Chapter 412

He was recognized, but Yu Dong was not surprised at all, because he saw news about himself as soon as he entered the bookstore.

After the "Le Soir de France" put the photo of him in handcuffs, other newspapers later used this photo in their news releases.

This should be his most "show face" in Europe.

In fact, they didn't intend to go to the Champs-Elysees to visit the bookstore, but when they passed by, they saw such a bookstore among the fashion accessories stores, and they came in with curiosity.

He was recognized as a 20-year-old boy, tall and thin, with blond curly hair.

Although he yelled YU before, it might be because he was in the bookstore, so the sound was not particularly loud, and he tried not to make any noise when he ran towards Yu Dong.

But even so, his yell still attracted the attention of some people, and several of them looked towards Yu Dong.

"Are you YU?"

The boy walked in front of Yu, but suddenly felt a little unconfident, and asked tentatively, afraid that he would admit his mistake.

He used English, which Yu Dong could understand.

"Yes, I'm YU, I was recognized by you." Yu Dong smiled and pressed his hand again, "This is a bookstore, don't affect other people."

"I know, I know." The boy said repeatedly, and suddenly asked: "YU, can you sign me?"

"Yes." Yu Dong nodded generously, "Where do I sign?"

The boy looked at the "Reminiscences of Things Past" in his hand, and said with some embarrassment, "I'm going to buy a copy."

"Hey, don't—"

Yu Dong originally wanted to call him back and tell him that he didn't mind signing other people's books, but the boy ran away quickly and bought a copy of "Second World" and came back.

Yu Hua and the others smiled, "This kid is pretty well behaved."

There are Yu Dong's books on the bookshelf next to them, and he can take one at random and ask Yu Dong to sign it, and then pay for it.

Yu Dong took the book, signed it for him, and wrote a paragraph, but the boy didn't stay long, and left contentedly.

But as soon as the boy left, another pair of young men and women came up. The two men were ready at first sight, holding "Fatal Identity" and "Xiang Xi" in their hands respectively.

"YU, can you—can you—help—write—the name?"

It was a girl who spoke Mandarin, and Yu Dong and the others were a little surprised. Cheng Yanqiu stood behind and said with a smile: "This little sister's pronunciation is not bad, much better than Clezio's."

Olivier, who was standing next to Anna, was also shown a face. It turned out that Anna spoke Chinese so well.

For foreign readers who are learning Chinese, Yu Dong has always been willing to give encouragement. He smiled and took "Xiang Xi" from the girl's hand, and asked, "Little girl, what's your name?"

Anna has just started Chinese. When she heard Yu Dong's words, she looked confused and didn't know what Yu Dong was talking about.

At this time Jiang Jie stood up and translated for her.

Hearing Yu Dong asking her name, Anna was very happy, and introduced herself in Chinese: "My Chinese name is Anna, Ann who lives in poverty and happiness, and Na who is ah Na."

She spoke this sentence quite smoothly, and it seems that she should have practiced it many times, but Yu Dong didn't quite understand the last sentence, what is Ah Na Na.

"Perhaps she meant graceful?" Bi Feiyu raised her mouth.

"You're probably right."

I don't know where Anna learned Chinese, but she can speak the idiom of peace and happiness, which makes Yu Dong very fond of her.

He wrote on the cover of "Xiang Xi": Anna, the poor and happy Ann, the graceful Na——Yu Dong.

While Yu Dong was writing, Olivier touched Anna's arm, "Annie, what did you tell Yu just now?"

"I told him my Chinese name."

"You still have a Chinese name?"

"of course."

Olivier rubbed his hands, "You can give me a Chinese name too."

"No, my own name is all transliterated."

"Then... how about I ask YU to give me a Chinese name?"

Olivier is also thick-skinned, and he does what he says. He knows that Jiang Jie can speak French, so he said to Jiang Jie: "My friend, can I have a Chinese name from YU?"

"Let me ask for you."

Jiang Jie nodded, and ran to tell Yu Dong about it, "That young man, I asked if you could give him a Chinese name."

Before Yu Dong could answer, Yu Hua said, "Yes, let's help him choose a name. You ask him what name he wants."

Jiang Jie ran to talk to Olivier again, and Olivier said, "I want a very powerful name."

"Strong." Yu Hua rubbed his chin, "As the old saying goes, nine bulls and two tigers have the power. I think it's called bulls and two tigers. It's very powerful."

"Then it's better to be called Zhu Dali." Bi Feiyu pouted and said, "If someone asks for a name, you will make a fool of yourself."

They were discussing their names, and some people gradually gathered around them. Some of them recognized Yu Dong, and some came to join in the fun.

"What are they doing?" someone asked.

"Helping me with a name." Olivier said happily, "I will have a Chinese name soon."

Chinese name sounds interesting.

Here, Yu Dong and the others discussed for a while, and decided to name Olivier the Chinese name "Yi Shan", which means that it can remove the mountain, which is naturally very powerful.

After making the decision, Yu Dong wrote the word Yi Shan on the title page of the book, and then signed his name.

Olivier got his new name, and when Jiang Jie said the meaning of the name, he was overjoyed. The name sounded really powerful, and he explained his name to the people next to him showing off.

"Yi Shan means being able to move the mountain away..."

After Yu Dong finished signing for Olivier, other people came up to sign.

It was okay at the beginning, everyone just wanted to sign, but later some people came up and not only wanted to sign, but also asked Yu Dong and the others to help with the name.


Delphine, the director of the bookstore, had already noticed the strangeness in front of the bookshelves at the door, but there were still relatively few people at that time, and it happened that he had something on hand, so he didn't pay much attention.

At this moment, she just came out of the back warehouse, and when she saw more and more people in front of the bookshelves, and was about to block the door, she frowned and went to the front desk and asked Helen, the cashier: "Helen, what is the door?" situation? Why are there so many people?"

Helen has been guarding the cash register. She doesn't know the specific situation, but what she noticed is that many people came to buy YU's books at this moment.

YU's books are very popular, and he has published a lot of books in the past few years, so YU's books are the most sold in the store every day, but the frequency just now is too high, less than 10 minutes At that time, thirty or forty books were sold, to be precise, 36 books, not including other books in the Chinese Literature Series.

"It seems that a famous person has come, most likely it is YU."


"Because a lot of people came to buy his books."

Delphine didn't get a positive answer, so she decided to go up and see for herself.

What made her feel more at ease was that although there were quite a few people around the bookshelves, the noise they made was not too big, and the impact on other people in the bookstore was acceptable.

After getting closer, Delphine found that many people were queuing consciously, and at the end of the line were a few black-haired Asian men.

Delphine saw YU standing in the front at a glance. In the past two days, she saw many photos of YU, and the photo of YU in handcuffs was very impressive.

Helen was right, it was him who came.

Why did he come to Virgin Books, Delphine was a little puzzled, she didn't receive any news that YU was coming.

But now there is no time for her to think about it. Facing the current situation, she must deal with it properly.

After thinking for a while, Delphine got through the crowd and squeezed in front of Yu Dong.

"YU, hello, I'm Delphine Buaidar, the director of Virgin Books."

Yu Dong, who was signing autographs for readers, looked up. Delphine was in her thirties, with blond hair and blue eyes, wearing a khaki casual suit, looking very capable.

Jiang Jie translated Delphine's words for him, and when he learned that it was the director of the bookstore who came, Yu Dong apologized, "I'm really sorry that I took the liberty to come here and cause you trouble."

"No, no, Mr. Yu, I don't mean that at all. Our bookstore welcomes you very much. If you want, we can provide you with a place for you to communicate with readers." Delphine said hastily.

Yu Dong frowned. He originally wanted to stay for a while and leave. After all, they had only been shopping on the Champs Elysees for less than two hours.

At this time, Chen Hong suggested, "Sit down for a while, you guys go to sign the readers, we just sit down, walking for a while makes my back hurt."

Fu Jing also said: "I don't think the few of us will be as lucky as Mrs. Fu. We can't do it after shopping for a while. Let's sit down for a while. Compared with the clothing stores and jewelry stores outside, I still think the atmosphere of the bookstore is more intimate." .”

"I'm tired too." Cheng Yanqiu continued.

Hearing that they were tired, Yu Dong nodded and agreed to Delphine's proposal.

"Then I will trouble you, Ms. Buadar."

"No trouble, it's our honor."

Hearing that Yu Dong agreed, Delphine smiled happily. She knew that since the news of YU being handcuffed by the police spread, the cultural circles all over Paris knew that YU had come to Paris, and all the big bookstores in Paris wanted to invite YU to hold a A signing session.

She didn't expect that she was so lucky that Yu came here by herself.

The efficiency of the bookstore is very fast, and a vacant space is cleared in less than 5 minutes.

Because there was no advance notice, not many people came to sign, basically confined to the bookstore.

Now that he sat down, Yu Dong seriously introduced Yu Hua and the others to the readers present.

Many people knew about Yu Hua and the others, but they might not be able to name them or recognize them.

Not to mention them, even Yu Dong, without this incident, not many people in Paris knew what he looked like.

Because there were not too many people, there was no rush to sign. Yu Dong and the others signed slowly, and occasionally gave some book friends Chinese names. After each name, they had to explain the meaning to the book friends.

"This can be regarded as popularizing Chinese culture."

Just after naming a book friend, Mo Yan said something with a smile.

Next to him, Bi Feiyu was signing autographs for readers. After signing, he turned to look at Mo Yan, "There are only a few of them."

"Haha, don't be so ambitious, the tall buildings rise from the ground."

After the on-site signing was almost done, several people sat and chatted with the book friends on the scene for a while, which was considered a temporary meeting of book friends.

Yu Dong also didn't forget the press meeting that he had made in the evening, so he didn't stay in the bookstore for too long, and left after watching the time.

When we got back to the hotel, it was around three o'clock in the afternoon.

The appointment with the reporters was five o'clock, but many media outlets had already arrived after three o'clock.

The hotel specially prepared a conference room for Yu Dong and the others, and all the reporters were there.

Because there was a press conference, Rist also came, and he also brought Jimmy's "word of mouth".

What Jimmy meant was that he would talk casually in this meeting, but don't criticize the police too much, save them some face, otherwise things will not end well later.

What Jimmy wanted, Yu Dong knew, he wanted loud thunder and little rain.

Making things big this time will definitely put pressure on the Paris police, but they can't offend too much. After all, no matter how they handle this matter, they can't do anything to the Paris police.

What Jimmy wants is to let the media stir up the matter first, and finally the Paris police can push out the previous two policemen to make a written apology.

In this way, Yu Dong and the others have face. Not only did they make a big publicity in Europe, but they are also easy to operate after returning to China. After all, it is a matter of face.

And as long as the speed is well grasped, there will be no conflict with the Paris police.


After the press meeting started, Yu Dong first took the microphone and said a few words: "Everyone is invited to come here today because many people are more concerned about what happened to the few of us in front of the Saint-Germain Church a few days ago. Let me say a few words first , and then I will leave some time for you to ask questions.”

Then Yu Dong roughly described the situation that day from the beginning to the end. This matter had been reported in the news before, but Yu Dong knew that if he didn't say it now, the reporter would definitely ask him again, so he might as well say it in advance.

After the matter was finished, Yu Dong continued: "To be honest, when I heard what the policeman said, I was angry inside. My anger came from two aspects. On the one hand, it was because his words made me The dignity of a Chinese person has been trampled on, partly because it happened in Paris."

"I have always loved and respected the city of Paris. There are so many great writers, such as Hugo, Zola, Balzac, Mallarme...every one of them has left a strong mark in the history of human literature. Pen. But it breaks my heart that we are still being treated like this in a city like this.”

Hearing this, many reporters at the scene couldn't help but nod their heads. Yes, everyone would be angry if they were treated so unfairly in the city they like.

Especially excellent writers like YU and the others should not be treated like this in Paris.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Dong said: "But later, after I calmed down, I had another question in my mind, and that was whether this was an isolated case or a common phenomenon."

"Mr. Yu, don't worry, this is definitely an exception. Paris has always had an open heart to the world. I also believe that the Paris police will properly handle this matter."

It was the reporter of "Parisian" who spoke, and he was the one who stopped Yu Dong and the others in the morning.

Standing beside him was the female reporter from "Figaro", she took the opportunity to say: "Mr. YU, we also went to the police to find out the situation, and the policeman who contacted you told us that he was not I know English, so I had some misunderstandings with you, I don’t know how you respond to this statement?”

Yu Dong smiled and asked back: "Did he say that because of some misunderstanding, he wanted to say that I was handcuffed?"

"He said that at first he thought you were going to ask for directions, so he showed you the way. It may be that there was a mistake in the words used when giving the directions, which caused you to misunderstand. As for the fact that you were handcuffed later, it was because you surrounded him .”

Bi Feiyu held his chin and said, "However, they didn't handcuff us immediately, but waited until other policemen arrived before handcuffing Yu Dong."

"They also explained that they called some colleagues over to see how many of you there are."

"Then why did you let us go?" Bi Feiyu asked again.

"It was said that some of the policemen who came later could speak English, so the misunderstanding was resolved."

Bi Feiyu scratched his head and laughed: "You journalists, don't you think this statement is inconsistent. If the contradiction is resolved because some of the policemen in the back can speak English, then the handcuffs matter will be resolved." It shouldn’t be there, the English-speaking policeman should be able to clear up the misunderstanding as soon as he arrives at the scene, instead of waiting until we are handcuffed to clear up the misunderstanding.”

"Well, that's right." Yu Dong nodded, "In fact, there are not only us at the scene, but also many onlookers. They will testify for us. In addition, I think it is impossible for your Paris police to be unarmed because of four Standing next to them, they feel that they are under a huge threat, and they even call the colleagues around them to go over, without even thinking about solving the problem of poor language communication first.”

The female reporter who asked the question also nodded and remembered it in her notebook. Of course, she did not ask this question to excuse the police, but to hear what Yu Dong and the others had to say.

"Can you tell me the purpose of your coming to Paris this time? Are you going to participate in some event? We didn't get any news about your coming to Paris before, so we thought you were in London."

"We're just here for fun, nothing else," Yu Dong said.

"Have you considered suing the two policemen for this matter?"

Rist, who had been by the side, said, "The matter of prosecution is under consideration. Deep Space Corporation has already contacted a firm. As for whether to prosecute, it depends on the attitude of the Paris police."

"What is your request?"

"We need a sincere written apology." Rist smiled. "I don't think this request is too much."

"Can you be more specific, do you want an apology from the Paris police, or those two police officers?"

"We need an apology from someone who did something wrong."

"YU, I'm a reporter from Viewpoint. As far as I know, in the past two years, there will be many films that you have participated in producing. Can our French audience see these films?"

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and looked at the reporter of "Viewpoint News" who asked the question. Why did this guy suddenly change the topic to movies? It's a bit unreasonable. They still care about movies at this moment?
But since people asked, it can be regarded as giving Deep Space a chance to promote. He said with a smile, "You have to ask Rist for details about the movie. Deep Space has participated in all movies, and they know it better."

Rist said as if he had been prepared for a long time: "Yes, YU has indeed participated in the production of several films, including..."

Seeing Rist's eloquent expression, Yu Dong couldn't help being a little suspicious. The reporter of "Viewpoint News" must have been arranged by the company. This cooperation is also very good.

However, according to Jimmy's temperament, this arrangement is really a routine operation. He can always use everything to gain his own advantage. This time, he made things bigger for publicity. Of course, he will not miss a good opportunity to promote the movie.

 Thank you [Su Mo] for the 100 rewards
(End of this chapter)

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