Chapter 45 Dahua Hotel
When the magazine office was about to get off work, Su Tong walked out of the office and waved at Yu Dong: "Let's go, Yu Dong."

Yu Dong greeted Liu Xuemin and the others, and then went out of the magazine with Su Tong.

After going downstairs, Yu Dong was about to ride a bicycle, but Su Tong stopped him: "Leave the car here, let's call a car over there."

"It's still far?"

"It's not close, don't worry, the car will be fine here."

Hearing Su Tong's words, Yu Dong was a little curious.Xinjiekou is right in front of you. If you want to eat in Jinling, this area should be the best choice.If nothing else, take a look at the street next to the magazine office. Nearly half of the open doors on both sides are private restaurants.If you think these are not high-end, look further afield, and the Jinling Hotel stands not far away.

But he didn't ask much, just followed Su Tong, anyway, he didn't believe that Su Tong could sell him.

After hiring a car, Su Tong said to the driver: "Master, the intersection of Lihe Road and Changhe, I will show you the specific location when we arrive."

Hearing the location that Su Tong said, Yu Dong thought about it in his mind, this place is really not close, it's already at Yuhuatai.In Yudong's impression, the location should not be too busy now, and there are few places to eat.

The car drove all the way to a small second-floor building with a "Dahua Restaurant" sign. Su Tong said to the driver, "Master, just stop here."

After getting off the bus, Yu Dong looked at the small building, not to mention, it was quite recognizable, there was only this small building nearby, it was lonely.

From a distance, you can see the sign hanging on the wall on the second floor.

Su Tong explained with a smile: "Don't look at the remoteness of this place, his family's dishes are well cooked, and I know the boss very well."

While they were talking, the two of them arrived at the door of the restaurant. The boss was sitting in an apron and smoking in the main room. When he saw the two of them, he walked up with a smile, "Mr. Su is here, the dishes are ready and ready to be served at any time."

He was busy scattering the cigarettes again, and when he arrived at Yu Dong's place, Yu Dong blocked the cigarettes back with his hand: "Thank you, I don't smoke."

"He never smoked." Su Tong lit the cigarette with a smile, and then introduced: "This is Lao Li, the owner of this shop, and the cook. This is my junior brother Yu Dong."

"Yo, I'm a top student again. I'm lucky to meet you. Please invite the two of you. There's no one else in the store tonight, so you have a table."

Then Lao Li led the two to the box next to them.

His restaurant should have been converted from his own house. The three-entry house has a hall in the middle, boxes on both sides, and a yard behind it, which covers a shed for the kitchen.

There was a square table in the box, with a wooden disc on it, the wall was simply white, and there was no other decoration.

Su Tong probably said hello in advance, so he omitted the link of ordering.The boss went to the back kitchen, and the proprietress ran to the front to receive Yu Dong and the others. She was also very familiar with Su Tong. She chatted with Su Tong a few words when pouring the water, and then went out.

When there were only the two of them in the box, Su Tong looked at the time and said, "They should be there soon."

Yu Dong didn't bother to ask who Su Tong was coming, he just smiled: "I didn't expect my brother to be a glutton, so you can find it in such a remote place."

"After all, I have stayed in Jinling for many years, and I have some understanding of the things on this land."

This made Yu Dong a little ashamed. He stayed in Jinling for so long, and he didn't even know there was a restaurant here. He didn't even come to Yuhuatai a few times.

Meals are usually settled in the cafeteria, or at most, a restaurant near the school, usually brought by Liu Changmin and the others.

Although he also has a tongue in his mouth, he does not have much pursuit of food.

But Yu Dong admires those who put great effort into food. He has always believed that food is similar to literary works and is a carrier of culture.So when he was in Rongcheng last time, when Yang Xiao introduced him to local food, he would listen with great interest.

Yu Dong looked at the environment in the box, nodded and said, "The decoration is rather simple."

"Why, after working as a counselor in Gongmei for a while, I started to care about decoration?" Su Tong said with a smile.

"No, feel free to take a look."

"How is your job at school during this time? How are you adjusting?"

"It's very good, the students are very good, and I don't need to worry too much."

"If that's the case, think about you and me when you have time, but I've been waiting for your new manuscript." Su Tong chuckled and snuffed out the butt of his cigarette, "Tonight's meal is not for nothing. , you have to return me a manuscript later."

"No wonder my eyelids kept twitching when I came here, but there is really no good thing. The ancients are honest, and there is no free lunch in the world."

"What ancients said this? It should be that if you want to take it, you must give it first."

Su Tong returned the sentence Yu Dong said in the afternoon to Yu Dong, and both of them laughed.As for the matter of eating and returning the manuscript, Su Tong is naturally joking.

"Zhongshan" is published every two months. Every year, countless people submit manuscripts to their magazine. The manuscripts they receive are also selected in the selection.

However, Su Tong also valued Dong in his jokes. He hoped that Yu Dong could develop more in literary creation. Yu Dong is a good seedling and should not be abandoned.

After the joke, the two chatted casually again. There were so many topics for the two of them to talk about.Graduated from the same university, also had the experience of working as a counselor in Jinyi, and also wrote novels.

It is hard to find such a coincidence in the world.

After chatting for about half an hour, a deep and rich voice sounded outside: "Hello boss, we are friends of Teacher Su."

"Oh, okay, Mr. Su and the others have arrived. I'll take you in."

When the boss brought people in, Su Tong and Yu Dong had already stood up and were ready to welcome the guests.

The first thing Yu Dong saw was a black peaked hat brim. Before he could see the face below, he was attracted by another red round-brimmed hat.

Under the red round-brimmed hat, a red mouth was exposed first, and then a red floral dress.

A man and a woman, both wearing a hat, made Yu Dong feel a sense of mystery as soon as they came up.

Then, without waiting for him to guess, the man raised his head and looked at him and Su Tong.

Su Tong smiled and walked up to shake hands with the man, "Director Zhang, Miss Gong, it's hard work on the road."

After he finished speaking, he pulled Yu Dong in front of the two and introduced them: "This is my junior brother, Yu Dong. Yu Dong, these two..."

Yu Dong suddenly laughed: "Senior brother, I'm afraid there is no need to introduce these two, Director Zhang, Miss Gong, it's a pleasure to meet."

 Thank you [Big Cat Bacillus], [Wisdom Teeth], [Wind is also Sand], and [Mo Liusheng] for their rewards
(End of this chapter)

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