Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 484 Good dream 1-day tour.

Chapter 484 Sweet Dream Day Trip.

After arriving at Jinling Hotel, you can feel that there are so many people here this time.

Many people knew that there were many people in Yudong, so they didn't go to Jinyi, but stayed here at Jinling Hotel.

After arriving at the hotel, Yu Dong greeted them one by one, his hands were almost numb.

Jimmy had already taken his seat, and moved among the many guests with ease.I have to say that Jimmy's communication skills are really comparable.

Not to mention so many people in front of him, Yu Dong felt a little overwhelmed in the small auditorium today.If Sting hadn't made a good start and performed on stage, the scene at Jin Yi's side would have been a bit cold today.

But Yu Dong didn't need to deliberately find others, because everyone wanted to go to him when they saw him.

Ning Jing was the first to run over, but she didn't look for him, but hugged Cheng Yanqiu's arm, "Sister, you're finally here, if I didn't hear that you were coming, I would have wanted to go to Jinyi's place." It's over."

"If you arrived at Jinling earlier, wouldn't you be able to go?" Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile.

Ning Jing pouted and said, "I can't help it. I've been so busy recently that I almost couldn't come. Why don't you ask my brother-in-law to find me less work."

Yu Dong squinted at Ning Jing: "Okay, then I'll ask Yu Yu to reject all your plays next year, so you can play with your sister in Jinling."

"It doesn't work if I don't have a job at all. I still have to eat."

"It's easy to handle. I'll arrange for you to work as a teaching assistant in Jinyi Performing Arts, with food and housing included, and a monthly subsidy of 50 yuan."

Ning Jing shook Cheng Yanqiu's arm, "Sister, don't worry about it."

Cheng Yanqiu gave Yu Dong a blank look, "Just tease her."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "I'm not totally joking, Ning Jing, you have time to go to Jinyi to help out and pass on some experience to acting students."

"That depends on whether I have a schedule." Ning Jing said with her head held high.

Yu Dong shook his head with a smile, "Look at your sister, now you are the Queen of the Golden Horse Actress, and you are getting more and more prestigious."

This made Ning Jing a little embarrassed, "No, nomination, just nomination."

Cheng Yanqiu smiled and said, "The nomination is also very good. You are only so old, and you will have plenty of opportunities in the future."

"Sister, let me tell you, actually I don't think the judges of the Golden Horse Awards are very discerning, otherwise the Best Actress would definitely be given to me..."

Listening to the two of them talking, Yu Dong smiled and shook his head. Ning Jing's career has been booming in the past two years. Last year, she participated in "Sunny Day" which exploded in one fell swoop, and this year she was nominated for Best Actress by the Golden Horse Awards.

If nothing else, "Red River Valley" will also bring her some awards.

In addition, she also co-starred in "New Shanghai Beach" with Zhang Guorong and Andy Lau.

When the two of them said this, Yu Dong suddenly heard someone calling him.

"YU, long time no see."

Yu Dong turned his head and looked, it turned out to be Scorsese, he seemed to have just arrived, coming from the door of the restaurant, he felt a sense of travel and dust.

"Mr. Scorsese, you are here too." Yu Dong smiled and went up to shake Scorsese's hand, "Is the journey going well?"

Scorsese nodded with a smile: "The journey went smoothly. I thought I would miss dinner."

Then he gave way, pointed to the man standing behind him and said, "This is Woody Harrelson."

Yu Dong saw the burly bald man behind Scorsese just now. After all, Scorsese was very short and couldn't stop him at all.However, Yu Dong only felt familiar and did not recognize it. After hearing Scorsese's introduction, Yu Dong suddenly said: "Mr. Harrison, hello."

Seeing Yu Dong shaking hands with Woody Harrelson, Scorsese said, "Do you have time to go to the US this year to attend the premiere of "Deadly Identity"?"

Yu Dong patted his forehead: "You know, there are several movies that I participated in will be released this year. If I go to the premiere of every movie, I can't do without it in the United States."

"You can go to New York or Los Angeles to settle down, and I will help you find a house, which will definitely satisfy you."

"House in New York is not cheap. I'll think about it after I earn enough money." Yu Dong smiled and changed the subject: "How about it? What's your plan for the next step? You came with Mr. Harrison. Is it about a movie?"

"You're so smart. Harrison is indeed related to my next movie, but I'm the producer and the director is Steven Freys." Scorsese pushed his glasses: "If you want to talk about the next plan, actually I am very interested in your new novel "Golden Dreamland", maybe we can chat and make it into a movie."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows. This is the second director to express his interest in "Golden Dreamland" to him today. The last one, Doug Liman, has already been declined by him.

He himself did not expect that this novel would have such a great charm.

However, he did not change his mind because of Scorsese, "Mr. Scorsese, I have no intention of making "Golden Dreamland" into a movie. Maybe you can also look at my other works, such as "Deep Space" Or The Last City."

These are the two least popular novels in Yu Dong's hands. Many people came to ask about film and television adaptations of his other novels, but very few people asked about these two novels.

Even though the sales of "Deep Space" are very good, only lower than "Second World" and "Resident Evil", but there are still not many people who want film and television adaptations.

Hearing Yu Dong's recommendation of "Deep Space" and "The Last City", Scorsese waved his hand, "I can't make these two films, let's talk about them when you want to make "Golden Dreamland"."

Then he pointed to Spielberg who was chatting with Harold not far away: "If you want to make "Deep Space", maybe you can let Spielberg try it, I think he is very suitable for this subject .And he is also one of the few directors who has the ability to make this movie well, the kind of grand sci-fi scene, ordinary directors can't handle it."

"I think Steven will be very happy to hear your evaluation."

"I'm just stating the facts."

Over there, Spielberg turned his head and looked over there as if he had heard the conversation between the two, and then said a few words to Harold with a smile, and the two walked towards this side.

These directors circled around Yu Dong, and the other directors or actors around couldn't help but walk this way too.

After a while, there was another circle of people around Yu Dong, all from the film and television industry, both at home and abroad.

Yu Dong saw Han Shanping who wanted to drill in at a glance, smiled and waved to him, "Director Han, let me introduce you."

Han Shanping had this intention, when he heard Yu Dong's words, his brows and eyes bloomed with a smile, and he walked to Yu Dong's side in two or three steps.

"Everyone, next to me is the person in charge of Yanjing Studio, Mr. Han Shanping."

With Yu Dong's help to introduce, Spielberg and the others naturally showed great face, and went up one by one to shake hands with Han Shanping.

Han Shanping shook hands with Spielberg and the others with a smile, and his desire to cooperate with Shenkong Company became stronger and stronger. He even made up his mind that if Zhang Heping was unwilling to cooperate with Shenkong, he would persuade him even if he threatened to withdraw his capital. Zhang Heping.

With resources as deep as deep space, why worry about things failing?


Because the annual meeting will officially start tomorrow, the dinner tonight is not grand. After everyone has eaten, the party will end after nine o'clock.

On the way back in the car, Yu Dong looked at Wang Shuo who was sitting next to Yu Hua, "Master Shuo, are you sure you won't sleep in the big bed in the hotel, so you must go to Jinyi's to squeeze?"

"How about I go back after playing cards?"

"When will that be? I won't see you off."

"If you don't give it away, you won't give it away. Give me a [-] big bar, and I will ride back."

"Go to my guest room to deal with it for one night." Yu Hua said from the side: "I said you too, if you really want to play cards, play cards with Han Shaogong, won't the game start, and you must go back to school with us .”

"I just play cards with you guys. This guy Han Shaogong is too determined to win. If he wins, he will definitely want to win back later."

Yu Dong and the others didn't refute Wang Shuo's words. They had personally experienced Han Shaogong's desire to win.During the representative meeting, after Han Shaogong lost, he specially posted a letter of war on Yu Hua's door.

In fact, Han Shaogong wanted revenge tonight, and he kept mentioning it during the meal, but then they were dragged by Wang Shuo and directly released Han Shaogong's pigeons.

After arriving at Jinyi, Mo Yan, Yu Hua, Bi Feiyu, and Wang Shuo gathered a table at Bi Feiyu's house, and Yu Dong watched the battle from the sidelines.

When deciding what to play, Mo Yan and the others saw that Wang Shuo hadn't played scrambled eggs very much, so they could persuade him to change the game, but it was better not to persuade him.

When it comes to wrestling, Yu Hua and the others are veterans who have experienced many battles. Wang Shuo is their opponent. He lost more than 100 yuan in an hour and a half, directly breaking Han Shaogong's loss efficiency record. .

Seeing Wang Shuo scratching his hair in the loss, Yu Hua smiled and gave him a cigarette, "Take it easy, don't lose all the copyright fees Yu Yuanwai gave you."

Wang Shuo took the cigarette, lit it, and said with a look of disdain: "See if I can give you."

After taking a puff of cigarette, Wang Shuo also regained his energy, and looked at Yu Dong: "Speaking of copyright, I still want to tell you about the film adaptation. It's not convenient for me to come forward here, but I can give you some advice. After I finished writing this novel before, I have been thinking about it, but I have never had a chance to do it. Don't worry, there is no charge for giving you opinions."

Yu Dong didn't want to talk about serious matters on this occasion, but Wang Shuo insisted on saying it, and he continued: "If you really have an idea, it's of course good to say it for our reference. If you already have a script in your heart, you might as well just write it out and read it." Look. As for whether to let you come forward, we can discuss it later."

"I definitely can't come forward, it must be yellow, I know it myself."

"The screenwriter's fee will always be given to you."

"You don't need a screenwriting fee..." Wang Shuo paused, then looked at the cards on the table, "Well, how much I lose tonight, you make up for me, and it's considered a screenwriting fee."

"No, this is too much fun." Yu Dong shook his head and refused.

"It's because you are too serious." Wang Shuo flicked the cigarette ash, then asked Yu Hua and the others, "What do you think of my proposal?"

Yu Hua rolled his eyes at him, "Never mind our business, play your cards quickly."

Wang Shuo was stunned, honestly played his hand, and then looked at Yu Dong again: "That's it, if you are worried that I will regret it later, we can make a written statement."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "You can talk to Yu Yu about the paperwork, but what I'm more concerned about is, what if you win tonight?"

Wang Shuo waved his hand: "That's impossible, unless these people are good people and good deeds. It's okay, don't ink it, it's settled like this. Remember, I lost a hundred and one right now, and I will make up for it later." superior."

"Okay, no problem." Yu Dong nodded in agreement.

Yu Dong made up his mind to play around with Wang Shuo tonight, and asked Yu Yu to talk to him about the script tomorrow, and he would pay as much as the scriptwriting fee, otherwise if something happened later, he would talk about the script It's really hard to do.

"Okay, let's talk about the script. When I finished writing this novel, I thought, maybe it will be turned into a movie later, so I thought about it from the beginning..."

Wang Shuo talked eloquently. Although Yu Hua and the others thought he was slow in playing cards, they didn't say anything. They listened to him patiently and did not rush him.

"You Are Not an Ordinary Person" was published in "Harvest" before, and it happened to be next to Yu Dong's "Death of a Widow".

Of course, Yu Hua and the others have all read this novel, and they all remember the plots in it.

"You Are Not an Ordinary Man" mainly tells a story of flattering people. A group of people get together to form a No. [-] association, which does nothing but flattering people, which is a bit nonsensical.

Wang Shuo is now talking about the script. The plot of the praise was not mentioned before, and he mainly expanded from "A Day Trip to Dreams".

He believes that if it is to be made into a movie, "A Day Trip to Dreams" should be the core of the story.

"I think it needs to play some ironic role. A good dream, a good dream, may not necessarily be a good dream, and it may also be a bad dream. People, if you really give him what you want in your heart, you may not cherish it." Yes. Big stars want their own time, not to be disturbed by others. Poor people want money, rich people are hypocritical, and they hate everything. Every day, they think that it will be better when they have no money. Anyway, people are not content..."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "If you write it like this, you may not be able to pass it. This time the Lunar New Year file requires a positive theme. Sarcasm is naturally good, but it will not work if you pass it."

Wang Shuo just finished smoking a cigarette, and there was no cigarette in hand. He reached out and snatched a cigarette from Yu Hua, lit it, and continued, "This matter is nothing difficult. You can definitely solve it. Irony is irony, the main thing is to highlight One cherishes the present, isn't that positive?"

"Whether it's positive or not, I don't care what I say. When the script is written later, it has to be sent to Zhang Heping and Han Shanping for review. If they say positive, then be positive."

"This is the trouble, so I said that I can't bring my name on it. You write the script, and you can definitely handle the scale well."

"I don't have time to write scripts for you now, aren't you idle now, you just do it yourself."

"Hey, are you irresponsible for buying my novel?"

"Who will write it? I won't talk about it for now. You can continue to talk about it. What dreams do you have?"

"Okay, let me talk about it again, didn't I mention celebrities just now, so we can start from here..."

(End of this chapter)

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