Chapter 44 Almost a Fight

Yu Dong's answer made Liu Changmin's expression stagnate. He looked at Yu Dong's face and wanted to find evidence that Yu Dong was joking, because he didn't think it was something Yu Dong would say.

In Liu Changmin's heart, although Yu Dong usually speaks less, he is definitely a person with a broad mind.So he came over excitedly to tell Yu Dong the good news, but he didn't expect to get such an answer.

Looking at Liu Changmin's eyes, Yu Dong lowered his head slightly.

He shouldn't have answered Liu Changmin like this, it was entirely out of his selfishness towards the Poetry Reading Club, because in his heart, Poetry Reading Club was a rare way for him to communicate with his old friends, and he didn't want other people to get involved. .

But seeing Liu Changmin's expression, Yu Dong knew that his selfishness was not good for his old friends. Unlike himself, they had more longing for the poetry reading club and let more people participate in the poetry reading club. Among them, it is also their common goal to get together at the beginning.

"I mean, whether it's entertaining ourselves or having more people involved, there's nothing wrong with it, as long as we have a pure heart for poetry." Yu Dongyuan said, and asked Liu Changmin, "Time When will it be?"

Liu Changmin suddenly laughed and patted his thigh: "Let me tell you, why are you talking in a corner? I thought you would not welcome others to join the poetry reading. The time was initially set on Sunday afternoon, in the No. 301 teaching building. [-]."

Seeing Liu Changmin smiling, Yu Dong also laughed.He suddenly felt that his selfishness just now was ridiculous, his friends were happy, shouldn't that be what he wanted?

"Okay, let's go over the weekend together." Yu Dong replied.

"Okay, the matter is settled, then I'll go first. I have to go back to the office, there are some things I haven't finished." Liu Changmin got up and said.

"Pay attention to rest, there is no way to finish the work."

"You said to me, but I see the lights in your house come on very late every day."

Yu Dong was speechless for a moment. He did sleep very late every night. Even when he was not writing a book, he would read and report late.


The next afternoon, Yu Dong went to deliver the letter and stopped by the "Zhongshan" magazine.

This time, he didn't have empty hands, but bought some fruits and pastries, and the portions were quite large.

When he arrived at the club, Yu Dong greeted him with a bag, "Hey, come and have some afternoon tea."

The nearest literary editor Liu Xuemin ran over, looked at the contents in Yu Dong's bag, and said with a smile, "Afternoon tea, it's foreign."

"Editor Liu, please help me divide it up, I'll go to Editor-in-Chief Su." He took some fruits and cakes from the bag and prepared to bring some to Su Tong.

Liu Xuemin got an errand and said, "Hey, you're very good at calling people."

"It's not in vain, you keep the rest for yourself." Yu Dong walked towards the editor-in-chief holding Su Tong's share.

"If that's not enough?" Liu Xuemin shouted from behind.

Yu Dong said without looking back: "Then you are wronged."

"This guy." Liu Xuemin shook his head, ready to distribute things to others, took a look at the cakes, and shouted, "Hey, Sachima from the third year, Teacher Yu has done a great job. You guys, have a good time."

The office is not big, and Su Tong didn't close the door, so as soon as Yu Dong came in, he heard the movement.

Seeing Yu Dong come in with the fruit and Sachima, Su Tong laughed and joked, "Why, just after getting the manuscript fee for "Mending the Sky", did you change the way to pay it back to the agency?"

"Just put it here." Yu Dong put the things on the coffee table and said with a smile, "It is the so-called if you want to take it, you must first take it."

Su Tong smiled and got up and walked over, "What are you doing here this time, just to send these?"

"It's really nothing, just come and have a look."

Su Tong looked at Yu Dong's eyes seriously, then nodded and said, "That's right, it's not a bad thing to come and sit when you are so close."

"Yeah, so I'm here right now."

"Do you have time tonight?" Su Tong copied a Shaqima in his hand, opened it and took a bite, "It tastes good."

"What's the matter tonight?"

"It's nothing special, if you have time, let's have a meal together. A friend comes over and calls you, it's better to have a more personal atmosphere. I also wanted to invite you to dinner before, but I never had the chance. This time, we just got together. , and you can save me a meal."

"Your friend, is it appropriate for me to go?"

Su Tong was still chewing Sachima, and lit another cigarette.As he chewed, the smoke slowly came out of his mouth and nostrils, giving the impression that Sachima was burning in his mouth.

"I went tonight, isn't that your friend? And even if you don't know each other today, you may meet in the future."

Su Tong's words made Yu Dong even more curious, "Writer?"

"No, you'll know when you go."

"Senior brother, you said half of what you said, didn't you purposely make me anxious?"

"No." Su Tong shook his head: "Life should retain some mystery, otherwise there will be fewer surprises, you should thank me."

He looked at the clock on the wall again and said, "It's four o'clock, and I still have some work to do. You can either sit by yourself in my office or go out and chat with other people."

"I'd better go out and chat with them." Yu Dong said.

Su Tong nodded and said, "Yes, I spent the money, go out to say hello and give them a chance to thank them in person."

"It's too shallow, brother."

Yu Dong walked out of Su Tong's office with a smile. Several literary editors were gathering together, eating and chatting.

Seeing Yu Dong come out, they raised the fruits and cakes in their hands, "Thanks, Teacher Yu."

"You're welcome, you're welcome."

Liu Xuemin waved at him, "Come here, let me tell you something."

Yu Dong walked over, and Liu Xuemin gave him an apple: "I washed it."

"What are you talking about?" Yu Dong took the apple and asked.

Liu Xuemin looked at the office of the editor-in-chief, lowered his voice and said, "Mr. Ye came over yesterday and almost got into a fight with editor-in-chief Su."

"Ye Zhaoyan?" Yu Dong raised his eyebrows in disbelief: "Can they fight?"

"That's why I said almost, it's like this..."

Liu Xuemin talked about what happened yesterday, but he was not very clear. Ye Zhaoyan came over and chatted with Su Tong behind closed doors for a while. Later, there was a sound of slamming the table inside, and finally Ye Zhaoyan slammed the door and left.

The "almost fight" he said was a bit exaggerated, but Ye Zhaoyan and Su Tong should have had some conflicts yesterday.

As for what the conflict was, Liu Xuemin and the others didn't know, and Yu Dong didn't even want to ask.Although he had a general impression of Ye Zhaoyan, he didn't know the inside story and was not good at expressing his opinion.

 Thanks to [Muyu Huachao] and [Yilianyoumeng Emperor Wusleep] for the rewards
  Does anyone of you want to have a cameo role, if so, I will make a trick in the comment area.

(End of this chapter)

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