Chapter 42 Care
Shao Tianjun's questions were very common, and these questions were all on the piece of paper he gave to Yu Dong before. Yu Dong had read the questions in advance, and when he was prepared, he could naturally answer them calmly.

After all the questions on the paper had been asked, Shao Tianjun always felt that something was missing, but he couldn't think of what to add, so he could only end the interview with Dong.

It was like when Dong sent him to the school gate, he suddenly patted his forehead and said, "I almost forgot to ask another question, Mr. Yu, can I ask again now?"

Yu Dong nodded and said, "Of course, Director Shao, just ask."

"It's like this. You and Su Tong, the editor-in-chief of "Zhongshan", are in a very similar situation. You both graduated from Yanjing Normal University, and both of you went to Jinyi to work as counselors, even with the same major. Now you have also published "Mending the Sky" began to gain some fame in the literary world. It is conceivable that you will definitely become more and more famous in the literary world in the future. So, like Editor-in-Chief Su, will you give up your school position and go to work in other units? "

Shao Tianjun's question is actually not malicious, but it is still a bit difficult for Dong. If he doesn't answer well, it will have some impact on his situation in Jinyi.

Yu Dong thought for a while and replied, "I haven't thought much about this issue, but I am sure that even if there is more development in writing in the future, I will not give up my own work. Jin Yi I have a special fate with me, and I cherish the time I work here. As for whether I can continue to develop here in the future, it depends on my fate with the school. "

Shao Tianjun did not turn on the tape recorder this time, but recorded Yu Dong's answer with pen and paper.After writing it down, he asked again: "Mr. Yu, you said that you have a special fate with Jin Yi. What kind of fate do you mean, can you reveal it?"

"Haha, it's actually nothing. It's just that I had many dreams before, dreaming of my life working in Jinyi, so after I came here, I felt a dream come true." Yu Dong said.

Shao Tianjun seemed to be very interested in the dream mentioned by Dong's Yu Dong, and continued to ask: "Can you briefly describe your dream, is there a big difference between your dream and your life today?"

"I'm afraid there's no way to do this. It's a dream, it feels very real when I do it, but when I wake up, I can't tell why, I can't even remember it, it's just a kind of feeling that seems like nothing. I also think Write down those dreams, but there is really no way."

Shao Tianjun nodded and understood Dong's words.

Although he didn't ask about the specific dream, Yu Dong's answer was already an unexpected gain for Shao Tianjun, and he could write about Yu Dong's dream of Jinyi in the manuscript, and the material was also enriched.

What Yu Dong said to Shao Tianjun was not a lie, it was just another way of saying it. To him now, everything in his previous life just seemed like a long dream.

"Okay, I'll trouble you today, Teacher Yu, I'm leaving, you go back first." Shao Tianjun put the notebook in his bag, reached out and shook hands with Yu Dong.

Yu Dong held his hand and said with a smile: "Then I won't give it away, I will come to Jinyi to play when I have time."

"Definitely, of course, Mr. Yu, if you have time, feel free to go to our club. Many colleagues in the club like your works very much and are very curious about you. They know that I am here to interview you this time. questioned by them."

Shao Tianjun skillfully masters the art of holding people up, which is also flattery. His flattery always seems less rigid and makes people feel like a spring breeze.

This point, Yu Dong had already learned during the interview.


Uncle Zhou in the delivery room had been standing at the door watching Yu Dong and Shao Tianjun talking. When Yu Dong sent Shao Tianjun away and walked back, he stopped Yu Dong: "Mr. Yu, your letter."

"How many letters are there this time? Uncle Zhou."

Uncle Zhou gave a "yeah" and smiled: "Two letters, but they were both sent from one place."

Yu Dong was a little surprised and said, "It was sent from one place?"

With doubts, he went to find the two letters sent to him, looked at the addresses on the envelopes, and found that they were all sent by "Golden Horse and Jade Rooster Veterans".

Why did this guy send two letters at once?
Uncle Zhou on the side giggled: "Mr. Yu, are you in love?"

Yu Dong waved his hand, "Nothing, this is a man."

Hearing Yu Dong's words, Uncle Zhou still giggled, probably because he didn't quite believe it.

Yu Dong was also too lazy to explain more to Old Man Zhou, so he raised the letter in his hand: "Let's go."

Because he was surprised that two letters suddenly came from the veteran, Yu Dong opened the letter and read it before he got back to the dormitory.

The first letter is very ordinary, no different from the usual letters, that is to say, which books I have read recently, and some trivial matters.

The second letter was very different.

"Hello fish jelly,
I sent you two letters with a very short time gap, maybe you will get this one first, but it doesn't matter.When I received your letter last time, I felt that you suddenly changed a lot, I didn't care at that time, I just thought that you were new to the new environment, and the reply was hurried..."

In this letter, the veteran listed Yu Dong's changes that he felt recently when he received the letter, including Yu Dong's handwriting, words and even his views on certain works.

Veterans believe that after only two or three months, people usually do not change so much.

He believes that the details of all these indicate that there was a sudden change in Yu Dong's heart during this period, and all these changes must be because of something extraordinary, and certainly not because the work is so simple.

"I'm not supposed to be looking into your life to the bottom of it, and that's not how we always communicate. But please forgive someone who is worried about a friend's change and wants to care, and loses sense. If you really If you don’t want to say it, please reply to the previous letter.”

Yu Dong pinched the veteran's letter and felt a little moved.

At the same time, there are also some surprises. If the details mentioned by the veteran in the letter are not very familiar with him and very careful, there is generally no way to find and string them together.

Before I knew it, this pen pal, who had been in contact with him for many years, already knew him better than ordinary friends.

But if you think about it, it doesn't seem surprising. They wrote no less than a hundred letters to each other, and the contents of what they wrote together can be worth a novel.

It's just that Yu Dong has a hard time answering the question asked by the veteran. No matter whether the other party believes it or not, he will not tell anyone about the rebirth.

But if he only replied to another letter as the veteran said, Yu Dong felt that he had failed the veteran's concern.

(End of this chapter)

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