Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 411 Only 1 disadvantage, wearing a top

Chapter 411 The only shortcoming is wearing a shirt

The next morning, Yu Dong and the others were going to visit the Champs Elysees, but just as they walked out of the hotel, a young man ran up.

The young man wears a hat with a camera hanging on his chest.

"Mr. Yu, hello, I'm a reporter from Le Parisien, do you have time to accept our interview now?"

Before Dong refused, the reporter asked: "May I ask if the report about you in the French Soiring News is true? Did you encounter unfair treatment in Paris? Can you tell us about it?"

Yu Dong looked at Jiang Jie next to him. He didn't understand a single word the reporter said.

Jiang Jie understood, and translated the reporter's words to Yu Dong.

"Parisian" is not a street tabloid. Although Yu Dong is not French, he has heard of them.

Moreover, He Biyu and Rist have mentioned this newspaper to Yu Dong in the past two days. They have always wanted to come to interview Yu Dong, but they failed to find the relationship between the publishing house and Deep Space Company, and now they ran directly to the newspaper. Stand by the hotel entrance.

Yu Dong didn't answer the reporter's question, but asked instead: "Can you tell me, who told you the news about our stay in this hotel?"

The reporter blinked and said with a smile: "Some passers-by saw you entering this hotel and called us to tell our newspaper office. Don't worry, Mr. YU, we will never obtain your personal information through illegal means. Can you tell us?" Shall we talk about the situation at that time?"

Saying that, the reporter looked at Yu Hua and the others again: "These should be Yu Hua, Mo Yan, and Mr. Bi Feiyu. It is said that you were at the scene when the incident happened. Can you talk about it together? Don't worry, everyone, absolutely no It will waste your time."

Since he was blocked, Yu Dong nodded and agreed to say a few words to the other party, "The situation at that time was clearly written in the previous news reports, and the facts were indeed as stated in the reports."

"Are you the only one who was handcuffed at the time, and were the others handcuffed?" the reporter asked.


The reporter took the notes twice, then looked up and asked, "Why not? By the way, can I take a photo for you?"

"Yes, but only a few of us can be photographed, and others cannot be photographed."

"no problem."

After the photo was taken, the reporter asked again: "Why didn't they copy other people? Is there any special reason?"

"I had this plan before, but it changed midway. As for why, I don't know."

"Then why did they let you go again at that time? Was it because they were pressured by the crowd at the scene as mentioned in the previous report?"

Yu Dong thought for a while and replied: "Someone did recognize me at the scene, but I don't know why the police let us go. You have to ask the police about this."

"After the incident, did you both..."

Before the reporter of "Parisien" finished asking, another female reporter suddenly ran up, "Mr. Yu, hello, I am a reporter of "Le Figaro", may I ask..."

Yu Dong was good at blocking the recording pen that came up directly, and asked, "Your newspaper also received calls from enthusiastic people?"

The female reporter blinked, "We have received news that you are staying in this hotel, but it is definitely a formal way, please rest assured."

Yu Dong smiled, how could he feel relieved about this situation.

But he didn't get angry, these reporters were seamless, and it would be a matter of time before they were caught.

He looked at the time, they were planning to go shopping today, and the female relatives didn't have a good time during this time.

"Well, you come to the hotel at five o'clock in the afternoon, and I will accept your interview at that time, let's sit down and have a good chat, how about it?" Yu Dong suggested.

"No problem." The male reporter agreed readily, "I'll just go back and get ready. Can we videotape the interview in the afternoon?"

"No problem, I will give you at least half an hour then."

"Then will the other gentlemen also be interviewed?" asked the female reporter.

Yu Dong looked at Yu Hua and the others: "Are you willing to be interviewed?"

"No problem." Yu Hua shrugged.

"I'm fine."

"I can do it."

The three agreed, and Yu Dong told the reporter, "Yes."

"That's great."

After the discussion, the two reporters left, and Yu Dong also led the others to leave the hotel quickly, for fear of being stopped by other reporters and delaying time.

After walking for a while, Yu Dong said to Jiang Jie, "Since you have decided to accept an interview, why don't you just hold a press conference? You can tell Rist to contact various media, and then ask if the hotel has a venue. Use it for us."

"Okay, no problem, I'll do it now."


On the Champs Elysees, in the Virgin Bookstore, Olivier saw a newspaper on the newspaper rack with an Asian man in handcuffs on the cover.

He glanced at the title, and suddenly looked at the girl next to him in surprise: "Anna, YU, this is YU, he has been arrested."

Anna was flipping through a book, and seeing Olivier's fuss, she curled her lips and said, "The news came out two days ago, and he was not arrested, but was handcuffed, and then the police released him. "


Anna glanced at the newspaper: "It's all in the report."

Olivier smiled and started watching the news.

After reading it, he sighed: "These two policemen are a bit too much, how can they treat YU like this?"

"It shouldn't be done to anyone." Anna said, "As policemen, they are dereliction of duty. As a person, they are too arrogant and ignorant. If they had a little knowledge, they would never do such a thing."

"Well, but speaking of it, YU's appearance is a bit different from what I imagined. He looks younger than me. How old is he? Some people say he is 30 years old, and others say he is 40 years old. But I think he is only 20 years old."

"It's not yet thirty, the orientals do look younger, and his appearance should be the more handsome one among the orientals."

Hearing Anna praise the handsomeness of other men, Olivier was a little jealous, "It's okay, I think he's a little thinner, but this photo was taken very well, he looks very temperamental, and the overall composition reminds me of "Liberty Leading the People" by Delacroix. Although YU is in handcuffs, he has the momentum of a charge."

"Yes, you can see these things in a picture?"

Seeing that Anna was very interested, Olivier smiled and said, "I may not know as much as you about literature, but I know more about art and photography than you. Maybe I took a lot of photos on the spot, but I finally chose this one. It must be reasonable. In this picture, not only is YU showing a charging momentum, but everyone's eyes are focused on him. In addition, with him as the division, the people on the left and right show different temperaments, faintly There's a sense of confrontation."

Anna stared at the photo and nodded slowly: "Hearing what you said, I can really feel something different. I thought it was just a random photo."

His own words could arouse Anna's interest, which made Olivier very happy, and he continued: "Let's look at the expression of YU himself, his mouth is half-open, and he doesn't roar, but it gives people a feeling that he is about to The feeling of shouting. The corners of his mouth are slightly bent back, which means that he is disdainful in his heart at this time, and he is not timid in the face of coercion. His clothes..."

At the beginning, Anna listened carefully, but then she felt that Olivier's words became more and more outrageous. He could even deduce from the fact that YU wore a pair of black shoes that YU is usually a meticulous and quiet person.

Also known as psychology.

What made Anna speechless the most was that Olivier expressed a little regret about this photo. He said that the only shortcoming of this photo is that YU is wearing a top. If YU took off his top, it would be more like "Liberty Leading the People", It has more visual impact.

Anna shook her head, not interested in listening to his nonsense anymore, and instead focused on the book in her hand.

Olivier was talking vigorously, when he suddenly saw Anna lowering his head, he scratched his head embarrassingly, "I really studied behavioral psychology..."

As he talked, he was too embarrassed to write it down, so he picked up a book and read it.

After a while, Olivier put down the book and looked up and looked around. He felt that the people in the bookstore were much prettier than the book.

Many of the people who came to the bookstore came for the books, and many of them came for people like me, and some came for the emptiness in their hearts.

There was a young man near the window, holding a cup of coffee and a copy of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, without turning a page for a long time, or turning several pages at once, obviously not paying attention to it.

A woman was sitting across from him, holding a book of "Lover". Every time she glanced at the book in her hand, she would glance at the man. These two people should have just known each other not long ago, and they haven't exposed their shallowness in front of each other.Or, they are actually well aware of each other's superficiality, but still vainly want to achieve some kind of empty ceremony through this non-superficial meeting.

There is a middle-aged man diagonally opposite, holding a book, turning to a certain page, but not reading it, just looking back and forth, not knowing what he is looking for.Perhaps this man, like himself, is not very interested in the books in the bookstore, but more interested in people.

Olivier thought, in the bookstore, there are not always people who read books as seriously as Anna.

For another example, beside a row of bookshelves near the door, a young black-haired man kept picking up a book from the shelf and putting down another book, as if he was interested in every book, but he seemed to be interested in every book. None of the books were worth his reading.

Judging from his appearance, he doesn't seem to be French. Maybe he doesn't know French?It is really incomprehensible to walk into a bookstore on the streets of Paris without knowing French.

There was another young man next to him, who was a little thinner than him, and looked at the bookshelf in front of him with his arms folded, as if the king was reviewing his army.

The row of bookshelves he was standing on seemed to be filled with bestsellers, many of which were written by YU.

Huh, YU?

Olivier suddenly opened his eyes wide, looked carefully at the man with his arms folded, and then picked up the newspaper just now and looked at it.

Really YU.

Olivier suddenly became excited. He was about to turn his head and talk to Anna when he suddenly heard a voice not far away.


Olivier followed the sound and saw a 20-year-old boy running towards YU excitedly.

But Anna beside him suddenly raised her head as if she had been slapped.

(End of this chapter)

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