Chapter 410 Yuba (for subscription)

"What's going on here, didn't you tell me that the matter has been resolved, is there no problem?"

At the Paris Police Station, Director Montreil patted the newspaper on the table in an agitated manner, questioning the two people in front of him, Henry and Cesar.

Henry looked at Cesar next to him, and shouted in his heart that he was wronged. This matter had nothing to do with him at all, and Cesar should be blamed.

Originally, even if there were some verbal conflicts, it was no big problem.

But the problem now is that it's unknown who took the picture of YU holding the handcuffs.

I have to say, this photo is very professionally taken, the composition, light and shadow, and timing are all just right.

Even people who don't know the ins and outs of the matter can see from this photo that YU is a stalwart gentleman who was persecuted.

"Who asked you to handcuff him." Montreuer was puzzled, and knocked on the table again: "Do you know who you are handcuffing?"

Henry and Cesar looked at each other. They didn't know it before, but now they know it.

Cesar said, "Monleyer, it's not that serious, isn't Cekar's son..."

"Stupid!" Montreille was completely angry.

This stupid subordinate still doesn't understand the seriousness of his mistake.

He knew what Cesar was going to say. They had arrested the son of the wealthy French businessman Cesar before, but nothing happened afterwards.

But the problem is that a rich businessman is not the same as a writer.

Leaving aside the rest, if the two identities of businessman and writer are presented to the public, they will definitely prefer writers.

And YU is not a small writer.

Montreuer also pays close attention to literature. He knows that YU has not only received a lot of praise in the literary circle, but also that many of his works have been successfully commercialized and are very popular among ordinary readers.

And you must know that both "Second World" and "Resident Evil" have topped the box office in France, and the sales of the original novels of these two films are also very high.

"Then, what should we do now?" Henry asked weakly. He was different from Cesar. He understood the seriousness of the matter, and now he was very worried that he would be abandoned by the upper class.

Montreuer looked at him and said, "What can we do? There are so many reporters out there, deal with it first, then tell them that the matter is under investigation and let them wait for the result. Cesar, if you are really asked, You just said that your English is not good, so you had some misunderstandings with the other party, you understand?"

"Understood." Cesar nodded.

After Henry left with Cesar, Montreuer touched his forehead, feeling very distressed.

If he can, he really wants to push Cesar out, but the problem is that everyone is not only concerned about Cesar's conflict with YU, but they are putting Cesar's problem on the police station.

The reputation of their police station in the country is not very good. Now that this happened, the people are happy to hear about it. If they push Cesar out now, it is tantamount to admitting that there is something wrong in the police station. question.

After the accident, Montreuer contacted the Deep Space Office, hoping that Deep Space would mediate in the middle and help suppress the matter.

But Deep Space never gave a clear answer, and he couldn't get in touch with YU himself.And Montreller suspects that this matter is caused by deep space, otherwise how could there be such a fast transmission speed.

In fact, YU's residence is easy to find, but now he can't find it easily, and it's easy for those media reporters to catch him.


"Well, it's okay... Haha, it won't affect the schedule. We can reach Rome in a week at most. Okay, see you then."

Yu Dong hung up the phone, Cheng Yanqiu asked with a smile: "Giuseppe calling?"

"Yeah." Yu Dong nodded, "This matter has been spread in Italy. Giuseppe cared about me very much, and told me to leave Paris early and go to Rome. I don't know what their news said , Listening to his tone of voice, it seems that I am staying in a prison."

"You don't understand Italian, but you can hear his tone."

"Listen to the voice."

dong dong dong.

The two were talking, when there was a knock on the door, Yu Dong smiled, "I'll go and open the door."

It was Jiang Jie who came.

"Xiaojie, why are you here? It's not time for dinner yet."

Today they took a cruise on the Seine River for a while, read all the classics around them, and then went to the Louvre to receive some artistic influence, and came back in the afternoon without having dinner outside.

"Boss, let me tell you some news."

"Well, come in and talk." Yu Dong nodded. When other people were around, Jiang Jie would call him Teacher Yu or Brother Dong, but in private he would call him the boss.

Yu Dong had told him about this many times, but he kept yelling like this.

After entering the room, Jiang Jie first greeted Cheng Yanqiu, called the proprietress, and then said to Yu Dong: "Rist told me just now that Le Clezio wants to see you."

"Le Clezio?"

"Well, he is..."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "You don't need to introduce me, I know him well."

But anyone who has an understanding of the current French literary world will not be unfamiliar with the name Le Clezio.

Le Clezio later won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 08, but before that he was already famous and a pillar of French literature.

Speaking of Le Clezio, one has to talk about the neo-fable school, which has attracted the attention of the Nobel Prize for Literature, and the French writer Modiano, who won the Nobel Prize after Clezio, also belongs to this school.

But what is interesting is that the neo-fable school is not popular in France, but is more recognized in China.

There are many theories about how the term New Fable School came about. One is that it was researched and discussed by scholars in China, and the other is that it has been said before in foreign countries.

Yu Dong once read Mingjiu's article in "Foreign Literature", and he mentioned in the article that he visited Tournier in Paris in the 80s and asked whether the new fables could be classified as a category. Nier readily agreed.

However, it is still difficult to verify who exactly proposed this thing.

Of course, if Yu Dong has been engaged in academics, he may pay more attention to these things, but now that he is a writer, he still entrusts himself to others to study rather than studying others.

"What did he say?" Yu Dong asked.

"He just said he wanted to meet."

"That's all? When will I meet you, where will you meet, and you didn't say anything?"

"If it's on our side, he's fine."

Yu Dong nodded, "Then invite him to the hotel for dinner tomorrow night, tell him, and Yu Hua and the others, if he minds... Do you have his number, I'll tell him directly."

"Yes." Jiang Jie took out his notebook, "here."

Yu Dong nodded, walked to the phone, and dialed directly: "You can translate for me."

The phone was connected quickly, and Yu Dong directly reported his family name: "Hi, I'm YU."

Le Clezio on the other end of the phone was still a little puzzled when he heard the first few words, because he couldn't understand them at all, but when he heard YU, he immediately understood.

"Hello, Mr. Yu, it's a pleasure to receive your call."

"I'm also very glad to receive your invitation. I wonder if you have time tomorrow night, and would you like to take the time to have a meal with me at the hotel where I'm staying?"

Jiang Jie translated Yu Dong's words into French, and Le Clezio smiled and said, "Of course, it's a great honor. I'm deeply sorry to hear what happened to you in Paris. The police in Paris always take a look at you You can see the arrogance, so it doesn't surprise me that they take offense at you, they have a kind of ability to make things bad."

After "boasting" the Paris police, Clerzio added: "Paris, as a city that has faded and only remains of what it used to be, is an honor to be able to attract such an excellent writer as you."

"Mr. Clezio, you are serious. With a writer like you in Paris, of course it can attract me and writers from all over the world." Yu Dong smiled, returned a flattery, and then said: "Tomorrow night, there are a few other friends besides me. I don't know if you mind."

"Of course I don't mind." Clezio said quickly, "I don't know if there is Yuba, the author of "To Live" among the few friends you mentioned?"


Jiang Jie covered his mouth and almost laughed out loud. Yu Dong didn't know why, so he asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Jie shook his head, and then translated Clezio's words, but did not imitate his accent.

Yu Dong looked at Jiang Jie inexplicably, and replied to Clezio's words: "Of course, except him..."

The two chatted for about 10 minutes, but the content was not much. After all, Jiang Jie was needed to translate in the middle, which took a lot of time.

And most of the time, Clerzio is complaining about France and Paris.

This is completely different from what Yu Dong thought before. He thought that Clezio would talk to him more about literature, but he just kept complaining.

But then again, Clerzio's work is also like this, very unfriendly to Paris, as long as anyone who has read his works knows that he does not like Paris.

Moreover, he is different from the love and hatred of some other writers, that is, he blatantly dislikes it. He believes that Western culture is too bossy.

"By the way, what were you laughing at?" Yu Dong suddenly looked at Jiang Jie.

"I just..." Jiang Jie was about to say, probably thinking of what Clezio said just now, he laughed again.

This time he didn't hold back anymore, but laughed loudly, "Boss, do you know why he called Teacher Yu Hua's name just now?"

"What's it called?" Yu Dong asked.

"His name is Teacher Yu Hua, Yuwa, hahaha."

Hearing Yuba, Cheng Yanqiu who was sitting by the window burst out laughing, "Haha, Clerzio is from Yangcheng."

Originally, Yu Dong didn't laugh, but he laughed when he heard Cheng Yanqiu's words. He shook his head and got up, "Come on, let's talk to Teacher Yuwa and the others about this."

 Le Clezio's work is good, it's a little better than the meat captain's

(End of this chapter)

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