Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 43 The sun has not failed us, and we must not fail the sun

Chapter 43 The sun has not failed us, and we must not fail the sun
Yu Dong did not tell the "Golden Horse and Jade Rooster Veteran" about his rebirth, nor did he pretend that he had not received the letter, but told him about his recent life seriously.

He also said that he had recently written several novels, including science fiction, which he might like.

At the end, I wrote at the bottom of the letter: Thank you for your reminder, otherwise I would not have realized my own changes.I did go through some special things, but don't worry, I love life more than ever, and I hope you can do the same.The sun has not failed us, and we must not fail the sun.

The last sentence was suddenly remembered when Yu Dong was about to fold the letter, so he added it.

The veteran likes "Border Town", and once copied this sentence from the book to Yu Dong in a letter, and now Yu Dong has copied it back.

After writing the reply, Yu Dong did not rush to send it, but went to eat first, and then went to the teaching building.

The students in their class have found a fixed classroom, and every night the participating students have to gather in it to discuss the competition. This is what the monitor Qu Aiguo requested, and the participating students have no opinion and are willing to spare an hour or two in the evening to do it. This issue.

The main reason is that they are only freshmen, and they don't have a clue about the game. They have other people to discuss with each other. If nothing else, they cheer each other up, and they will not be the first to lose mentally.

This time, Yu Dong didn't hear the discussions outside the classroom, and the inside of the classroom was much quieter than last time.

Pushing the door and entering, the students gathered around, with little fat Li Huixiang standing in the middle talking.Yu Dong glanced at it, and there were only about ten people. First of all, the number of people couldn't compare with the first time.

This is also what Dong expected. After all, only eight people participated in the competition. At first, the other students gathered together because of curiosity. Later, they felt that they would not participate in the competition, and due to various things, they came less often.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed, the classmates looked here together and were about to say hello, but were interrupted by Yu Dong raising his hand: "Continue."

Li Huixiang, who was standing in the crowd, said it well at first, but now seeing Yu Dong next to him, he felt embarrassed, and Ai Ai said, "I think...we...should put the things from books to school... aside first. …”

Having said that, Li Huixiang secretly glanced at Yu Dong's direction, seeing that Yu Dong didn't say anything in particular, and slowly relaxed in his heart.

"Ahem, because what we learn is still from the West, if we follow..."

Yu Dong listened to Li Huixiang's words by the side, and did not express any opinion, only let them continue the discussion.

Not everyone agreed with Li Huixiang's statement, and Wang Kuo was the first to express his disapproval, "Little Fatty, I know what you mean, because we are afraid that we will be limited by those western design ideas and design aesthetics, and it is not easy to play our role. Design style. You said it very well, but we are only freshmen, and the foundation has not yet been laid. Those design experiences in the West are still very important to us..."

Wang Kuo has a nickname in the class called "Wang Dagang", which means that he likes to raise the bar very much and likes to raise objections.

This nickname was also passed on to Yu Dong's ears, but Yu Dong thought it was pretty good. Wang Kuo loved to raise the bar, but he didn't raise it without thinking.Just like he refuted Li Huixiang's words now, it can be seen that he has his own ideas.

Yu Dong believes that such a bar must be lifted, otherwise everyone will sit together and say hello to me, without arguing or arguing, it is better to go back to sleep separately.

After Wang Kuo finished speaking, the other students were still thinking about what the two of them said, and felt that each of them made sense.

Qu Aiguo looked at Yu Dong and asked, "Mr. Yu, who do you think is right?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "I'm just a spectator today, you can just discuss it yourself. I don't know much about design, so I won't talk about it at will."

"Hey, Teacher Yu, you are too modest." Qu Aiguo laughed and asked the others, "The classmates said, is Teacher Yu being too modest."

"Yes, yes, how good Teacher Yu said last time."

"Teacher Yu, don't be stingy, let's talk about it."

Other students followed suit.

However, Yu Dong insisted not to participate in the discussion, and still waved his hand: "Don't pat your flattery. If you didn't pat your butt, it all got patted on my face. I won't say whoever is right or wrong between the two of them, I'll just do something else. In a word, Wang Kuo and Li Huixiang have performed very well. One dares to speak out what he thinks, and the other dares to refute what he thinks is wrong. You continue to maintain, I believe you will get better and better. "

"It's a good thing not to follow the crowd, not to follow blindly. Of course, I also hope that you can not only follow blindly, but also be willing to give others the opportunity to express their ideas. You are here to express yourself and also to follow Get good things from others."

"Applause!" Qu Aiguo took the lead in applauding, and the other students followed suit.

"Thank you for Mr. Yu's earnest teaching, we will definitely keep it in our hearts. Let's not express our opinions because Mr. Yu is embarrassed to express it here, and don't hide private goods."

Yu Dong glanced at Qu Aiguo angrily, this guy just got on with his life and didn't look serious.

After staying in the classroom for too long, Yu Dong returned to the dormitory.

After reading the newspapers in the dormitory for a while, Liu Changmin knocked on the door and came in. He saw Yu Dong holding a copy of the "Yangtze Evening News" in his hand and laughed: "How was the interview today? Did you say when to report it?"

"No, I don't even know if I can get on it." Yu Dong put the newspaper on the table and looked up at Liu Changmin, "Shouldn't you still be in the office at this time, why do you have time to come to me?"

Liu Changmin has a teaching position and is also the deputy director of the school's teaching office. He has always been very busy, and he does not leave work much earlier than Wu Changxin every night.

"Why, you're not welcome." Liu Changmin feigned anger.

"Very welcome."

There was only one chair in the dormitory, so Yu Dong pulled the chair under his butt to Liu Changmin, and he ran to the bed and sat down, "But your elder brother will go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, I can't help but mutter in my heart, are you here? Nothing happened."

"Hey, I really told you." Liu Changmin took the chair and sat down: "I came here to convey the opinions of several other comrades. Feng Ming and the others proposed to organize a poetry reading session this week, and everyone else has been notified. It's just you."

Yu Dong twitched the corners of his mouth: "Just for this, you leave work early?"

"This time is different. Our poetry reading party is now famous, and many teachers are clamoring to participate. We all think this is a good thing, and we are always amusing ourselves a little bit."

Yu Dong frowned, "Have fun, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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