mo Yan's gaze, and said to Xiang Jianwei with a smile, "Hello, do you have any questions?"

Xiang Jianwei scratched his head and looked at the card in his hand. On it were the four questions he had just listed. He cherished this opportunity to ask questions very much. He found one of the four questions that he wanted to know the most, and said it out. : "Mr. Yu Dong, this time a foreign director remakes "Bring Her Eyes", how much authorization fee can Liu Cixin, the author of the original work, get?"

"This question is very real." Yu Dong boasted with a smile, and then said: "It is not convenient for me to disclose the specific amount, but I can tell you that it must be more than five figures."

More than five digits... This space is huge, ten thousand is more than five digits, and [-] million is also more than five digits.

But even the lowest [-] is quite impressive. After all, "Bring Her Eyes" is a short story, and it's just a licensing fee.

After getting the answer, Xiang Jianwei consciously didn't speak again, and even started to back away, but Yu Dong waved at him: "Xiao Xiang, don't worry, do you have any other questions?"

Xiang Jianwei was stunned, can he still ask questions?

The other reporters also looked at him, thinking that this kid is not a relative of Yu Dong, because Yu Dong treated him so well.

Isn't it Rongcheng TV station?If it is not related, is it necessary to pay so much attention?


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(End of this chapter)

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