Chapter 501

In "Hua Yu", there is a school called Hua Yu Middle School for the children of migrant workers. Originally, because it was difficult for the children of local migrant workers to go to school, the principal established such a school.

For a long time, this school has been barely maintained. There is only one class for each grade in the school, and it only accepts dozens of students.

In recent years, fewer and fewer students have been admitted, and even fewer graduates.

Later, there were a total of more than 30 students in the third grade of Huayu Middle School, but due to various reasons, only four students took the senior high school entrance examination.

This matter caught the attention of a reporter from the local TV station, and he went to Huayu Middle School to conduct an interview, trying to find out the reason for this situation.

When the principal of the school learned that the reporter came to interview, he told the reporter that the students were doing well in their studies, but because of the poor conditions, they could not continue their studies.

However, according to the reporter's interview, the fact is not that every student studies well as the principal said.Of the remaining four students who took the senior high school entrance examination, only one of them did well in their studies, and the other three students did not do well in their studies.

Seeing this situation, the reporter was very angry at first, thinking that the principal lied in order to gain sympathy from the society and the government, and that the school did not take the responsibilities it should have in education, which resulted in the poor grades of the students. Very bad, she wants to expose the school and condemn the principal for this behavior.

However, with the deepening of the investigation, the reporter discovered that the poor study of the students is not entirely due to the school. The environment faced by each student is very different. Some students have to go out to do some help to support their families because of their poor families. , There are also some students whose parents are divorced, their fathers are alcoholics, and they often suffer from domestic violence.


Compared with "No One Can Be Less", this "Hua Yu" lacks a little romanticism, and has done more digging on the education of poor families. What delays the education of children from poor families is not just poverty, but often There are also a series of negative things that poverty brings.

Yu Dong chatted with Xu Zheng until the early five o'clock, got up with a smile and said, "They happen to have a rehearsal tonight, I'll take you to see it. After watching, let's go directly to dinner."

Xu Zheng had no choice but to get up and follow Yu Dong.

The acting major has its own practice room, which is located in the newly built performing arts teaching building.

As soon as the two of them approached the practice room, they heard the voice of class leader Zu Feng from inside: "Let's go through this section just now, let's go through it again in a while, we must confirm the actors as soon as possible, otherwise it will be a year of the monkey for filming this drama." .”

Xu Zheng looked in through the small glass on the door, and asked, "Is this a teacher who majored in acting?"

Yu Dong smiled, it's normal for Xu Zheng to misunderstand, because Zu Feng himself is old and mature, standing among Liu Ye and his group of boys and girls, he really looks like a teacher.

"He's the monitor."

"I thought..." Xu Zheng rubbed his head: "Then don't they have a teacher to guide them? Just figure it out by themselves?"

"It's not that they are thinking about it blindly. Teachers from the three majors of directing, screenwriting, and acting are all there, and they will ask any questions they have." Yu Dong said.

"It's not easy." Xu Zheng said with a smile: "I went to the troupe to watch plays before I was in college, and then I studied acting for several years. If I were asked to arrange a play, I would like I can’t do it either. They are freshmen, which is too difficult for them. Especially some things other than acting, if you haven’t touched it before, you really don’t know where to start.”

Yu Dong also knew that this matter was very difficult for freshman students, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with giving "Hua Yu" to the students.The teachers of the drama department are all in the office. If students like them really don't understand something, it's just a matter of walking a few steps to ask the teacher.

In their drama department, if you want to learn well, you must not only complete the tasks assigned by the teacher, but also have the initiative to learn.

Especially the study of drama should be a lifetime thing for them.

Now they are in school, and teachers are forcing them to study, but what about when they graduate from school?You can't just rely on what you learned in school to act for a lifetime. The play "Hua Yu" was given to them to practice. Yu Dong didn't expect them to arrange the play quickly, but only hoped that they could overcome difficulties and grow during the rehearsal process.

"Let's go in."

Yu Dong pushed the door open, and when Zu Feng saw Yu Dong bringing someone in, he quickly pressed his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet.

"Teacher Yu, you are here."

"Teacher Yu."

Seeing Yu Dong, the students were all in mixed moods, a little happy, but also a little scared.Especially for a young child like Hu Jing, who admired Dong very much, but was afraid of being criticized by Yu Dong for his poor performance.

Yu Dong looked around and found that the students performing 96 were basically there.

He nodded, pointed to Xu Zheng and said, "This is Mr. Xu Zheng, an actor from the Shanghai Drama Art Center."

The students shouted in unison, "Mr. Xu is good."

Xu Zheng waved his hands, "Don't, don't, don't call me Teacher Xu. I'm not a few years older than you. You can call me Brother Xu, or just call me by my name. I'm from the same town as Teacher Yu, and we've known each other for many years. , I have always regarded him as a teacher."

Yu Dong smiled and said: "Xu Zheng has a lot of experience in drama performances, and he is the backbone of the Shanghai Drama Art Center at a young age. This time he happened to come to Jinyi to do something, so I will bring him over to have a look. If you have any questions You can ask him any questions."

"I don't dare to ask for advice, let's learn from each other. I also heard that Teacher Yu wrote a "Drama" for you, so I really want to see it." After speaking, Xu Zheng looked at Zu Feng again, "I was outside the door just now, I heard from this classmate that you are still deciding on roles, aren't you?"

Zu Feng nodded: "Yes, we are auditioning."

"Can I take a look together?"

"of course can."

Xu Zheng looked back at Yu Dong: "Then Teacher Yu, I'll go with them to have a look."

Yu Dong nodded: "Go ahead, let's have dinner at 06:30."

When Xu Zheng and Zu Feng went to see the students audition, Yu Dong found Liu Ye out of the crowd and took him aside.

"Teacher Yu, what do you want from me?" Liu Ye stood next to Yu Dong with his head down, blinking his eyes, looking pitiful.

He has always been afraid of Yu Dong, and every time Yu Dong looks for him, he is worried whether he has done something wrong again.

Seeing him like this, Yu Dong rolled his eyes, but instead of reprimanding him, he patted him on the shoulder: "What book have you been reading recently?"

Liu Ye straightened his chest immediately, and said as if giving a report to the leader: "Teacher Hui, I've been reading two books recently, one is "The Country of Wine" by Teacher Mo Yan, and the other is "Fu Lei's Family Letter."

When Yu Dong heard that it was these two books, he said with great interest, "How do you feel?"

"Back to the teacher, I don't even understand."

"Where can't you understand?"

""Wine Country" is teacher Mo Yan's writing style. I don't quite understand it. "Fu Lei's Family Letter" I..."

"What are you?"

"I can't understand Mr. Fu Lei's feelings."

Yu Dong looked at Liu Ye and didn't ask him why he couldn't understand, but said: "Sometimes, understanding is not the same as empathy. There are many kinds of people in this world. There are people like you, Liu Ye, and there are people like Fu Lei. People. If you have a father like your father, you will naturally have a father like Fu Lei. As long as you know this, you can understand. When you read a book, it is a process of letting yourself get in touch with the world slowly, not like Just like elementary school students, I hope to learn some life principles from the book. In addition, I recommend you to read a novel."

He took out a copy of "Sprout" magazine from his lesson plan folder and handed it to Liu Ye.

Liu Ye took the magazine blankly, looked at the cover, and asked in surprise, "Is this a magazine from 83?"

Yu Dong nodded with a smile, "Well, it's been more than ten years, and I still rely on my relationship to get here."

Liu Ye didn't understand what Yu Dong meant, why he suddenly gave him a magazine from more than ten years ago.

Do you want him to read the articles inside?

What is the special meaning?
Yu Dong pointed to the magazine again: "Look at the article "The Man That Mountain That Dog" in it. After reading it, write a review for me."

Liu Ye was stunned for a moment, then looked back at the other students: "Are they going to write?"

"No, just write it by yourself."

"..." The corner of Liu Ye's mouth twitched, and he knew that it was nothing good to be caught by Teacher Yu, "Well, I see, Teacher Yu, is there a word count requirement for the post-reading review?"

"No, you can write as many words as you want."

Liu Ye breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay."

 Thank you [names have been robbed] the big guy for the 100 reward
  I have a headache. Chapter 495 has been blocked again. It happens to be the chapter of "Old Book". I don't know if it is caused by Yu Hua's words.Hey, this Yu Hua is really causing trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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