Chapter 513 I gave way (seeking a monthly ticket)

Many people came after hearing the news, many of them drove for several hours like Yu Dong and the others.

Group after group of people came, and the crying sounded again and again.

Many people noticed Yu Dong and the others, but because the occasion was wrong, they didn't come up to talk to them.

After Yu Dong and the others asked Wang Lang, they found out that Wang Zengqi vomited a lot of blood because of the rupture of esophageal varices caused by liver cirrhosis, and finally died of massive stomach bleeding.

"By the way, after this is over, you come home with me." Wang Lang took Yu Dong's arm and walked aside: "The old man promised you, and I have finished writing."

Yu Dong opened his eyes and stared blankly at Wang Lang. He knew that what Wang Lang was talking about should be the preface that Wang Zengqi wanted to write for him, but he did not expect to write it out.

Wang Lang patted Yu Dong on the shoulder: "Don't go, I will discuss the memorial service with my mother in a while, and when the discussion is over, I will take you to breakfast first. It's not easy to come here in the middle of the night."

It didn't mean that Dong replied, Wang Lang had already gone far.

When it was completely dawn, Wang Lang's side had already made arrangements. He told Yu Dong and the others that the memorial service was scheduled for No. 19 of this month, which is the fifteenth day of the fifth lunar month.

By this time, Wang Lang and the others hadn't finished their work. Mr. Wang was surrounded by people and knew many people. Now that he is gone, it is natural to notify everyone in place.

It was almost noon, and Yu Dong and the others followed Wang Lang back to Puhuangyu. Wang Lang found two pieces of paper from the study and gave them to Yu Dong. He wrote the preface, and when he arrived, he was busy making prefaces for others every day. He always wrote prefaces for those who had just emerged, or even those who hadn't emerged. It was the first time that you became famous like you."

Many people know that Wang Zengqi loves to support the younger generation, and because of this, many young writers who are not very famous always like to write to him, hoping to get a preface from him.

The preface he wrote to Yu Dong was written with a brush, and the brush strokes are smooth and smooth, which makes people look refreshed.

Yu Hua stretched out his head to look, blinked, and took a step back. The writing was too scribbled, and he couldn't understand many words.

"The writing is beautiful, but I don't know much about it."

The front is actually okay, but the further you write to the back, the smaller and more scribbled the characters are, and some characters even require some effort to recognize from the east.

The two pages added up to less than 2 words, and within [-] minutes, Yu Dong saw the end.

But at the end, he frowned.

Seeing him frowning, Wang Lang asked, "What's the matter?"

Yu Dong pointed to the back: "It seems that I haven't finished writing."

"Isn't it finished?" Wang Lang stretched out his head to look, and saw at the end of the second page that it said "My stomach hurts a bit, and I'll write here, and I will write when the stomach pain subsides."

Wang Lang was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a smile: "It may not be that the writing is not finished, or it may be a joke on purpose. However, it is definitely not good to publish this, so we must find a way..."

Yu Dong shook his head, "There's nothing wrong with it, it's good to put it like this."

Wang Lang thought for a while, and finally nodded: "It's up to you, you sit down for a while, and I will go to accompany my mother for a while."

"Don't worry." Yu Dong grabbed Wang Lang's arm with his backhand.

Wang Lang looked back at Yu Dong: "What's wrong?"

"The old man has written a lot. He is gone now. I want to search for his articles and make a collection of them."

Wang Lang nodded: "Of course it's no problem. I agree to this matter on behalf of our family, but I suggest that we talk about the specifics in a few days. Everyone must not be thinking about it today."

"Okay, let me tell you in advance, and I will ask for your help when the time comes. Since it is a collection of essays, try to find all of Mr.'s works."

"Of course I will try my best."


After Wang Lang left, Yu Dong and the others stayed in the study for a while and didn't stay long. Before lunch time, they bid farewell to the Wang family and went to the hotel.

All night, the strings in their heads had been tense, and now they couldn't hold it anymore, so they ate something for lunch and went to bed.

The next day, they set foot on the road back to Jinling again.

After returning to Jinling, Mr. Yu Dongwang copied the preface written for him, carefully stored the original manuscript, and then asked Hu Hao to send the transcribed preface to Shenkong Company.

For this preface, Yu Dong should not only put it in the Chinese version, but other language versions must also be included. Even if there are other prefaces, this one must be added.

In fact, the preface written by Mr. Wang to Yu Dong is quite ordinary, and the words are very simple. Basically, he wrote out what he said to Yu Dong on the phone.

First, he mentioned how the two met, then mentioned two of Yu Dong's previous works, and finally praised "Old Book" for its clever writing style, and also boasted a few words about his love in his youth.

That is to say, when recalling the love in the past, before I wrote a few sentences, the phrase "My stomach hurts a little, I will write here, and I will write it when the stomach pain subsides."

Yu Dong also couldn't tell whether Mr. Wang was deliberately making a joke, or he really stopped writing because he felt a stomach ache.

Perhaps, it was because of a stomachache that he stopped writing, and Wang Lang was afraid that he would feel guilty, so he said that Mr. Wang was joking.

In fact, thinking about it now, when he wrote "Old Book" and the story of Chang Huaiying and his wife, he might not have taken materials from the stories of Wang Zengqi and Shi Songqing.

For example, some stories about Chang Huaiying and his wife’s life in the early years, as well as the story of being pidou, Chang Huaiying’s records are not detailed, and many of them were written by Yu Dong himself. There must be a record of listening to Mr. Wang’s “bragging” before. content in the mind.

When the preface was delivered, Yu Dong also asked Hu Hao to talk to Yu Liang, and asked the company to contact Wang Lang and the others to discuss the copyright of Wang Zengqi's anthology.

In the last life, Yan Normal University Publishing House first negotiated this matter and published a version of "The Complete Works of Wang Zengqi".

But for this edition of "The Complete Works of Wang Zengqi", even as a student of Yan Normal University, Yu Dong has some criticisms.

There are many errors and omissions in the Yanshi University version of "The Complete Works of Wang Zengqi", such as the problem of multiple versions of the same article but with different contents, that is, there is some confusion in the selection of versions, indicating that it is a certain version, but it is actually another version.

There are two reasons for this situation. The first is that the time is relatively short. It is said that Yan Normal University authorized the copyright before the Wang family at the funeral, and then compiled a complete set of works in only eight months.

The second reason is that the criticism of contemporary literature is often even criticism. Scholars focus on the meaning, content, and form of the text, and seldom study it from the perspective of version and compilation. Very mature place.

In other words, the current academic research on Wang Zengqi is not very mature, and there are many places that cannot be taken into account.

In the final analysis, Yan Normal University Publishing House was still in a hurry, and wanted to compile the book while the person had just passed away and there was more enthusiasm.

That's why Yu Dong wanted to let Deep Space Company obtain the authorization of the complete works, and spend more time and energy to make this set of books better.

After this set of books comes out, it will be more convenient for later academic researchers to study Wang Zengqi.


At noon the next day, Yu Dong was writing big characters in his study after dinner, when a shout suddenly sounded outside.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, open the door."

Yu Dong stretched out his head and looked outside. It turned out that Chen Tao was standing outside the window with his head down.

"How did you come?"

Opening the door and putting Chen Tao into the room, Yu Dong asked strangely.Today is Friday, so it stands to reason that Chen Tao doesn't have time to come over.

While wiping the sweat from his forehead, Chen Tao walked towards the tea table, poured himself a cup of herbal tea, and after taking a few sips, he said, "God, it's so hot that I can't live it."

Yu Dong looked at Chen Tao. When he first met him, he was not tall, thin and thin. After a few years, his height has increased a lot, and he is almost as tall as him.

"School is on holiday today?" Yu Dong asked.

"No." Chen Tao shook his head: "I came here during my lunch break, and I have to go back later."

Yu Dong asked in surprise, "What's so urgent?"

Chen Tao wiped off his sweat again, and said with a chuckle: "Isn't it the Dragon Boat Festival? My mother said that she would invite you, my sister, and uncles and aunts to dinner at home."

Yu Dong stared at Chen Tao, with a scrutinizing expression, "Your parents have already called us about this matter, so you don't need to make a special trip, just tell me if you have anything to say. Otherwise, I will call now Call my aunt and say that you are not studying hard at school, and you are here to mess around with me."

Chen Tao quickly raised his hands, making a gesture of surrender, "Don't, brother-in-law, if my mother knows that I'm here, my ass will definitely bloom again. That's it, I set up a reasoning club with Jin Yang, are you Do you know?"

"I know, I heard it's doing okay."

Chen Tao said proudly: "It's just a little bit of achievement, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning-but now I have a little problem, and I may need your brother-in-law to help."

"What's the problem, how can I help?"

"It's not a big problem, brother-in-law, it's up to you to move your mouth. Our Yuhua Reasoning Club has a lot of people now, and we have members both offline and online, so we will hold activities both offline and online..."

"Wait—" Hearing this, Yu Dong raised his hand, "Online, offline? What do you mean by online?"

"Deep Space Chinese Website, our online members often organize activities online, isn't it because the website belongs to your company, brother-in-law? As a brother-in-law, of course I have to fully support it."

"No, you will be in your third year of high school next semester. Do you have time to do this? When you are at home, can your aunt give you access to the Internet?"

Chen Tao smiled and said, "No, I mainly handle offline activities, and the online activities are all organized by President Fang."

"President Fang?"

"Fang Tao, a student of Jinling University, the president of our club."

"Aren't you the president?" Yu Dong asked.

"I resigned." Chen Tao smiled: "After all, I'm still in middle school, I don't have enough time, and I'm not as thoughtful as Brother Tao in all aspects, so I just gave him the position of president, so that he can manage it more conveniently."

Yu Dong nodded: "You are quite able to carry forward your style. Isn't your reasoning agency developing very well? Why are you looking for me today?"

Chen Tao rubbed his hands in embarrassment: "This is not for the convenience of online activities. We need some privileges from the website, at least a website certification. Brother Tao went to the deep space to ask before, because we have no procedures and no documents , so the company was unwilling to give us certification, so I came over and walked through the back door."

"That's it?"

"Well, that's it."

"Okay, I'll call later and ask your president to go to the company again."

Chen Tao held Yu Dong's hand excitedly, "You are really my brother-in-law!"

Yu Dong shook off Chen Tao's hand in disgust, and then asked, "Where is Jin Yang, why didn't you come with me?"

"He has fallen in love with computers recently. He reads books and studies every day. He is fascinated. He also tells me every day that he will build a software in the future for members to play Werewolf on it."

"Oh?" Yu Dong became interested, "Did he say that?"

"Yeah." Chen Tao pursed his lips, "I think he's putting the cart before the horse. I played the online werewolf killing activity once, and it wasn't interesting. It's still fun offline. You can hear voices and see expressions, which is more exciting. Besides Now, if you really want to play Werewolf online, you can just play on the website, why do you have to get some other software, brother-in-law, don’t you think so?”

Yu Dong didn't say yes or no. He didn't know what Jin Yang was thinking, so he couldn't comment.

But Jin Yang's boy, Yu Dong, has met him a few times. He is a smart kid, not as lively as Chen Tao, but he has many ideas and strong logical thinking.So when he heard that Chen Tao and Jin Yang were engaged in a reasoning club, Yu Dong thought from the bottom of his heart that Jin Yang had done more.

"Well, when you have time, you can bring him to me for a chat, and I'll see what he thinks."

Chen Tao nodded: "Okay, wait until next weekend, he must be happy to know that you want to see him."

At this time, Chen Tao looked at the time and suddenly became startled, "No, it's getting late, I have to go back, brother-in-law, it's settled, I will tell Brother Tao when I go back, let him go again Deep Space Corporation."

When Chen Tao finished speaking, the people had already disappeared.

The young man's footsteps are still fast, as if the speed of sound transmission cannot keep up with him.

After Chen Tao left, Yu Dong called Yu Liang and told Yuhua about the reasoning agency, and there was nothing wrong with it.Yu Yu also explained to Yu Dong why Yuhua Reasoning Agency was not certified. It was because they had recently approached their company for certification, and there were too many individuals and organizations asking for permission.

Some of these individuals and organizations are real, and some are liars. They want to get a certification from Deep Space Company, so that they can bluff on the website, so the company is strict about certification. Generally, there is no proof material at all. will be certified.

"It's a good thing to be stricter. We must not let the certification of the website become rotten and not convincing at all."

"By the way, boss, "Men in Black" and "Fatal Identity" will be released in July, do you want to go to the United States?"

Yu Dong thought for a while and asked, "When is the release date of "Old Book"?"

"It's tentatively scheduled for August [-]th, the day of Qixi Festival."

"Then wait until the beginning of August. I'll go there again. I'll arrange a few autograph sessions at that time, and we'll do it together. I'll ask Yu Hua and the others later. If they have time, I can also arrange an autograph session for them."

"okay, I get it."


"Old Book" is arranged to be released simultaneously on the Qixi Festival around the world, which is a good start. After all, "Old Book" is related to love. At the same time, it can also be used to promote Chinese Valentine's Day to other countries. It is also a good opportunity to promote traditional Chinese culture.

In addition, the reason why Yu Dong insisted on dragging Yu Hua and the others to sign the sale together was because he wanted them to make more appearances abroad.

As long as there are more appearances and more publicity, Chinese literature can always make a name for itself in foreign countries.



Pig Stomach: ask for a monthly pass
 Thanks for the 100 tip from [Steel and Steel] Big Brother
  Thanks to [Qingfeng Flipping Books and People’s Reading] Big Brother’s 500 rewards
  Asking for a monthly ticket, I was flat at first, but seeing that there are already 780 votes, I work hard, taking advantage of the double monthly ticket, maybe I can get up to [-], so let’s ask for it.

  At the end of tomorrow, two chapters with [-] words.

(End of this chapter)

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