Chapter 432 Zhang Yueying (Second Change)
After chatting with Liu Heping, Yu Dong called Zhang Yimou, but no one answered the phone.

Zhang Yimou is different from Yu Dong, he runs around the country every day, and he doesn't have a mobile phone, so it's normal to find him.

Originally, Yu Dong was looking for him because Liu Heping mentioned him, and by the way, he also asked about his plans for the next movie. Since no one answered the phone, Yu Dong let the matter go.

Putting down the phone, he was going to work in the study for a while, when Uncle Zhou's voice sounded outside.

"Less than, are you there?"


Yu Dong replied and went to open the door.

Uncle Zhou took Xiao Fang with them, holding four plastic bags in their hands.

"This is yours."

Uncle Zhou handed the biggest plastic bag to Yu Dong, "Letters from these two days."

"So many?" Yu Dong took the snakeskin bag in surprise, opened it and looked at it, at least thirty or fifty letters.

Now it is known that he has more and more readers teaching in Jinyi, so more and more letters are sent to the school.

Under normal circumstances, there are more than a dozen letters a day, and sometimes there are twenty or thirty letters a day.

He went out for more than a month during the summer vacation, and when he came back, there were nearly two sacks of letters in the reception room alone, and it was only him.

In addition, there are quite a lot of letters from Yu Hua, Bi Feiyu, and Ruan Xiaohu.

"I'd like to trouble you to send it to us. When we pass by the reception room, just give it to us." Yu Dong said with a smile.

"It's not that I haven't waited for you to go out these two days. I'm afraid that some urgent letter will delay your affairs." Uncle Zhou said with a smile.

However, the reason he said is not valid. Now that communication is getting more and more developed, he will not write letters when there is an urgent matter.The uncle probably felt a bit bored staying in the reception room every day, so he found an excuse to wander around.

Most of the letters here are from readers, and some magazines or media.

Yu Dong looked at the other bags in their hands, "These belong to Yu Hua and the others, why don't you let me go, and I'll send them there later, so I don't need to bother you to make a trip."

Uncle Zhou smiled and waved his hands, "It's okay, let's run for a while."

After speaking, he dragged Xiao Fang to deliver a letter to Yu Hua and the others.

After they left, Yu Dong sat on the sofa, took out the letters in the bag, and put aside the letters from magazines or media organizations. There were about a dozen letters of this kind, and they were basically small, unknown organizations.

Large units either call him directly or contact Deep Space, and rarely write letters.

Then there are letters from readers.

Letters from readers are hard to identify. You may not be able to tell from the envelope. You can only know it after opening it.

For these letters from readers, Yu Dong just glanced at them. After all, there were too many of them. If he read every letter carefully, he would not do anything every day, but just read the letters.

In addition to sending directly to Jinyi, the magazines with more cooperation will also send his letters from time to time.

Looking at it, Yu Dong saw a familiar name: Golden Horse and Jade Rooster Veteran.

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows. The veteran of the Golden Horse and Jade Rooster hadn't replied to him for a long time. The last time he received a letter from the veteran of the Golden Horse and Jade Rooster was in spring.

Every time he received a letter from a veteran of the Golden Horse and Jade Rooster, Yu Dong replied very quickly. Basically, he received it the day before and mailed it the next day.But it will take a long time to receive a letter from the Golden Horse and Jade Rooster veteran.

On the one hand, the Golden Horse and Jade Rooster veterans are currently teaching in a relatively remote place, and it is not as convenient to send a letter as it was when they were teaching at Jiangcheng University.

On the other hand, although the Golden Horse and Jade Rooster veteran didn't say anything, as Yu Dong became more and more famous now, the relationship between the two has also changed from before.

The most notable thing is that before, the Golden Horse and Jade Rooster veterans would often talk about the troubles they had encountered in supporting education in their letters, but then they stopped talking and just chatted with Yu Dong about some literary matters.When Yu Dong publishes a new book, she will also express her congratulations.

Sighing slightly, Yu Dong opened her letter.

This letter is very long, with five pages.

No headers, straight to the text.

[After thinking for a long time, I still wrote this letter to you. The speed of obtaining information in the mountains is relatively slow, and there are many things that I only know after a long time.For example, you published "The Crowd" last year, and I didn't see it until April...]

[Another excellent work, I am very happy for you. This novel reminds me of the time when I just corresponded with you. At that time, you would tell me some things about you going to Shanghai, and some of them seemed to be written in In the novel...]

In the first two pages or so, she wrote something related to Yu Dong's works, which made Yu Dong a little puzzled, because the beginning of the letter was "I've thought about it for a long time...".

If it's just these things, do you need to think about it for a long time?
But soon Yu Dong's doubts were solved, and she talked about Yu Dong's donation of money for charity in the back of the letter.

It turned out that her school encountered some insurmountable difficulties, and she couldn't find anyone to help, so she had to ask Yu Dong.

It can be seen that it is very psychologically burdensome for her to speak this way. She has written so many words before and still doesn't know how to speak.

Probably she felt that the pen pal relationship with Yu Dong was very pure, and if she asked for money, it would change.

In fact, Yu Dong and her have different ideas on education construction.

There are too many backward areas in China now, and the education problems in these areas cannot be reversed by one or two people.

It is a good thing for intellectuals to be willing to teach, but as a university teacher, the Golden Horse and Jade Rooster veteran is more able to display her talents in the university.

But for her choice, Yu Dong still respects and respects her.

And having said that, teaching support requires sensibility and impulsiveness. If everyone thinks like Yu Dong, it will be difficult for education in backward areas to develop.

If you want to help her, it's actually very simple. It's the easiest way to donate money directly.

But Yu Dong didn't do this, but told Yu Yu about the matter, and asked him to send someone to investigate the situation of the school where the Golden Horse and Jade Rooster veterans were, and to evaluate a plan suitable for their school.

If he had time, Yu Dong actually wanted to go and see for himself.

He has known the Golden Horse and Jade Rooster veteran for so many years, it is impossible not to know what she looks like.

Moreover, between the two of them, Yu Dong still suffers, because he is a public figure now, and the other party knows a lot of information, including his appearance.

This time on the phone with Yu Liang, Yu Dong also asked him to discuss the film adaptation rights of "Looking for Qin Ji".

It's good to get this kind of thing early, even if you don't shoot it this time, it will be useful in the future.


There are only six dilapidated tile-roofed houses away from Chaocun Primary School, and only one side of the school's earthen wall is still intact.

Zhang Yueying stood hunched in front of the earthen wall. Although it was only September, she always felt that the weather was getting colder every day.

"Cough cough, cough cough, cough cough..."

A gust of cool wind rushed to the throat, causing a cough that couldn't stop.

A girl in her teens came out of the tile-roofed house, came over with a washbasin in her hand, and asked with concern: "Sister Yueying, are you okay? You have been coughing for several days, why don't you go to the hospital?"

Zhang Yueying looked at the girl, smiled and waved her hands, "I'm sick, I know it myself, I don't need to go to the hospital. Do you still remember the few questions I told you last night?"

Speaking of last night's question, the girl scratched her head and said embarrassedly: "I can't remember all."

"It's okay, let's take a look today."

Zhang Yueying glanced at the road in front of the school again, and said, "Go in, I'll see how the preparations for today's class are going."


The girl's name is Lin Lan, and she is another teacher of Lichao Primary School.

There are only two teachers in Lichao Primary School.

Lin Lan hadn't graduated from high school yet, so she wasn't familiar with a lot of knowledge, and she had to teach several subjects, so Zhang Yueying taught students during the day, and spent time teaching Lin Lan at night, hoping to make her grow up as soon as possible.

During this time, Zhang Yueying has been thinking about the letter she sent to Yu Dong.

After sending the letter, she regretted it a little. She had no position to ask Yu Dong to do anything for these students.

Even Yu Dong also does charity, but there are too many places in this world that need help. Could it be that just because he and Yu Dong are pen pals, can he get help earlier than others?
It's just that she really couldn't think of any other way. After staying in the mountains for several years, she felt more and more how small her personal power was, and what she could bring to the children was not as much as she had expected.

The fate of most of the students has not been changed because of her arrival.

But the longer she stays here, the more she can't leave her, because she knows that even if her strength is not strong enough, she can still bring hope to the students.

She left, and this glimmer of hope went with her.

(End of this chapter)

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