Chapter 47 Movies and Novels (Plus 2\12)

Regarding Yu Dong's works, Su Tong did not continue to chat, and he also knew that it would be useless to say more.

At this moment, they each had their cards in their hands, and Zhang Yimou took the bright card. He held the card and pondered it for a long time, and finally reluctantly threw a 3 out.

Su Tong saw Zhang Yimou throw out a 3, laughed and followed a 4.

"This card can also be given by me, absolutely."

Gong Li followed Zhang 7.

Yu Dong didn't have a single card in his hand, so he went directly to Zhang Dawang.

Zhang Yimou raised his thumb and said, "Mr. Yu's way is wild, I have passed."

Gong Li didn't seem to be very good at playing poker. The cards in her hands were intertwined. She looked closely for a long time, and finally found four cards: "Four Zhong Chuhongs."

The other three were stunned, four Zhong Chuhong?
But seeing the cards on the table, they all understood.

The two decks of poker in their hands are printed with portraits of stars of Xiangjiang, including Zhong Chuhong, Zhang Ming, Cheng Shiduo...

And Zhong Chuhong is printed on the 6, Gong Li has four 6s, and it is the four Zhong Chuhong.

Yu Dong also followed suit, "One plum blossom Zhong Chuhong, one plum blossom Cheng Shi Duo, one plum blossom Liu Dehua, one plum blossom Qiu Shuzhen, and one plum blossom Lin Qingxia - a straight flush!"

Zhang Yimou was not to be outdone: "Five Lin Qingxias!"

Although it was the first time to play Dagger, Zhang Yimou had already understood the essence of it. When he played the card, he raised his arms high, and then heavily shoved the "five Lin Qingxia" on the table.

The so-called whipped eggs, whipped eggs, must be whipped when the bomb is released.

Lin Qingxia and the others were put on the table, still with a gentle smile, looking at Yu Dong and the others.

The scene that followed was a little weird. Words such as "a pair of Cheng Shiduo" and "two Liu Dehuas" kept coming out of the room.

The lady boss who was waiting outside in the main room was confused. Are these people really playing poker?


At first, Yu Dong felt that it was a bit strange that such activities as playing cards before meals happened between Su Tong and Zhang Yimou.It was only after a game of cards was played that he realized that it seemed that no matter what type of person he was in or what circle he was in, his enthusiasm could be unearthed after a happy and reckless game.

Gong Li, who seemed a little cold before, began to talk more, and the fireworks returned to the popular female star.She would often joke with them and tell some interesting things about her and Zhang Yimou on the set.

Zhang Yimou seems to be very interested in the egg, so that when the dishes are ready to eat, his expression is still a little reluctant, and he looks like he wants to fight for another [-] rounds.

The main thing is to lose too much.

He and Gong Li's gang were originally unfamiliar with the rules, and Gong Li's card skills were ridiculously poor, and basically every game was crushed.

On Yu Dong and Su Tong's side, Su Tong's performance was also average, mainly relying on Yu Dong.

Tiaodan Yudong has played many times, and playing with them naturally has a huge advantage. Whether it is a good or bad card, he can always lead Su Tong to victory.

At the end, Zhang Yimou had some doubts: Is this a new way of playing the egg? Why do you think Teacher Yu is playing so smoothly?
Yu Dong replied boldly: "Without it, you are talented.

During the meal, Zhang Yimou was still discussing the rules of throwing eggs with them. He wanted to memorize these rules so that he could promote them on other occasions in the future. At the same time, he also put down his rhetoric. He had to wait for the next meeting to fight again.

After chatting about the eggs, they talked about the movie "The Red Lanterns Are High".Zhang Yimou wants to take the film to the film festival next year, hoping to get some awards back. He is very confident in his work.

Su Tong congratulated him, but it could be seen that although the movie was adapted from his novel, he was not very interested in the movie.

Yu Dong can understand Su Tong, because when the novel was handed over to Zhang Yimou for adaptation, it was actually another work.Compared with the original work, "Raise the Red Lantern" is obviously very different, and the latter is more direct.

This is not to blame Zhang Yimou, but because novels and movies are two different forms of expression.If Zhang Yimou really followed the novel, he probably wouldn't be able to capture that subtle feeling, and even if he could capture it, it would be difficult for the audience to see it.

The movie needs to show the plot with something more conflicting and visible to the naked eye, so that the audience can intuitively feel the theme the movie is trying to express.

The novel is different. A simple scene description in the novel, a looming image, can bring readers to the boundless imagination space.

Not to mention that there is a difference between a movie and a novel, there is even a big difference between a novel and a drama.

Drama has a higher, more immediate need for conflict.

Chekhov said: If there is a gun in the first act, it must go off in the third act.

All the details in the play come into play.

This is not to say that the details in the novel can be useless, but there are some details in the novel that do not need to be directly displayed to the readers.

According to Chekhov's drama theory, I am afraid that avant-garde writers will bear the brunt of criticism. Many readers have read the novels of avant-garde writers without knowing what they are talking about.

During the dinner, Yu Dong also learned from Zhang Yimou's words the purpose of their visit to Jinling this time. This time, they did not come to visit Su Tong on purpose, but they happened to have an event in Jinling tomorrow, so they stopped by to have a look.

Because they have to attend the event during the day tomorrow, they didn't drink alcohol tonight, but used tea instead.

After nearly two hours of eating a meal, Zhang Yimou and Gong Li got up to leave.

"Mr. Yu, next time I have time, I'll come over to learn your card skills."

Before leaving, Zhang Yimou held Yu Dong's hand and was still talking about playing cards, but he didn't think of Yu Dong's works at all. It could be seen that he really didn't take it to heart.

Yu Dong didn't care either. It was also an accident to see Zhang Yimou today. It was because of Su Tong's blessing, so he never thought about having more communication with Zhang Yimou and the others.

He is not very interested in people in the film and television industry, that is, Zhang Yimou and Gong Li are famous enough, if they really change to other stars, he may not know them.

After Zhang Yimou and the others left, Su Tong asked him with a smile, "How do you feel?"

Yu Dong shrugged his shoulders, "I feel like I was fooled by you today, but the close contact has subverted my impression of the two of them."

"Yeah." Su Tong nodded, then took out a cigarette from his pocket, took out one and lit it himself, but he held it for a long time just now.

Taking a deep breath, Su Tong continued: "Don't underestimate movies. The development of film and television dramas will get better and better in the future, and they will be more and more closely related to literature."

Yu Dong smiled, how could he underestimate the movie?

But Su Tong's words are only half right. The development of film and television dramas will indeed become more and more vigorous, but their distance from literature will become further and further, at least the distance from pure literature will become further and further.

(End of this chapter)

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