Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 452 I have something to do with you

Chapter 452 I have something to do with you (first update)
Yu Dong didn't expect that Liu would come at this time. He had been paying attention to "Supernova Era" for a while, and he had read the previous three versions, but I heard that it has been changed to the sixth version now.

After talking to Yu Dong, Yu Liang gave the phone to Liu Cixin.

After answering the phone, Liu Cixin hastily apologized: "I'm really sorry, Yu Dong, the time is too short this time, otherwise I would have told you in advance."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "What are you talking about? What's the matter? I heard that the matter of "Supernova Era" is basically settled? Congratulations."

"It hasn't been fully settled yet. I will go to the library department in a while and have a detailed chat with them. I'm afraid that there may be some problems with some details. After all, I came here. If I am not sure, I will waste my trip."

Yu Dong glanced at Zhang Yimou who was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, thought for a while, and said, "Actually, just leave this matter to their library department. If there is any problem, they will contact you. If it is a small problem, You changed it on the spot. If there is a big problem, you can’t change it for two days. How about this, you take the manuscript to the library department, and you, come to me first, I happen to have something I want to talk to you chat."

"Follow me?" Liu Cixin was a little puzzled, he came suddenly, why did Yu Dong still have something to do with him?
Yu Dong smiled and said: "I couldn't explain a few sentences on the phone, so come here, I'll ask Yu Yu to find someone to take you there, and I won't delay you for too long."

Liu Cixin hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded and said, "That's fine, I'll go find you in a while."


When Liu Cixin arrived at Yudong's office, it took less than 10 minutes to hang up the phone, which was very fast.

Seeing that Zhang Yimou was there, Liu Cixin was quite surprised, "Director Zhang, you are here too."

Liu Cixin and Zhang Yimou also had a few conversations when they met for the Year of Deep Space.

Zhang Yimou also has an impression of Liu Cixin, not to mention the Deep Space Annual Meeting. During the short film competition, Zhang Yimou was deeply impressed by Liu Cixin's "Bring Her Eyes".

"Long time no see, Teacher Liu."

The two shook hands, and then both sat down. Yu Dong knew that Liu Cixin's schedule was tight, so he didn't say anything else, and said straight to the point, "Da Liu, please come here because Director Zhang and I are making a movie. It’s related to rural education. Actually, it had nothing to do with you, but after knowing you’re here, I suddenly had an idea that maybe I could write a science fiction novel about rural education.”

Liu Cixin was still a little dazed when he heard this all of a sudden. He pushed his glasses and didn't answer. Zhang Yimou who was next to him said, "After you talked on the phone just now, Yu Dong told me about it. I think it's very good. Although I I don’t know much about sci-fi, but I’ve read your book “Bring Her Eyes” before, and I believe you can combine sci-fi with rural education very well.”

"Director Zhang flattered me." Liu Cixin smiled, "But I wasn't prepared for this at all. When I heard this all of a sudden, I really didn't have any thoughts in my mind."

Zhang Yimou didn't say anything this time. In fact, he simply found this interesting. After all, it has nothing to do with him. He has no idea of ​​making a science fiction film for the time being.

Yu Dong then said, "It's okay if you don't have any ideas. We can chat, maybe we will have some ideas. Director Zhang and I didn't have any ideas about the new movie before, so we have some ideas." Thinking."

Zhang Yimou on the side pursed his lips. Although what Yu Dong said was true, he thought that these ideas were all thought up by Yu Dong, or were led by Yu Dong to come up with them, and had nothing to do with him.

Yu Dong continued: "Don't be in a hurry, Big Liu. The Deep Space Library Department is reading your manuscript. They will call you if you have any questions. So, before you receive the call, you should stay here safely, Let's have a good chat."

Hearing what Yu Dong said, Liu Cixin nodded. Yu Dong was right. If the library department didn't call, he really didn't need to be anxious.

"Then can you talk about the movie, maybe after listening to the movie, I can have some ideas."

"No problem." Yu Dong said straightforwardly: "Let me tell you a brief outline of the story first. The story takes place in a backward village..."

It took four to five minutes for Yu Dong to tell Liu Cixin the outline of the story of "Not One Less".

After listening to it, Liu Cixin nodded again and again, "Although it's just an outline, I can tell that this story has a lot of room to play, and the angle is also very good. However, when I was listening to it just now, I had a different idea."

Zhang Yimou raised his eyebrows and looked at Liu Cixin with interest, "Well, Mr. Liu, tell me."

Liu Cixin smiled and touched his head, "Director Zhang, don't call me Teacher Liu, just call me Liu Cixin or Xiao Liu."

"Calling you by your full name Shengfen, Xiao Liu is inappropriate. I'm the same as Yu Dong. Let's call you Da Liu."

"Of course." Liu Cixin said with a smile, "Actually, my idea was not about the script. I just thought that if I were to write a science fiction novel about rural education, I would definitely not write about so many students. There would be at most five students." Six will do, so the impact will be stronger. Of course, this is for short stories."

"If you want to be more direct, do you have to add the sacrifice of rural teachers?" Zhang Yimou said.

Liu Cixin nodded, "Yes."

"Then isn't this angle too common?" Zhang Yimou asked doubts.

When Zhang Yimou was talking about the script with Yu Dong just now, he thought of using "sacrifice" to highlight the theme, but he himself vetoed it, because he felt that such words fell into a rut.

Liu Cixin hadn't spoken yet, but Yu Dong helped answer with a smile, "Since it's a science fiction novel, there's no need to pursue differences in this aspect, but to seek something special in other places. First of all, we need to settle on one thing, this Does the story take place on Earth?"

"Since it's about rural education, I think it's more appropriate to put it on the earth, so that it can resonate more." Liu Cixin said.

Yu Dong nodded, "In that case, is this story limited to Earth?"

Liu Cixin thought about it for a while, then shook his head and said, "Considering the timeliness of the story, if it is limited to the earth, it will be difficult to connect with science fiction."

"Then how do we connect it with the extraterrestrial?" Yu Dong asked again.

This time Liu Cixin was questioned. He really didn't have any ideas for a while.

Seeing that he had no idea, Yu Dong was not in a hurry. He took the teapot and poured some water for the two of them: "Don't worry, let's take our time. It was a coincidence that Liu came here today. I never thought that I would have to do it again today." Come out with a novel."

Then he looked at Zhang Yimou again: "But you won't feel bored when we talk about this?"

Zhang Yimou shook his head with a smile, "Of course not. Although I don't make science fiction films, I am very happy to participate in such brainstorming."

(End of this chapter)

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