Chapter 431 Magnolia (Part [-])
After talking on the phone with Yu Liang, Yu Dong put on an apron and went to the kitchen to cook.

As soon as the liquefied gas stove was turned on, Ruan Xiaohu appeared outside the window.


Yu Dong glanced at him, a little surprised, "Why are you here now?"

"Let's talk about something."

Yu Dong nodded, turned off the fire, and went to open the door for Ruan Xiaohu.

"It's a coincidence that I'm cooking. You haven't eaten yet, have you? Stay for lunch at noon."

"Teacher, I would like to ask for a few days off."

Ruan Xiaohu stood at the door of the kitchen and said something softly.

Yu Dong looked at Ruan Xiaohu strangely. Compared with the first meeting, Xiaohu seems to have grown taller in recent years, and his body is obviously stronger, which is better than his teacher.

Although Ruan Xiaohu is very homely and usually stays in the dormitory most of the time, he does not take part in physical exercises very often.

It seems that Ruan Xiaohu is not in a good mood today, completely different from the previous days.

A few days ago, it seemed that Xiaohu was in a good state because he was in a relationship. When he walked, he was floating, and he turned autumn into spring in a daze.

"What happened?"

Ruan Xiaohu shook his head slightly, "It's nothing, I'll go back and have a look, and I haven't been back for a long time."

"Go home." Yu Dong nodded, pointing to the sofa: "Sit down and chat."

After sitting down, Yu Dong said again, "It's fine to go home and have a look. Have you told Principal Wu about asking for leave?"

"I said so."

Their writer-in-school is very free, just say hello when you ask for leave, just to let the school know whether you are at school or not.

"when are we leaving?"

"I'll buy a ticket in a while, and I'll leave when I buy it."

"I haven't bought a ticket yet." Yu Dong pondered, "Well, Huizhou is not too far away from Jinling. I'll ask the company to send you a car to take you back. It just so happens that this time it's hard to go back, and bring more things for home. people."

"Teacher who doesn't need it, it's too wasteful to send a car for me alone."

"It's not for nothing. You have to pay for the fuel and the driver's salary yourself. I know you must have something to do when you go back this time, but since you don't want to talk about it, I won't get to the bottom of it. You can listen to me about the car. , In addition, you should hurry up and learn your driver's license, and go back and buy a car."

"Buy a car... Teacher, I don't have any money now, and I don't usually need a car after buying it."

"If you don't have money now, it doesn't mean you won't have money in the future. Let's take the driver's license test first. Last time when Li Yu came, my mother didn't see it. She kept nagging her for a long time. If she has a chance, she will come again and take her there for a ride. If you have a car, you will be fine." Convenience."

Ruan Xiaohu nodded, "Yes, I see."

"Okay, stay for lunch at noon, I'm going to cook. After dinner, go to the mall to see what you want to buy, buy the things, and go back tomorrow morning."

"Teacher, let me help you."

Ruan Xiaohu rolled up his sleeves and stood up, but was held back by Yu Dong's words, "Do you have this ability?"

Hearing this, Ruan Xiaohu sat down awkwardly. It's not that he doesn't know how to cook, after all, he is a rural child. When he was young, his father had no adults at home, so he had to cook by himself.But it's done in general, it doesn't matter much.

Yu Dong went into the kitchen and started the fire again.

In fact, Ruan Xiaohu is still quite wealthy now, not to mention a lot of passbooks, there must be five figures.

And he is about to make a small fortune. The article "Putong" he published on "Harvest" was taken by others, and now Deep Space is helping him with the licensing of film and television adaptations.

If it is negotiated, the authorization fee should be more than [-].


The next day, Yu Dong got Liu Heping and his contact information from Yu Liang, as well as the invitation letter for the Magnolia Award.

The Magnolia Award was established in 86 and is held every two years, and this year happens to be the sixth.

This award is undertaken by Shanghai Radio and Television Station and radio and TV dramas, and the awards are also presented in Shanghai.

And the reason why Yu Dong was invited this time is of course because of this year's hit TV series "Don't Talk to Strangers".

It's just that the Magnolia Awards haven't set up the Best Screenplay Award this year, which means that Yu Dong was completely a guest of honor in the past, and it was impossible to accept the award on stage.

The time is from November [-]th to November [-]th, and there are still two months left. Yu Dong is also checking the situation. If there is nothing else to do by then, go and have a look. After all, he is in Shanghai. When I go back to my hometown.

Putting the invitation letter aside, Yu Dong called Liu Heping first.

Liu Heping is currently working at the Yancheng Drama Research Studio. When he received a call from Yu Dong, he was writing materials in the office.

"Hello, who are you?"

Liu Heping spoke the Yancheng dialect, but Yu Dong probably understood it, and replied with a smile, "Is it Teacher Liu Heping? I'm Yu Dong."

Hearing Yu Dong's Mandarin, Liu Heping was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Which one is Yu Dong?"

"Yudong in deep space."

Liu Heping immediately sat up straight. It's not that he doesn't know Yu Dong, but he didn't expect Yu Dong to call him.

Although he also signed an agent contract with Shenkong, he and Yu Dongshi have no other intersections, and have never spoken to each other.

"Mr. Yu, I don't know what you can do to call me?"

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, Liu Heping was quite straightforward, the first time they talked on the phone, he didn't say any polite words, and just went straight to Huanglong.

This is also very good, save trouble.

"I asked for your phone number from Yu Yu." Yu Dong first explained where he got the number from, and then said his purpose: "I called you because I have a plan for a TV series." , I may need to ask you for help, I don't know if you are interested."

On the other end of the phone, Liu Heping said bluntly, "I'm interested, what's the plan?"

"It's a play about historical drama set in the Han Dynasty. It's hard to tell the details over the phone, so I want to ask if you have time to come to Jinling. Let's meet. Let me tell you the truth, I invited you for this plan Not only you, but also several other teachers."

Yu Dong said it very directly. If this kind of thing is not explained clearly now, if Liu Heping and the others are against the matter of co-writing the screenplay, it will be difficult to say later.

Now that I have said it, if I have an opinion, I will not come here, so as not to offend others.

Liu Heping didn't care too much, "Okay, but I have to think about the time. There are still some things in my unit recently. When did you make an appointment?"

Yu Dong smiled and said: "The time has not yet been set. You were the first one I looked for. I will ask the opinions of the others later and try to arrange a time that is convenient for everyone."

"No problem, I should have nothing important in the three months from October to December."

"Okay, after the time is set, I'll let Deep Space arrange for you to come over."

"Yeah." Liu Heping nodded, and after finishing the business, he remembered the politeness: "Mr. Yu, I have admired you for a long time. I am very honored to receive your call today."

"You can just call me Yu Dong. My name is not big at all. In the field of screenwriting, Mr. Liu, you are not only a senior, but also a leader in the industry. I invite you to come here this time, not only because I need help with the TV series plan, but also because I want Learned something from you."

Liu Heping laughed, "Let's stop flattering each other. When I met Zhang Yimou a few days ago, I talked about you. At that time, you were in France, and the matter just broke out in China. We also discussed it. He joked, let me Write a drama about this for you guys."

"I haven't been in touch with him for a while, is he finished with "Speak Well"?"

"Get busy. It's going to be released next year. He can't sit still. As soon as this movie is finished, he's thinking about the next movie. He's thinking about the script every day."

The script... Liu Heping's words reminded Yu Dong of "Not One Less".

According to the original trajectory, "Not One Less" will come out in the past few years.The last time I met He Qiushui, the supporting teacher on the train, Yu Dong was fascinated by this movie, and after looking through "Flying Apsaras" for nearly two years, he couldn't find Shi Qiangsheng's "There Is a Sun in the Sky" .

I don't know whether it was the butterfly effect that caused the novel not to come out, or it was because the time was not up.

"He came to you just because of the script?" Yu Dong asked.

"No, how can I write a script for him, we are not in the same way. He is quite interested in your novel, and told me, it's a pity, otherwise I really want to shoot your "Fatal Identity"."

"Fatal Identity? He didn't tell me." Yu Dong was quite surprised that Zhang Yimou wanted to make "Fatal Identity".

Zhang Yimou mentioned "Tree Hole" and "Xiangxi" before, but he just talked about it casually and didn't go into it in depth.

"It was also a coincidence. At that time, he was busy with "Shake Ah Shake" and had many personal affairs." Liu Heping said.

Yu Dong nodded, and understood that the private matter Liu Heping mentioned referred to the matter between Zhang Yimou and Gong Li.

Regarding this, Yu Dong didn't ask much, but sighed, "If he had told me earlier, it might have been given to him..."

(End of this chapter)

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