Chapter 453 Delivery (Second Update)
Yu Dong stayed in the office for more than an hour, and drank several cups of tea. Liu Cixin did not wait for the call from Shenkong Company, and he gradually settled down, focusing on discussing the novel with Yu Dong.

For more than an hour, they talked a lot about rural education, and Yu Dong also told Liu Cixin about the Golden Horse and Jade Rooster veterans.

But about science fiction, they haven't talked about it yet.

Yu Dong looked at the time, and it was almost time, so he said, "Actually, we might as well change our thinking and link rural education with the destiny of our planet."

Liu Cixin and Zhang Yimou glanced at each other, and the former pondered: "Rural education is linked to the fate of the earth... For example, because of some kind of virus or other natural disasters, there are only a few students left in the whole world... No, If you cut it like this, it doesn't make any sense. And the story can easily develop into the Garden of Eden, which is nothing new, and it is easy to fall into ethical entanglements."

Zhang Yimou followed up and said, "Is there a possibility that there is a virus that adults cannot resist, but only innocent children can be immune, and the students in the countryside have worked hard to find a solution?"

As the conversation deepened, Zhang Yimou's participation became more and more high, and he would often put forward some opinions of his own.

It's just that his rhythm is obviously not on the same channel as Yu Dong and Liu Cixin, and his way of thinking about things is also very different.However, the idea he mentioned this time is somewhat similar to "Supernova Era" written by Liu Cixin.

In the supernova era, because of radiation sickness, only children under the age of 12 are immune, and those over the age of 12 will die. People can only try their best to train children under the age of 12 and let them rule the world.

However, Zhang Yimou's idea that "children in the countryside solved problems through hard work" mentioned later is a bit nonsensical. It does not belong to science fiction, but pure romanticism.

Therefore, Liu Cixin said with a smile: "As for the education level in the countryside, we still have to face up to it, otherwise, it will be counterproductive, and it will not reflect the greatness of rural educators."

Zhang Yimou nodded, "It makes sense, I thought too simply."

"Let me tell you a story." Yu Dong said.

Liu Cixin and Zhang Yimou turned their heads to look at Yu Dong, waiting for his next words.

Yu Dong smiled and began to say: "By the way, there is a relatively backward county that has just taken office as a county magistrate. In this county, eight villages are very poor. When this county magistrate first took office, he was determined to solve the problem of poverty. Solve it, but he can’t solve the problems of eight villages at once, so he decided to pick out two villages first, let these two villages get rich first, and then solve the problems of other villages.”

Hearing this, Zhang Yimou said, "Then what is his criteria for selecting these two villages?"

"The geographical location and resources of these eight villages are actually not very different. He thought for a long time, and finally decided to go to each village to see which two villages have the most potential to quickly get rid of poverty. In fact, his standards are quite Simple, it is to see which village has the best humanities and the most hardworking people, and he believes that it is more effective to give hardworking people opportunities."

Liu Cixin nodded, "Rationally speaking, that's true. But in reality, places with a better cultural environment and more diligent people will most likely not be the poorest."

"Whether it is the poorest is not what he has to consider. What he has to consider is to quickly remove the hats of poverty in two of the villages. After making a decision, he will visit villages one by one, but time is limited, and he can only carry out Spot checks. He would walk in the fields, talk to a few random people, and draw conclusions based on their feedback.”

Zhang Yimou frowned and said, "Is this a bit of a joke? Spot checks are understandable, but it's hard to guarantee the accuracy of such spot checks. After all, there are thousands of people in a village."

Liu Cixin did not speak, but was seriously thinking about Yu Dong's words. In the story Yu Dong told, he seemed to have grasped something.

Yu Dong didn't answer Zhang Yimou, and continued: "In one village, the people are actually very hardworking, and the illiteracy rate is the lowest among the villages, but because of bad luck, the county magistrate met a few illiterate, People who eat too much and are lazy, left a bad impression on the county magistrate, so they were finally excluded from the first plan by the county magistrate, falling behind..."

"I figured it out!"

Before Yu Dong's story was finished, Liu Cixin suddenly slapped his thigh and cried out.

Zhang Yimou looked at Liu Cixin and asked doubtfully, "What did you think of, Big Liu?"

"I thought about how to connect rural education with the destiny of the earth." Liu Cixin stood up excitedly, "After hearing Yu Dong's story, my mind suddenly opened. If there are higher civilizations, then our destiny is likely to be controlled by these civilizations, they let us live, we live, they let us die, we die.”

"If there is a group of aliens who want to develop a certain planet, or destroy a certain planet, and investigate other low-level civilizations..."

Seeing Liu Cixin expressing his thoughts so excitedly, Yu Dong laughed. He knew that "Country Teacher" was coming out, so it was not in vain for him to chat with the two of them for over an hour.

Although Liu Cixin's thoughts are different from those of "Country Teacher", and they are very general, but the general shadow has emerged.Yu Dong believed that if he was given some more time, he would be able to get the novel out.

Zhang Yimou was also very surprised.

This is out?
Zhang Yimou didn't quite understand Liu Cixin's singularity weapon, the battle of civilizations, and the level of civilization, but he could still understand the general story.

It probably means that through the "spot check" of the earth by alien civilizations, the fate of the earth is tied to the knowledge level of a few children in a certain village.

It's an interesting idea, and it's bound to make for a good story.

Zhang Yimou glanced at the smiling Yu Dong again.

Now that I think about it carefully, during the entire conversation this afternoon, both he and Liu Cixin seemed to be following Yu Dong's rhythm.

Yu Dong, what exactly is in his head?
Very deep, completely impenetrable.

It seems that any of his ideas can become a very attractive story.

Before meeting Yu Dong, Zhang Yimou had never admired a person so much.

Zhang Yimou sighed secretly, really wanted to knock Yu Dong's skull open to see what was inside.

Yu Dong didn't know that Zhang Yimou was thinking about his mind. Now that the "task" was completed, he looked out the window with a smile.

Yes, I have gained a lot today, and I hope that when I hold meetings with those screenwriters in a few days, it will be as smooth as today, and I can smoothly convey to them what I knew in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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