Chapter 500
Jimmy returned to the United States a few days later than expected. When he arrived in New York, it was already early April.

The day after arriving in New York, he had Campote bring the data from the first week of The Moon into his office.

The sales data of "Moon" in the first week was very good, and it took only one week to sell more than 100 million copies.

However, Campote expressed concern about the follow-up potential of "Moon": "Jimmy, according to the data, the sales of "Moon" in the later stage may not be very good, and the readers' evaluation of this book is also..."

"What?" Jimmy asked.

"It's not that this book is bad, but many readers think that compared with "Second World" and "Deep Space", "Moon" did not give them many surprises, and it was lower than their expectations. If they expected YU If the new book can get nine points, then the new book may only get eight points, or even seven points."

Jimmy smiled, but he wasn't too worried: "No writer can make every book a masterpiece, not even YU, as long as all his works can be kept above the standard. You I also said that everyone just felt that this book did not meet their expectations, not to say that the quality of the book is not good. In addition, this book is more suitable for making a movie. After the movie comes out later, there will still be a wave of sales recovery. .”

Campote nodded: "I understand..."

dong dong dong-

The office door rang, and after Jimmy called "Come in", Wang Mo walked in excitedly, "Campote, Jimmy, the nomination list for the Hugo Awards has come out."

"Have any authors in our company been selected?" Jimmy asked.

Wang Mo nodded: "There are two, one belongs to George Martin and the other belongs to YU."

Jimmy was a little surprised. Yu Dong did not publish a science fiction novel in the United States last year, and the English version of "Deep Space" was released at the end of the previous year.

The Hugo Award is different from the Nebula Award. The scope of the Nebula Award covers the previous two years, but the Hugo Award only evaluates works published in the previous year.

"What is YU's nominated work?"

"It's "Falling Mars", nominated for a short novella." Wang Mo replied.

Jimmy narrowed his eyes, and then showed a disdainful smile, "Okay, I see, you can go back to work first."

Wang Mo was stunned for a moment, but went back.Jimmy's attitude surprised him. They didn't seem to care about the Hugo Awards at all, and they didn't even ask which novel George Martin was nominated for.

After Wang Mo left, Campote frowned and said, "This WSFS is a bit too much."

Jimmy nodded, this time the World Science Fiction Society has indeed gone too far.

In the past few years, Yu Dong published long science fiction novels in the United States every year. They had many opportunities to award the Hugo Award to Yu Dong, but they just didn't.

If there is no inside story, Jimmy doesn't believe it at all. The Hugo Awards originally judge works with strong commerciality. In other words, whichever book sells better is more likely to win the award.

In terms of sales volume, no sci-fi author's novels in recent years can compare with Yu Dong.

But the World Science Fiction Association never gave Yu Dongfa an award, not even a nomination.

If you don’t have it, then you don’t have it, Jimmy and the others don’t care about it, anyway, it doesn’t affect the sales of the novel, but now there is a nomination suddenly, it’s still for "Falling Mars".

"Falling Mars" is signed by Yu Dong and Hu Changqing, and it is a short story, even if it wins, it is useless.

The World Science Fiction Association didn't want to give Yu Dong an award this time, but also wanted to take away Yu Dong's popularity.

"What about this matter, should we come forward?" Campote asked.

Jimmy glanced at Campote, "Why do we show up? Protest against the injustice of the Hugo Award jury? If you want to protest, we should have protested a few years ago."

"Then we're going to do nothing? What if they end up giving the award to 'Falling to Mars'?"

"Give it up, just let Secretary Hu come over to receive the award, and YU doesn't have to come forward."

Campote sighed: "I don't know what those people at WSFS think. Before YU became famous, didn't they know what the market for science fiction was like? As for not even being willing to give a novel award ?”

Jimmy smiled: "Some people in this country, what they say is completely different from what they think in their hearts. The World Science Fiction Association, although called the World Science Fiction Association, is actually the American Science Fiction Association. Let Writers in other languages ​​come to win the award, but they still can’t pass the test. This year they will nominate one, probably because of the pressure from readers.”

Yu Dong's book fans have long expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award have not been awarded to Yu Dongfa.

In fact, there are many members who vote for Yu Dong's works every year, but every year when the nomination list comes out, there is no shadow of Yu Dong's works. Some people question the secret operation of the Hugo Awards.

Jimmy doesn't attach much importance to the Hugo Awards. With Yu Dong's current reputation, even if he wins a few Hugo Awards, it's just icing on the cake.

The combined sales of so many novels that won the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award every year are not as good as Yu Dong alone, which can explain the problem.

Moreover, Jimmy’s positioning of Yu Dong is not just a science fiction writer, or even a best-selling author. He hopes that Yu Dong can go higher and further on the road of literature.

A best-selling author, no matter how well the book sells, the foundation is easy to shake, but a great writer is completely different.

"This matter, if there is no further action from the World Science Fiction Association, we don't care about it, just pretend that we didn't see it, and there is no need to send a notice to celebrate. What we have to do now is to manage other Chinese science fiction except YU. Novel author. In addition, YU has recently written a new book, and we need to focus more on these things.”

Campote nodded: "I see."


After Yu Dong heard the news of the nomination for the Hugo Award, his reaction was not much different from that of Jimmy. He didn't take the Hugo Award too seriously, and he had already passed the time when he needed the Hugo Award to prove himself.

Compared with the Hugo Awards, he was more interested in the International Science Fiction Conference held in Yanjing at the end of July.

A few days ago, he handed over the manuscript of his speech to "Science Fiction World". Yang Xiao's opinion was that there is generally no problem with the manuscript, but it will take some time to decide whether it can be used or not.

Yang Xiao, as the deputy secretary-general of the International Science Fiction Convention, had a lot of tasks during this time and was very busy. She had a few phone calls with Yu Dong, and within a few minutes of their conversation, she hung up hastily. Even though Yu Dong was thousands of miles away, he could still feel the tense atmosphere of the preparations for the conference.

In the past few days, Zhang Yimou also made several phone calls.

The script of "Not One Less" has been approved, and it will be launched next month at the latest. Zhang Yimou has always wanted Yu Dong to join the team for a few days, but Yu Dong didn't directly agree. He is really too busy. Putting things aside, he might go to the Saint-Malo International Literature Festival with Yu Hua and the others in May.

In addition, he is also required to participate in several costume TV series planned by Deep Space.

Especially for the adaptation of "Looking for the Qin Dynasty", Wang Hailin has already handed in several drafts, and Yu Dong gives serious opinions every time, and every time he gives opinions, he always points to the end.

He could actually improve the script in one step, but he purposely gave advice bit by bit, and asked Wang Hailin to change bit by bit, in order to cultivate Wang Hailin.

Wang Hailin is also up to date. Although his comprehension is a bit weak and he is a little edgy, he is still working hard. After this revision time after time, the improvement is very obvious.

Just after talking with Yu Liang on the phone, Yu Dong looked at his watch and muttered, "It's about time."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Zheng appeared at the door of his office.

Wearing a hat, Xu Zheng first stretched his head to look inside the office, and after seeing Yu Dong, he knocked on the door: "Teacher Yu."

Seeing Xu Zheng coming, Yu Dong greeted with a smile, "Come in and sit down."

It wasn't the first time Xu Zheng came to Jinyi to find Yu Dong, but it was the first time he came in this new office.The last time they came, they still met in the single dormitory in Yudong.

Xu Zheng came to Jinling this time to sign a contract with the Deep Space Company, and to meet Yu Dong by the way.The two made an appointment to meet each other, so Yu Dong murmured before.

Yu Dong poured a cup of tea and brought it to Xu Zheng, "The journey went smoothly, didn't it?"

Xu Zheng quickly stood up and took the teacup, nodded and said, "The journey went smoothly."

Yu Dong sat down opposite Xu Zheng, and looked at him with a smile, "Shenkong should have sent someone to look for you about signing the manager's contract, so don't bother you to make a special trip."

"I asked for it myself. I just wanted to visit you here in Jinling. Last time when I was at my house, I left because of a temporary business. I was really negligent. After I went back, I couldn't bear it all the time. Also, Teacher Yu, you put I introduced you to Deep Space Corporation, and I have to thank you face to face for this."

Yu Dong chuckled, "Signing you is not just to help you. You have great potential. Signing a contract with Shen Kong is a mutually beneficial thing. I only told you about the signing of the contract, and I also told you other things. Is it?"

Xu Zheng shook his head: "Mr. Yu only told me about the signing, and nothing else. Is there any problem?"

Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands, "There is no problem, it's just that the company happens to have a new TV series plan, and I want to ask if you are interested."

Xu Zheng's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said, "Of course I'm interested."

"Don't rush to agree, the script won't come out until a few days later, and I might trouble you to go to Jinling to have a look at the script."

"No problem, no problem." Xu Zheng nodded again and again, and then asked: "Mr. Yu, may I ask what the theme of this new TV series is? Is it an ancient costume or a modern one?"


"Ancient costume, good good good good."

Hearing the ancient costume, Xu Zheng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, as if he was afraid it was a modern drama.

Seeing him like this, Yu Dong joked, "Why, I'm worried it's a modern drama?"

Xu Zheng laughed sarcastically, "Mr. Yu, you also know that my current hair is not suitable for acting in modern dramas. Anyway, costume dramas have to wear headgear, which saves me trouble...Although modern dramas can also wear headgear, But something always feels wrong.”

"I didn't expect you to think this way. After all, many of the plays you act in are in modern backgrounds."

"Drama is different from TV after all."

Yu Dong smiled, he felt that it was no different, Xu Zheng also acted in many film and television dramas with a modern background, and he wore the headgear well.It seems that Xu Zheng is still thin-skinned now, and he is very concerned about his hair.

The new TV series he told Xu Zheng also came to mind after meeting him last time.

"Looking for Qin Ji" wants to start broadcasting, but it will definitely not happen this year.

Even if the script is finalized now, the follow-up preparations may have to be done next year, even if the speed is fast, it will only start broadcasting next year.

But Yu Dong wanted to produce a few more costume dramas before "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" to stop "Huan Zhu Ge Ge".

It's not that he has any opinion on Qiong Yao, but he just wants to take the opportunity of the ancient costume romance drama.

The popularity of "Han Zhu Ge Ge" must have something to do with the TV series itself, but if there are several well-produced ancient costume romance TV series that are refreshing to the audience before it, it will definitely reduce its popularity.

And to stop it, Yu Dong felt that "Oolong Breaks Through Love" might not be enough, and "Love Through Time and Space" must be added. If these two TV series can come out before "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" starts broadcasting , the audience will definitely not feel how fresh "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" is.

Yu Dong chatted with Xu Zheng for a while, and then asked, "How many days are you planning to stay in Jinling this time? Are you in a hurry to leave?"

Xu Zheng rubbed the back of his head, "Mr. Yu, what's the matter?"

"There is one thing, but it's not very important. It also depends on your time." Yu Dong said with a smile: "Several students from our Jinyi Acting Department are working on a drama recently. They have no experience. I want you Go show them."

Xu Zheng said modestly: "I have just graduated a few years ago, so I am not qualified to guide them."

"It's too modest, but it's just pride. These students are only in the first grade. To be honest, they may not even figure out what the drama is. Of course, you don't have to put any pressure on it, and you don't really want to let it go." Go and direct a big drama for them." Yu Dong said with a smile.

Xu Zheng thought for a while, nodded and said, "Then I'd rather be obedient than respectful. What kind of drama are they going to do? Has the script been decided?"

"It's settled, I wrote the script, it's called "Hua Yu"."

"Mr. Yu, you wrote the script." Xu Zheng's tone was both surprised and envious.

He was surprised that since Yu Dong would write dramas for these first-grade students, he also envied that these students were only in the first grade, and someone like Yu Dong wrote original dramas for them. Which school can have such a student? treatment?

In fact, this matter is not as complicated as Xu Zheng thought, "Huayu" is just a handwritten work by Yu Dongxin.

After finishing "No One Less", he wanted to write another drama related to education, and later he wrote "Hua Yu".

"Hua Yu" is different from "No One Can Be Less", and it also focuses on education. This time, Yu Dong focuses on the children of migrant workers and tells how the number of students in schools for children of migrant workers in the city is gradually decreasing. story.

The main reason is that the script of "Not One Less" is not easy to arrange for a drama, so Yu Dong borrowed the core of "Not One Less" and wrote such a story from another angle, which is convenient for students to perform.

 Thank you [Bing Shirt] for the 100 tip
  Thank you [Dream For You] boss for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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