Chapter 443 The New Writer

When Chen Mobai returned home, he turned on his computer and logged on to the Deep Space Chinese website.

Now, Deep Space Chinese Website has become a part of his life, where he can meet many interesting people and read many interesting words.

From time to time, some big shots hidden among ordinary people can be caught.

For example, "hcq" has been reversed before.

Thinking of hcq, Chen Mobai wanted to laugh.

The first time he saw the screen name hcq was because a person named hcq on the Deep Space Chinese website made a violent comment, saying that the famous science fiction writer's level of coverage is average.

At that time, hcq's remarks were criticized by many netizens. Later, hcq posted a novel on the website in order to prove his words.

The level of the novel was very high, and for a while, those fans who were overwhelmed by the book didn't know how to refute it. They all thought that although this person had a cheap mouth, he was indeed talented.

And this novel was later accepted by "Science Fiction World".

Later, after the news of the Galaxy Awards ceremony came out, netizens realized that hcq had been tricked, and it turned out that hcq was the big guy himself.

But since that incident, hcq, which was quite active, rarely appeared.

Because once he appears, he will face the situation of "everyone screaming and beating". Netizens who know him will ridicule him: hcq, the big guy who is flooded is not as good as you.

This sentence once became a meme on the website.

It was also after hcq's identity was exposed that everyone became vigilant, and everyone felt that they were the alias of a big boss.

There are also some netizens who are very boring, digging around for the identities of those suspected bosses.

From screen name to writing style, to work and rest time, they have researched.

The most concerned person nowadays is a netizen named "Shihua". He is not very active on the website and does not publish his own works, but many people think he is Yu Hua.

This speculation is not unfounded.

This person named "Stone Flower" basically would say a few words when encountering topics related to Yu Hua, and even helped to say something nice. He seemed to be Yu Hua's book fan, but he would never call Yu Hua Teacher Yu Hua. , but by their first name.

Later, someone found out that Yu Hua had used "Stone Flower" as a pseudonym before.

Also, this summer, when Yu Dong and the others were in Europe, Shi Hua never showed up.

Therefore, judging from the screen name and time, this "Stone Flower" is very likely to be Yu Hua, but he himself has never admitted it.

Apart from Yu Hua and the others, netizens are most concerned about who is Yu Dong.

As the top brand of Deep Space Corporation, it is impossible for Yu Dong not to have an account on Deep Space Chinese Online.

As a loyal reader of Yu Dong, Chen Mobai would usually follow other people to find out who Yu Dong was. They even set up an "interest group" for this purpose, and this interest group also had a famous name: Hunting Yu Dong.

After the account was logged in, Chen Mobai was going to look for the special post of his group to see if there was any new progress, but before he could find the post, he saw a line of very conspicuous thick and black words on the homepage.

[Congratulations to the writer "Maverick Pig" for entering this site. 】

Chen Mobai raised his eyebrows.

The website uses the word "settled in", and it also promotes it throughout the site, which means that this writer is not an unknown person, and must have had works outside the website before.

But why not use your real name?
Who will this "maverick pig" be?

Moving the mouse, Chen Mobai found that this line of bold black characters could be clicked on.

After clicking in, Chen Mobai began to scroll down, and many netizens have already entered this post and left messages.

Like him, most netizens are curious about who this "maverick pig" is.

It's just that everyone is asking questions, but no one knows the answer.

In the end, it was "Maverick Pig" himself who gave the answer.

"I'm Wang Xiaobo."

Some people know the name Wang Xiaobo, but most people have never heard of it.

Chen Mobai belonged to the kind he had heard of.

He has read Wang Xiaobo's "Golden Age", and he likes it very much. The author's writing is very special, very interesting, and very interesting to read.

And this kind of interesting is not ordinary funny, but a thought-provoking interesting.

Thinking of "Golden Age", Chen Mobai thought of "Dun's Great Friendship".

In the book, Wang Er wanted to have a relationship with Chen Qingyang, but he couldn't say it directly, so he said to Chen Qingyang, "How about we cultivate a great friendship? The husband and wife want to have a relationship, so we have no choice but to cultivate friendship."

When he saw this section, Chen Mobai exclaimed, this Wang Xiaobo is really talented, he can think of it all.

As for why Wang Xiaobo gave himself a "Maverick Pig" as his online name, he himself explained it. It turns out that in his forthcoming anthology, there is an article titled "A Maverick Pig" ".

"Someone told me that the screen name is different from the real name, because it is completely up to you, rather than just born to find that it has been 'titled', so this name can represent yourself better. Maybe it is your understanding of yourself , or your expectations of yourself. My screen name represents my expectations of myself, and my expectation of myself is that I can become a pig."

Seeing the words Wang Xiaobo left in the post, Chen Mobai in front of the computer screen couldn't help laughing.

"This Wang Xiaobo's speech is really interesting, just like his writing."

"However, is he going to release a new anthology? I don't know when it will be available here."

With such doubts, Chen Mobai continued to scroll down.

There are not many people who care about Wang Xiaobo's new works, and several close friends have asked this question.

And Wang Xiaobo actually replied to these people one by one.

"I'll see you all in November."

"Where can it be sold? I'm not sure, but Yanjing and Jinling definitely have it."

"It will also be available on the website. I have confirmed this with Deep Space. They told me that this book will definitely sell well, but I don't really believe it, because according to ordinary people's thinking, probably only the entity cannot be sold. It will be put on the website for free reading.”

"Will there be a book signing?"

"Of course I hope there will be, but I also hope that friends who will be present will not have the slightest doubt about my evaluation of myself as an ugly person, because this matter itself is beyond doubt. If there is a signing, it will probably be in Yanjing Or Jinling. I hope it will be Jinling, because I do have plans to go to Jinling again in the near future, and if the autograph is held in Jinling, I will save travel expenses.”

Looking at Wang Xiaobo's replies, Chen Mobai was a little surprised. This new writer, isn't he too approachable?Even more active than ordinary netizens.

 Happy Spring Festival

(End of this chapter)

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