Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 444 Your Thoughts Are Dangerous

Chapter 444 Your Thoughts Are Dangerous

Wang Xiaobo's reply in the post attracted the attention of many netizens. After all, they have never seen such a down-to-earth writer.

Even the former Li Qiuhao, although he usually appeared to chat with book friends, but not many times, he still maintained a sense of mystery.

There are two reasons for Li Qiuhao’s lack of appearances. One is because of his personality. He rarely chats with others. The other is that he has to write books and take care of his studies at the same time. He is very busy, so he can chat with people online. Not much time.

In the next few days, every time Chen Mobai went home, he would turn on his computer first, log on to the Deep Space Chinese website, find Wang Xiaobo’s post, and see if Wang Xiaobo had any new reply.

Chen Mobai discovered that Wang Xiaobo's activity was not limited to the first day of moving in. In the next few days, Wang Xiaobo was still very active, basically answering every question, and always making witty remarks.

One day after a week, Chen Mobai went home, went through a set of procedures, read Wang Xiaobo's new reply today, and went to the special post of their "Hunting in the East" interest group.

It seems to be very lively today, Chen Mobai entered the post and found that there were many new comments.

【I just came back from Wang Xiaobo's entry into the post, this teacher Wang is very interesting. 】

[It's not just interesting, it's simply interesting. 】

[The writers in deep space are very interesting. 】

[Which writers are there in deep space? 】

[Golden Artists Writers Group are all from deep space, and most of the Galaxy Award-winning writers are also from deep space. 】

【Deep space is amazing. I didn't even know there was such a thing as a writer's agent before, but now it's so famous. 】

[You say, why is there only one writer agency company in China, Deep Space? 】

[You are wrong, Deep Space only started as an agent for writers, but their main business is not agent agents. 】

[Yes, simply acting as an agent for a writer will not make much money, so no other company is willing to do it.Deep space can do it, first because they can always sign good writers, and second because they can tap the potential of their works, such as making movies and TV shows. 】

[Now they also have actors, directors, and screenwriters under their umbrella, and the industry chain will become more and more complete in the future. 】

[I think we can consider setting up an agency for actors and singers. Now that actors are paid more and more, the market is huge.Moreover, it is easier to train an actor than to train a writer, and an actor's acting is relatively stable, and he can continue to take on plays, unlike a writer, who may not be able to publish a book in a few years. 】

[This idea is good, and as long as you follow the path of deep space, you will definitely not go wrong. 】

[Hey, brother, you went to the wrong venue, this is the base of Hunting Yudong. 】

[Speaking of hunting, at least there is a target for hunting Yu Hua next door, and we don't even have a target. 】

[The hunt for Yu Hua is probably safe, that stone flower must be Teacher Yu Hua. 】

[Hunting Ruan Xiaohu's side is also getting good news frequently, and there are already several suspicious targets. 】

【It would be great if Teacher Yu Dong was as active as Teacher Wang. 】


Looking at the discussions among the team members, Chen Mobai sighed silently. Just as a team member said just now, other "hunting" teams have made some progress, at least there are suspicious targets, but their "hunting in the east" team has so far Nothing to do, not even a suspicious target.

Continuing to scroll down, Chen Mobai suddenly saw a comment.

[By the way, where is our deputy team leader, Old Dong? 】

This was sent by Jin Kefan, the leader of their interest group.

Although their interest group is called "Hunting Yu Dong", in fact, apart from finding Yu Dong, they spend most of their time exchanging literature, and most of what they talk about is Yu Dong's works.

Therefore, they are more like a literary exchange group.

This kind of interest group is not very formal, but there are also group leaders and deputy group leaders.

There is one team leader, and there are about a dozen deputy team leaders. Even Chen Mobai is the deputy team leader.

Old Dong is an old comrade who joined the group with Chen Mobai. Although he doesn't talk much, he has a lot of insights into literature.

However, Lao Dong usually talks more about foreign literature. There was a Russian language and literature student in the group before who asked Lao Dong for advice, and he seemed very professional.

Therefore, although Old Dong usually bubbling less, he is an important figure in the group.

Liu Jinfa: [Old Dong doesn't usually make bubbles, the team leader, do you have something to do with him? 】

Jin Kefan: [It's nothing, I suddenly remembered that this guy hasn't shown up for more than half a month, so I asked. 】

Princess Yueshi: [Old Dong should be a professor of Russian language and literature, he must be very busy at ordinary times. 】

Liu Jinfa: [No, although Old Dong knows Russian literature very well, he probably doesn't know much about Russian, as I could feel it in the last chat. 】

Princess Yueshi: [Old Dong is at least 50 years old, how can he surf the Internet every day like a young man? 】

Liu Jinfa: [That's true. 】

Dong Yudao: [My friends, the Internet is good, thank you for your concern. Recently, I have no time to surf the Internet due to some trivial matters. Today I just have time to rest, so come and have a look. 】

Jin Kefan: [Wow, old Dong is here, have you read Wang Xiaobo's entry post? 】

Dong Yudao: [Just watched it, Mr. Wang Xiaobo is very interesting. 】

Jin Kefan: [Really. 】

Liu Jinfa: [Old Dong, do you know Wang Xiaobo's works? 】

Princess Yuezhi: [Has Old Dong studied him? 】

Dong Yudao: [It's not a study, but I have read his works and like them very much.Although some of his works describe eroticism, they are pure. 】

Liu Jinfa: [Old Dong, I have the same opinion as you. 】

Princess Yueshi: [Me too. 】

Luoyang Swordsman: [I saw Old Dong right after I came in, not bad, not bad, is Old Dong still there? 】

Princess Yueshi: [Look at the comment time, 2 minutes ago, it must be still there, every time Lao Dong comes in, he will stay for about 3 minutes, without exception. 】

Jin Kefan: [Princess, your observation is too meticulous, you even remember how long Lao Dong stayed every time he came in. 】

Princess Yuezhi: [I not only remember him, but also you, Lao Jin, you are a role model every day and start logging in intermittently until twelve o'clock, you should be a college student. 】

Jin Kefan: [This is not nonsense, I told you a long time ago that I was studying in Jinling University.If you are so powerful, princess, you should have found Yu Dong for us long ago. 】

Princess Yuezhi: [How did you become the team leader, have you forgotten?It's not because you go to school in Jinling, we expect you to be close to the water first, and help us find Yu Dong, who knows that you are not popular, and so far there has been no progress. 】

Liu Jinfa: [Yes, team leader, if you can't do it, you can sneak into Jinyi and steal Teacher Yu Dong's computer. 】

Dong Yudao: [Blonde, your thinking is very dangerous. 】

(End of this chapter)

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