Chapter 409 Just Began (Subscribe)
"Several, I have to go first."

When everyone was silent, Rist suddenly stood up to say goodbye.

"I still have some things to deal with, and there is really no way to accompany me any longer."

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, go get busy and leave us alone."

After Rist left, Mo Yan took a sip of his coffee and looked at the Double Café they were in.

Before he came in, he didn't know why Yu Dong and the others were unwilling to choose this cafe. When he walked into the coffee shop and saw the puppets of two Chinese Qing Dynasty officials sitting on the square pillar in the middle of the hall, he immediately understood why .

No wonder this cafe is called Double Doll Cafe. It turns out that there are really two dolls.

From Mo Yan's point of view, these two dolls are not very beautiful, and they are on the pillars, so you can see them when you look up, as if they are looking down at the guests who are drinking coffee.

Foreigners may think that these two people have an oriental atmosphere, but in fact, in China, no teahouse or restaurant will put this kind of thing in the store, unless they don't want customers to go in.

Especially in recent years, zombie movies have become more popular. These two puppets always remind people of zombies, which is not very auspicious.

"I'm going to do two things when I go back."

Mo Yan, who was sizing up the doll, turned his head to look at Yu Dong who suddenly spoke, and several other people also looked at Yu Dong, wanting to hear what to say.

"The first is to increase investment in education, and the second is to speed up the development of domestic cultural products."

Bi Feiyu blinked. These two things sounded like the things that Shen Kong Company should do. It seems that the relationship between Yu Dong and Shen Space Company is indeed not as simple as it appears on the surface.

"How can we help?" Yu Hua asked.

"Just be yourself."

Bi Feiyu was puzzled and said, "I don't quite understand what you mean."

Yu Dong smiled, "It's very simple. If you are Bi Feiyu, you should be Bi Feiyu, if you Yu Hua, you should be Yu Hua, and if you Mo Yan, you should be Mo Yan."

"The more you say it, the more mysterious it is."

"It's not mysterious." Jiang Jie on the side said with a smile, "Brother Dong means that the names of the three of you will become a cultural symbol, and the power of these cultural symbols will help us get things done."

"Cultural symbols." Yu Hua smiled and shook her head, "Now is not the time to flatter... Do you really think the names of the three of us can become cultural symbols?"

"I believe it can." Yu Dong said firmly.

He remembered what Jimmy had said to him before, that Jimmy had always wanted to make the name YU a cultural symbol, and now it seemed that it was already in shape, but it still needed some time to settle.

Yu Dong's attitude towards people like Yu Hua before was to develop freely, let nature take its course, and do some publicity along the way.

Now it seems that this idea is still somewhat conservative.

If Jimmy wants to make his name a cultural symbol, then Yu Hua and the others should also be made a cultural symbol, so that they can have more fame than they had in their previous lives.

Only in this way can they truly form a force internationally.

With this power, what they want to do and what they want to promote will become easier.

When the Deep Space Chinese website is actually launched, the serious, popular, high-spirited, and low-level people will all become their battlefields with ease.

Yu Dong's idea is that when he goes back this time, he wants to organize a wave of literary power to fully promote the Deep Space Chinese Network.

Then gather the power of the film and television industry, start with science fiction, and slowly develop those IPs in China, so he attaches great importance to the adaptation of "Bring Her Eyes" into a movie. This movie may become the first step for Chinese science fiction to enter the international film market. an opportunity.

Seeing Yu Hua and the others contemplating, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Let's talk about this in detail later, it's getting late, let's enjoy our coffee time, and we'll be back in a while."

Yu Hua nodded, "It's a pity, if there hadn't been an episode, we could have sat a little longer."

"Who says it's not?" Bi Feiyu laughed.


Yu Hua and the others thought that the previous incident was just a small episode, but in fact, this incident has just begun.

The few of them hadn't even left from the Twin Café when Henry, the former policeman, brought two people to the cafe and found them.

Seeing Henry and the others running into the cafe in a hurry, Yu Dong and the others were wondering, so they heard Henry say happily: "Mr. Yu, I'm glad you haven't left yet. I'm here to tell you good news."

"What good news?" Yu Dong asked.

"About your lost property, we have already found it for you. The suspect is at the police station at this time, and your things are also there. I wonder if you would like to come with me to retrieve the things, and at the same time Identify suspects."

Although he was in a cafe, Henry deliberately amplified his voice, as if he wanted more people to hear him.

Bi Feiyu was quite surprised, he didn't expect that these policemen could really find what they lost.

"How did you find it?"

"It's like this. Considering everyone's special identities, our police attaches great importance to this case. We specially organized police forces to investigate around. After a lot of effort, we finally found this criminal suspect. He confessed to the theft. And your belongings are intact."

In Henry's words, it was very hard for the police to talk about them, but Yu Dong suspected that these thieves had contact with the police, otherwise it would be impossible to catch them so quickly. How long has it been since they haven't finished drinking their coffee yet? .

In the end, Yu Dong and the others followed Henry to the police station, met the thief, and took back Yu Hua's bag, two decks of poker, and thousands of lire.

When they returned to the hotel, Yu Dong received a call from Jimmy before their buttocks were warmed up.

As soon as the call was connected, the first thing Jimmy said was, "Are you arrested by the police?"

Jimmy's voice was obviously very excited, as if he had met a great event.

"We were arrested, but it was resolved on the spot. It should be thanks to Rist. He not only created momentum for us at the scene, but also found someone to say hello to the police station, otherwise we might have to pass through the police station." one trip."

"I've criticized Rist for this."

"What? Criticism?" Yu Dong asked in surprise.

"That's right, he was too flustered and didn't handle it well enough. If I were to handle it, you should still be in the police station now."

Yu Dong licked his lips, he felt that he could not keep up with Jimmy's rhythm.

"From what you mean, you want us to live in the bureau for two days."

"That's not going to happen." Jimmy laughed, "But at least I want you guys to stay inside for a while. The writers who have been treated unfairly by the police are too gimmicks and too popular. I'm worried This is an opportunity for you to make big news in Europe. It’s a pity that Rist is inexperienced and has done bad things with good intentions. However, it’s okay now, although it didn’t get into the game, but the conflict is really happening.”

Yu Dong finally understood that Jimmy wanted them to stage a drama of "civilian officials begging for court staff" in France.

If they can be locked up by the police station for a while, it means that they have obtained the court staff, and then the Deep Space Company will follow up with the marketing, and they will come out as brave, fearless, and unparalleled literati images.

"You guys have fun in Paris, and leave the rest to me."

Jimmy dropped this sentence and hung up the phone.


The next day, Yu Dong and the others saw news reports of what happened yesterday in the local newspaper, and there were more than one copy.

When Jiang Jie showed them the newspaper, Yu Dong was also very surprised. He didn't expect Jimmy to be so efficient. This was in France, not China or the United States.

This news was obviously provided by Shen Kong. What happened at the scene yesterday was clearly reported from beginning to end, and even what the policeman said to Yu Dong and the others was written down verbatim.

The titles of the two reports are more exaggerated than the other.

[YU, the author of "The Second World", was caught in danger, and Paris made a fool of himself in front of the whole world! 】

[YU reported a crime to the police, but was humiliated by the police. Paris told the world, please don't come! 】

There was also a picture in the second news. In the picture, Yu Dong raised his handcuffed hands with his head held high.

[The hands handcuffed by the Paris police once wrote "Second World", "Resident Evil", "Westward" and so on...]

This is not over yet. In the afternoon, they received a call from He Biyu, saying that the phone number of their publishing house was blown up. Many newspapers knew what happened yesterday and wanted to interview Yu Dong and the others through He Biyu. .

"I didn't know what happened at first, or those reporters told me that I knew that something like that happened after you left the publishing house yesterday. Is the situation in the news true?"

"Is the truth."

He Biyu pondered for a while: "The Deep Space Company has promoted this matter. Forget it, I won't ask about it. Do you want to be interviewed and give an answer, so I can reply to those media."

"There's no need for an interview."

"That's fine." He Biyu smiled, "Even if they don't accept interviews, they still have news to write. But this is good, all Europe knows that you have come to Paris."

"All of Europe, isn't that an exaggeration?"

"How big do you think Europe is? All right, I won't tell you any more. Be prepared. Now it's just the media reporters looking for you, and many people will look for you later."

He Biyu was right. Soon, not only the media were looking for Yu Dong and the others, but bookstores, literary clubs, universities...whether they were related to literature or not, they all wanted to find them.

There are actually three universities among them. I hope that Yu Dong and the others will go to the school to give speeches, and the Paris Institute of Oriental Languages ​​is among them.

In addition, there are law firms who expressed their willingness to help Yu Dong and the others protect their own rights.

But Bi Feiyu and the others looked at the development of things these two days, but they were stunned.This is not a big deal, why is it getting so much attention?
(End of this chapter)

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