Chapter 49 The Cabinet
"Red Sorghum" is China's first film to win an A-category such as the Golden Bear Award, and no one thought it would achieve such success until it was completed.

This is the first movie directed by Zhang Yimou and the first movie starring Gong Li. They are still newcomers in their respective fields, so the final result is so surprising.

"How does Teacher He usually" Yu Dong asked curiously.

Although Yu Dong knew early in the morning that He Yu was a movie fan of Gong Li, he had never seen him chasing stars.

Liu Changmin shook his head, "I'm not too sure, maybe just go and see the real person, how can I chase after him. If you don't wait for him to come back, you can ask him."

"Forget it, I'm not interested in this either, let's go eat."


When the two returned to the office after lunch, they unexpectedly found that He Yuren was already in the office.He seemed to be in a bad mood, groaning while sitting at his workstation.

Seeing He Yu like this, Yu Dong knew that his star-chasing trip might not be smooth.

"What's the matter, Mr. He, aren't you happy to see Jiu'er?" Liu Changmin teased him with a smile.

He Yu turned his head and saw Yu Dong and the others, and sighed again: "What are you chasing, I just glanced at it from a distance, and she didn't see it clearly. The hotel only allows reporters to enter, we can only stay outside. on."

"It's fine if you don't see it, what else do you want to do?"

"Hey, what do you mean, Lao Liu, what do I want to do, I don't want to do anything." He Yu rolled his eyes, "Didn't I say it, I don't know if it's her, I Is this called seeing?"

"Okay, okay, I didn't see it this time. I'll see you next time when I get a chance."

"I don't know when it will be next time." He Yu muttered.

Yu Dong and Liu Changmin looked at each other and smiled, and went back to their respective seats, making He Yu feel sad.

After more than an hour, when it was time to go to work in the afternoon, the office slowly became lively.

Hu Changqing walked in clutching a newspaper. He looked around the office, fixed his eyes on Yudong, and cleared his throat with a smile.

"Cough, everyone put down the work at hand first, let me tell you something."

When Hu Changqing cleared his throat, all eyes in the office were drawn to him. Seeing that everyone was looking at him, he nodded with satisfaction, then shook the newspaper in his hand again, and raised his voice: "Today's "Yangtze Evening News" "It's out. This issue is different from previous issues because it contains a special interview with our school's teacher Yu Dong. Congratulations to Teacher Yu for appearing in the "Yangtze Evening News", everyone applauds."

Willing and unwilling, after Hu Changqing said this, they can only applaud together.

Afterwards, Hu Changqing raised his hand and waved, like a conductor conducting an orchestra, to stop everyone's applause.

"Mr. Yu can have this special interview, which not only shows his personal talent, but also shows the fine style of our big group Jinyi. Everyone should learn more from Comrade Yu Dong, and strive to be able to contribute to our big group. Make a contribution. This "Yangtze Evening News" will stay in your office, and you will pass it on to each other."

After speaking, Hu Changqing put down the newspaper and went to the next office.

As soon as Hu Changqing left, He Yu came over, "Good job, finally got on."

Liu Changmin had already gone to get the newspaper that Hu Changqing left behind, and found Yu Dong's special interview on it, and said with a smile: "Although it is not on the main page, the page is not too small. This time, the "Yangtze Evening News" is not stingy."

The others also leaned in, scrambling to read the interview above.

He Yu stretched out his head and looked at the size of the page, then nodded and said, "It's really not small, this time Teacher Yu gave us Jin Yi a face. But I don't like to hear old nonsense saying that, what do you mean, everyone should learn more from Comrade Yu Dong "Learning", it's easy to say, how to learn? Do you want me to go back to school and go to another university and choose a major again? Let's write novels, we don't have the ability, do you think?"

Everyone else was reading the newspaper, and no one spoke to him.

Everyone knows that Lao Hu likes to listen to the wall. Maybe people are outside now. If you hear bad things about him at this moment, a pair of small shoes will definitely be worn.

Liu Changmin glared at He Yu, "I said you would have shriveled up like that at noon, and now you're back to the light all of a sudden?"

"Old Liu, you curse me."



Yu Dong was the last person in the office to see the newspaper. Others said that the page was large.

The content is similar to what Shao Tianjun interviewed him before, and some of the deletions are irrelevant.On the contrary, the dream about Jin Yi that Yu Dong said at the end was written, and it was also mentioned by other teachers when they read it just now.

In fact, some teachers see that Yu Dong dreamed about Jin Yi, and they feel that Yu Dong is a bit false.

The newspaper was naturally due to Dong staying, and he was going to cut out this small section of the interview.

He didn't keep it for himself, but was going to send it to his parents to see.Every parent wants to see their child succeed, and if they see themselves in the newspapers, they'll be happy for themselves.

After "Mending the Sky" appeared on "Zhongshan" last time, he also wrote to them, but he hadn't received their letter yet, and he didn't know if they had read it.

Yu Dong's mother has not yet graduated from elementary school and is not very literate, but his father is in high school and can read newspapers for his mother.

Holding the newspaper in his hand, Yu Dong remembered that he published an article in "Harvest" that year. He didn't tell his parents about it that time. Later, they found out, and they caught him and scolded him.

Then they went to buy another magazine from the past and cut out the two pages written by Yu Dong.

The two pages are still spread on the table in the parents' room, covered with a glass, and the pages are well preserved. Whenever someone enters their room, they can see the two pages on the table for the first time.

They will also show off to people that the article was written by their son.

Yu Dong imagined that if they wanted to spread "Mending the Sky" under the glass this time, the small table in their house would not be enough.


"Hey, wife, don't you think this cabinet is a little too conspicuous here?"

Yu Hansheng looked at the glass cabinet in the room and always felt that the position was not right.

Qin Fang didn't even glance at the cabinet, and said, "How many times have I said it, no problem, you've been looking at a cabinet for a long time. Besides, it's not worth buying this cabinet, and a magazine is empty. of."

"What do you know, this is just the beginning, and there will be more and more in the future. I believe that it won't be long before this cabinet will be full."

Yu Hansheng looked at the cabinet in front of him with a proud face, imagining the scene where the cabinet was filled with his son's works. Thinking of this, he felt that the position of the cabinet was not so conspicuous.

Just put it here so people can see it at a glance.

 Thanks for the 1500 reward of [Easy to Love Me]
  Thank you for the reward of [Wind and Sand]

(End of this chapter)

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