Chapter 48
"Sit down for a while."

The boss and the proprietress were both cleaning up in the back kitchen. The two of them in the main room were Yu Dong. Su Tong pulled the chair and sat down first: "The car will not arrive in a while."

Yu Dongzheng wanted to ask about this.

The Dahua Hotel is a bit remote, and it is difficult to get a car nearby.When Zhang Yimou and the others left just now, he asked Su Tong if he wanted to send it, but Su Tong refused.

Su Tong said that there was a car at the moment, he should have greeted them in advance and called someone to pick them up, so Yu Dong didn't ask any more.

At about 09:30, a Lada stopped at the entrance of the Dahua Hotel, and a round, bald head protruded from the window.

A high-pitched voice came, "Mr. Su, let's go."

"Our car is here." Su Tong poked Yu Dong's arm, and then shouted to the back kitchen, "Lao Li, let's go."

"Walk slowly, Mr. Su, Mr. Yu."

As they walked out the door, a gust of cool wind swept the weeds on the ground towards them.

The sun was shining brightly during the day, and the temperature was still mild, so both of them only wore thin shirts, but they didn't expect that it would suddenly become so cold at night.

At the same time, the two of them couldn't help but retract their collars and walked towards the car with their arms shrunk.

After getting in the car, the wind was blocked from the car, and finally it warmed up. Su Tong smiled and said to the driver in front: "Big head, go to the newspaper office first, then go to my house."

The big head smiled and said, "Mr. Su really has nothing to say about his work. He went to the newspaper office so late."

"No, I'll send it to Yu Dong first. Oh, I forgot to introduce you. This is my junior brother, Jin Yi's teacher."

The big head turned his head, and the smile on his face seemed to be exploded by a bomb.His bald head looked shiny under the light that penetrated outside, his eyebrows were curved like two chubby silkworms, and his eyes were big and round, with bulging blisters.

This is a face that looks very enthusiastic.

"Mr. Yu, my surname is Liu. Because of my big head, people call me Big Head, so you can call me the same." Then he fumbled to find a pack of cigarettes and took out two to share with Su Tong and Yu Dong: "Mr. Su, Teacher Yu, smoke."

"No, Master Liu, I don't smoke." Yu Dong waved his hand and said.

Su Tong also blocked the cigarette back: "You don't smoke yourself, so what kind of cigarettes do you loose, hurry up and drive."

Big head put the cigarette back into the cigarette case, hehe smiled and said, "Okay, let's go now."

Along the way, Yu Dong and Su Tong didn't speak, they only listened to Big Head talking.Taxi drivers are good words, and the big head is the most enthusiastic kind of taxi drivers.

In addition, he was also familiar with Su Tong, so his mouth never stopped when the car started.It was also from his mouth that Yu Dong probably knew about Su Tong's relationship with him.

Before, Su Tong used to take taxis for a while, and he bumped into his big head several times.

Big Head lives not far from the newspaper office, and there is a phone installed in the house. Su Tong asked him for the number. Later, when a situation like tonight happens, Su Tong will call Big Head in advance and make an appointment for him. To pick.

I have to say that he is a rich man with a big head. He can afford to rent a car and install a phone.

The telephone penetration rate here in Jinling is not too high, far from being comparable to that in Yanjing, and there are definitely a small number of people who have telephones at home.If Yu Dong remembers correctly, it costs more than 2000 yuan to install a telephone now.

And now the monthly income of ordinary people in Jinling is only a few hundred yuan, and it is not possible to save a phone for a year, let alone a phone installed, and the phone bill is a lot of money.

After sending Yu Dong to "Zhongshan", Big Head took out a piece of paper from his jacket pocket and handed it to Yu Dong, and said with a laugh, "Mr. Yu, if you need it, just give me a call in advance. Even if I'm not at home, my lover is at home."

Yu Dong nodded and took the big-headed business card: "I will definitely find you if I need it."

"Okay, let's go first."

Su Tong also instructed: "Be careful on the road."

"It's okay, just this distance."

After the car was far away, Yu Dong took a serious look at the big-headed business card.

It is said that it is a business card, but it is actually a hand-cut piece of paper. You can see the grid on the back. It should be grid letter paper.

Probably to save paper, the business card is not big, only the size of an ordinary matchbox.

It reads: Liu Quanyou (big head)

The next row of numbers should be his phone number.

I have to say that this big Liu has a good head for doing business. At least he knows how to promote himself. Although the method is a bit rough, the effect is good.

Looking at it this way, it is very useful to have a telephone installed in his home, which can bring him a lot of business.

Putting away the business card, Yu Dong found his bicycle, and then went back to school against the cool night breeze.

Early the next morning, Yu Dong met Cheng Yanqiu on the way to the office.

When passing by, Cheng Yanqiu suddenly stopped, "Yu Dong."

Yu Dong looked at Cheng Yanqiu in surprise, but he didn't expect that she would take the initiative to call him. He also stood still, waiting for Cheng Yanqiu's follow-up words.

"I heard you have a poetry party this weekend?"

Yu Dong nodded: "Yes, is Teacher Cheng interested?"

"What time and where?"

Yu Dong found out that Cheng Yanqiu had a problem. She didn't like to look at people when she was talking. Now she was staring at the rockery next to the government building, as if she was talking to the rockery.

Naturally, the rockery couldn't speak, so Donglai replied, "Sunday afternoon, I teach 301."

"Well, I see."

After saying that, Cheng Yanqiu left.

After she was far away, Yu Dong looked at the rockery next to it, smiled and said to it, "Did you hear it, she said she knew."

He still waited for a few seconds by the rockery, as if waiting for the rockery to respond to him, and then he suddenly laughed, feeling that he was really boring.


At noon, Yu Dong went to Liu Changmin to eat in the cafeteria together, "Let's go, let's eat."

He looked around in the office again, and said strangely: "Mr. He, he is usually here right now."

Liu Changmin said with a smile: "He, he went after love today."

"Chasing love?" Yu Dong was a little confused, "Isn't Mr. He already married?"

"Haha, today is chasing the love in his dreams, he went after Jiu'er."

Nine?Yu Dong was stunned for a moment before realizing who this was Jiu'er.Liu Changmin should be talking about Gong Li, and He Yu is a fan of Gong Li.

The reason why she is said to be Jiu'er is because she played Jiu'er in "Red Sorghum" before, and this role also brought Gong Li, who was still a sophomore at the time, into the public's field of vision.

Now movie fans prefer to call actors by characters, and many people like to call Gong Li Jiu'er.

 Thank you [Dahan Farmer], [Agatha Salsa], [Battle for Black], [One Pot of Mountain Spring], [Book Q Big], [Yu Chen], [Call Me Er Yeh], [Ghost Valley Sacred Words], [Looking at the Moon in the Clouds xy], [Black-Sky], [You Chen,], [Little Er, Shangjiu Lai], [Book Friends 20200614222115773], [Book Friends 201811112201628172], [Happy All Day], [Breeze Breeze] Xiaodaotong], [Quietly Read Books], [Gu Yue Said], [Fibros - Origami Kite], [Shui Zhaoyang] for the rewards, and thanks to my operating officer, Long Xiangsheng

(End of this chapter)

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