Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 483 You Misunderstood Him

Chapter 483 You Have Misunderstood Him (Second Change)

After Yu Dong came to the stage and finished playing the piano, the live broadcast team had a difficult time.

This live broadcast news is not easy to post. Could it be that "Yu Dong played "Fur Elise" on stage, it was extremely unpleasant, and the guests listened to it with pain"?
When the news was sent to Jiang Jie, Jiang Jie was also in trouble, thinking about how to organize his sentences, but when Jimmy found out, he laughed and said to Jiang Jie: "It's okay, I'll write this news."

[Yu Dong performed "Courage" on stage, and the atmosphere was serious. 】

This new news confused the netizens who were discussing Cheng Yanqiu.

Yu Dong also performed on stage?

What does "courage" mean?
song?I've never heard that Tai Dong can sing.

Drama, skit?That's even less likely.

Yipin Huangjiu: [The official is getting more and more out of tune, and sent such a message without any explanation. 】

Liuyun Baiguang: [Yes, what is this courage? Is it also a piano piece? 】

Half a bucket of rice: [Impossible, Yu Dong doesn't know any musical instruments except cymbals. 】

Chen Mobai: [How does the man upstairs know so clearly? 】

Half a barrel of rice: [Yu Dong and I are middle school classmates, and he is in charge of the cymbals in the orchestra. 】

Princess Yueshi: [My God, Mr. Yu Dong even played in a band, he is amazing, no wonder he married the pianist Mr. Cheng. 】

Half bucket of rice: 【…】

Young Master Ronald: [Yes, this cymbal sounds like a high-end musical instrument, and ordinary people cannot control it. 】

Half a bucket of rice: [This world is crazy, crazy! 】

Chen Mobai: [Haha, this man is a classmate with Teacher Yu Dong, how was he when he was in school?Does it look like a celebrity? 】

Half a bucket of rice: [I don't see the demeanor of a famous artist, but he studies well and is more liked by the teacher. 】

Young Ronald: [Sure enough, Mr. Yu Dong has been gifted and intelligent since he was a child. 】

Half a bucket of rice: [Of course, sometimes he also gives the teacher a headache. It seems that in the first semester of the second year of high school, he performed for everyone on the playground. Bicycles are not allowed on campus.Everyone rides to the door every time, and then pushes the car to the shed. 】

Young Master Ronald: [Sure enough, famous people are different from ordinary people since they were young! 】

Half a bucket of rice: [Young Ronald, I have tolerated you for a long time. 】

Chen Mobai: [Haha, brother, don't be angry, this guy is like this.But I didn't expect Teacher Yu Dong to be quite naughty before. 】

Liu Fenghuixue: [Because he can't ride a bike in school, so don't you hate him to death? 】

Half a bucket of rice: [I hate it, but he is also very miserable. He has been in a plaster cast for more than two months, and the plaster is covered with our words. 】

Automated homework machine: [Are you digressing, we are clearly discussing what "Courage" is. 】


In the end, the website still didn't explain what "Courage" means, but a student of Jin Yi told Reuters about Yu Dong's performance of "To Alice" on stage, which aroused the curiosity of netizens and wanted to hear it Yu Dong's "To Alice" is so ugly.

Knowing that there will be an annual meeting in deep space this year, many students of Jinyi have stayed, and they are not in a hurry to go home for the New Year, and want to join in the fun.

When Spielberg and the others arrived at the school before, there were more students waiting at the door than last year.

When Sting sang in the morning, many people ran outside the small auditorium to listen. When McCartney and the others started playing in the afternoon, there was already a circle outside the small auditorium.

Later, there was a very strange piano sound in the small auditorium. Everyone was surprised. Someone looked in from the door and realized that it was Yu Dong who was playing the piano.

After Yu Dong's performance ended, he bowed down confidently to the audience, and the audience also showed respect and applauded enthusiastically for his performance just now.

However, his performance did play a role in enlivening the atmosphere. Since he finished playing, the atmosphere in the auditorium has become significantly more relaxed.

People who didn't know each other at first talked about Yu Dong's performance just now, just like when someone in Jiguang Middle School saw Yu Dong's students in his class, they would ask, "That big bastard in your class?" Is your arm okay?"

After four o'clock, the guests in the small auditorium began to rush to Jinling Hotel in batches. They were going to attend the dinner on the eve of the annual meeting at Jinling Hotel tonight.

Wang Shuo and Yu Dong were the last group to leave. When they were in the car, Wang Shuo asked Yu Dong: "The last time Deep Space Company asked me to buy the film and television adaptation rights of "You Are Not an Ordinary Man", did you instruct me?" ?”

Yu Dong didn't hide anything, nodded generously and said, "Well, it's me."

"You want to make it into a movie?"

"I have such an idea, but it's vague for now." Yu Dong looked at Wang Shuo and said with a smile, "Do you have any ideas yourself?"

"I have some ideas, but I can't mention them to you."

"How do you say that?"

Wang Shuo twitched the corner of his mouth: "You don't know my current situation? Don't pretend to be confused."

Yu Dong teased, "Don't take yourself too seriously. I'm usually so busy that I really don't have time to find out about your situation."

This was blunt, but Wang Shuo didn't take it seriously.Yu Dong found that when communicating with Wang Shuo, he had to follow his rhythm and be a bit more humble, otherwise he would suffer.

"I can't get involved in movies now, and I will be killed if I do." Wang Shuo said.

Yu Dong nodded, he didn't know anything about Wang Shuo's situation during this time.Speaking of it, Wang Shuo is really having a hard time recently. As long as he gets his hands on a movie, no one will accept it.

He hasn't made any money during this period of time. Just losing money, he usually spends what he earns. In terms of earning ability, he is not as good as Yu Dong, but in terms of spending ability, Yu Dong is no match for flattery. Can't keep up.

The money he earned before, let alone give him a lot of money, and now he still owes a lot of foreign debts.

Otherwise, if Shenkong wants to buy the film and television adaptation rights of his "You Are Not an Ordinary Man" this time, it may not be so straightforward, maybe he will keep it for himself.With the copyright fee given to him by Deep Space, although he can't pay off his foreign debts, at least it will make him feel easier in the near future.

"You have to have an idea. I'll ask Jimmy to talk to you later." There were still many people in the car, and Yu Dong didn't want to talk about serious matters.

"The foreigner?" Wang Shuo shook his head, "He's as smart as a monkey, I can't play with him."

Bi Feiyu on the side couldn't listen anymore, "Don't talk nonsense, Jimmy is quite a simple person."

Mo Yan also nodded: "That's right, Jimmy is good enough, Wang Shuo, you have misunderstood him."

Wang Shuo curled his lips and said, "What are you guys doing so seriously? Isn't that what I just said?"

Mo Yan and the others looked at each other and didn't say anything more. Although they knew that Wang Shuo spoke in this style, they were quite angry when they heard him speak.

(End of this chapter)

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