Chapter 514 Two Directors

On June [-]th, the day before the Dragon Boat Festival, Hu Hao came to the school to look for Yu Dong with two stacks of materials.

"Boss, this is the candidate for the director of the two TV series "Oolong Breaks Through Love" and "Love Through Time and Space"."

Yu Dong is currently preparing the posts. This period of time may be due to the fact that he has just entered the summer and encountered Mr. Wang's affairs. He always feels stuffy and depressed in his chest, so he will make the posts whenever he is free, wanting to relax himself and give the breath to his chest. Shut out.

Seeing Hu Hao approaching, he put down his pen, raised his head and said with a smile, "Have they selected a director for Yu Yu?"

"President Yu didn't say anything, he just asked me to bring these materials here for you to read, boss." Hu Hao stretched out his head to look at the writing on the table, "Boss, your handwriting today is really good and comfortable."

"Don't flatter, bring me the information."

After Hu Hao brought the materials to him, Yu Dong opened them and looked at them. They had prepared a lot of candidates. There were more than 20 candidates for the two TV series.These directors span a wide range, both in style and experience.

The reason why they want to send the information to Yu Dongxuan is because the two TV series "Oolong Breaks Through Love" and "Love Through Time and Space" are relatively novel, and there are no similar TV series in China before, so it is difficult Take your seat and find the director.

Yu Dong looked around, and finally pointed out two people, "These two are Gao Xixi and Kong Sheng."

Hu Hao stretched his neck to look, then said with a smile: "Sure enough, these two are quite young."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Mr. Yu said, boss, you will definitely choose younger directors, so there are many directors under the age of 35 in this material." Hu Hao smiled, and said: "But I didn't expect you, boss, to choose this hole. Well, he is a half-way monk, he worked as an editor in a magazine before, and he has been working as a cameraman for the past few years, so he may not have enough experience."

Yu Dongrao looked at Hu Hao with interest, "Since he is inexperienced, why did you put him in?"

"It was Mr. Yu who watched "Kong Fansen" and thought it was very good, so he contacted the director Wang Wenjie, who recommended Kong Sheng to him."

Yu Dong nodded, and Wang Wenjie's information was also in his hands.

When he first saw Kong Sheng's name, Yu Dong had some doubts. After all, Kong Sheng hadn't made his debut yet, and he had relatively little experience in filming TV dramas.

He was worried that the current Kong Sheng would not be able to manage a complete TV series, but later he saw in the materials that Kong Sheng had already filmed two TV series and won awards, so he was relieved.

As for the other Gao Xixi, Yu Dong wasn't worried at all.Gao Xixi graduated from Nortel. In recent years, she has filmed several TV series and won several awards. She is quite mature.

Hu Hao took the information from Yu Dong, and pulled out Kong Sheng and Gao Xixi alone.

"Boss, how do you divide the two of them? Who will shoot "Oolong Breaks Through Love" and who will shoot "Love Through Time and Space"?"

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "Invite them to Jinling and let them choose for themselves."

"Okay, then I'll go back and tell Mr. Yu."

Yu Dong nodded, and when Hu Hao reached the door, he stopped Hu Hao again, "Come back, take this painting away."

Hu Hao's eyes lit up, and he hurried over, "Okay, thank you boss, I will definitely frame it and put it in the most conspicuous place in my living room when I go back."

Yu Dong sneered, "This is the manuscript for nephew."


When Kong Sheng received the call from Wang Wenjie, he had just woken up and was still a little confused.

"Kong, there is a play for you, do you have time during this time?"

Kong Sheng rubbed his eyes: "Yes, I have been idle recently, what do you want to shoot?"

"I didn't shoot it, it was you."

"I shoot? What do you mean?" Kong Sheng regained consciousness, "Are you asking me to be the director? Why are you calling?"

Wang Wenjie said with a smile: "Grandma, you've had great luck. The Deep Space Company has a new drama and they're looking for a director. They're looking for you. If you're not busy recently, pack up and go to Jinling."

"What do you want to shoot, tell me clearly first."

"Why do you say it so clearly? You can still suffer if you are asked to go? Let's not talk about it. I have already given your number to the Deep Space Company. It will not be long before they will contact you. That's it. After you come back from Jinling, please I eat……"

Wang Wenjie hung up the phone, but Kong Sheng was still at a loss, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Now I only know that Deep Space Company is going to make a TV series and wants to ask him to be the director.

However, why is this, why does the Deep Space Company want him?

It's not that Kong Sheng is not confident, but he understands his own situation.He is just a newcomer who has just worked for a few years as a half-way monk and hasn't mixed up yet.

But Wang Wenjie would definitely not lie to him.

Before he could figure it out, the phone rang again. He hurried to answer it, and a young man's voice came from the opposite side.

"Hello, is this Teacher Kong Sheng?"

"I'm Kong Sheng, may I ask who you are?"

"I am Yu Yu, the general manager of Deep Space China. Let me briefly explain my reason for coming..."


When Kong Sheng hung up Yuyu's phone, he was still a little confused. Deep Space really wanted to shoot a TV series, no, it wasn't a TV series. According to Yuyu, their company is currently preparing two TV series at the same time. As for which TV series he wants to shoot? After they read the script, they can decide for themselves.

The behavior of this Deep Space company is really beyond expectations. Their company is now in the ascendant in the cultural and entertainment industry. No matter what director or actor they are, they can hire them.

But they just wanted to invite such an unknown new director as himself to make a TV series for them, and what was even more outrageous was that they asked him to choose the script himself.

There are many things that Kong Sheng can't figure out, but the achievements and reputation of Deep Space Company are really there, so he is just a little surprised, but he doesn't suspect that there is something tricky about this matter.

The next day, he set off for Jinling.


Gao Xixi and Kong Sheng arrived in Jinling at the same time. They took the same bus, but one got on the bus at Yanjing, and the other got on the bus at Quancheng.

Kong Sheng came out first, and met the deep space staff who came to pick him up.

The staff member Xiao Liu put Kong Sheng's luggage away, and then said: "Mr. Kong, we have to wait a while and pick up another teacher."

"Another one?" Kong Sheng raised his eyebrows. He hadn't heard of another person before.

Within a few minutes, Gao Xixi came out of the passage, saw the sign "Welcome Teacher Gao Xixi" held up by Xiao Liu, and walked over with a smile.

Seeing the little fat man approaching, Kong Sheng stroked the sparse beard on his chin. He didn't expect that he was also a young man recruited by the Deep Space Company with him.

From the looks of it, maybe not yet 30 years old.

After approaching, Gao Xixi shook hands with Xiao Liu and Kong Sheng, and Xiao Liu introduced him: "Mr. Gao, I am Xiao Liu who came to pick you up. The person next to me is Teacher Kong Sheng. It's the same as the director who came to see the script. I didn't expect the two of you to take the same bus, which saved us trouble."

"Oh, hello, hello." Gao Xixi shook hands with Kong Sheng again, "I will learn more from you in the future."

"You are welcome." Kong Sheng smiled, "Let's go to their company quickly."

"Yes, yes, hurry up and read the script first."


After arriving at the company, it didn't take long for Gao Xixi and Kong Sheng to confirm the script they wanted to shoot. Gao Xixi filmed "Oolong Breaks Through Love", and Kong Sheng filmed "Love Through Time and Space".

The two of them didn't fight or fight, and didn't push or quit. After reading the script, they directly chose what they wanted to shoot.

Yu Yu didn't expect it to be so straightforward, and was surprised, "I thought, when faced with a choice, the two of you would have to struggle at least for a while."

In fact, when Yu Dong proposed to let them choose by themselves, Yu Yu had thought about this problem. He was worried that after giving them a choice, it would be easy to go wrong.

And if both of them are interested in a script, it will be really difficult.

Gao Xixi said with a smile: "Just now I chatted with Director Kong for a while, and this allocation is indeed more appropriate. In fact, neither of us has been in contact with this type of TV series. No director Kong, I’m just talking about my own situation.”

"It's okay, I think the same way, and I've never been exposed to this kind of TV series. When I heard that there was a comedy before, I thought it would be a sitcom, and I was a little more confident because I just participated in the production of a sitcom. It was only after I arrived that I realized that it was something like this.”

Yu Yu laughed: "You two don't need to underestimate yourselves. We have seen your abilities and are definitely capable of it."

Then Yu Yu looked at the time, and said: "It's getting late, let's go have a meal together later. I reserved a box at the Jinling Hotel, and I will cleanse the two of you."

"Mr. Yu, you are too polite." Gao Xixi said.

Kong Sheng also said: "It is indeed too polite."

Yu Yue smiled and said, "That's where it is, there are not only the three of us tonight, our boss is also here."

"The boss you're talking about is Yu Dong?" Gao Dilu asked.

The margin nodded: "Yes."

Gao Xixi smiled, "I just wanted to ask if I could see Mr. Yu, but I didn't feel ashamed to mention it. I am also a loyal reader of Mr. Yu. The year before last, I was by the side when he went to Yanjing Film Academy. I heard from my junior that he went there that day, but I can’t regret it. During that time, I often went back to school, but I didn’t go back for those two days, and I missed it with Mr. Yu.”

"And when "Xiang Xi" was signed, I happened to be filming "Days in the Sea", so I didn't make it in time to participate."

You can tell that Gao Xixi is indeed Yu Dong's reader, otherwise he wouldn't remember the time when "Xiang Xi" was signed, and when Yu Dong went to Yanjing Film Academy.

"Then today, you won't miss it. By the way, there are some books signed by the boss in the company. Would you like a set for you?"


"Well, it's all the books published in Chinese by the boss."

Gao Xixi said excitedly, "Of course I want it."

Kong Sheng also said beside him, "Can I do the same thing?"

Yu Yu nodded: "Of course."

Gao Xi smiled and looked at Kong Sheng, "Brother Kong also read Mr. Yu's book?"

"Of course, but not as many as you. I've only seen two or three of them."

"How many books have Brother Kong read? Which one do you like?" Speaking of Yu Dong's novels, Gao Xixi became interested and began to discuss with Kong Sheng.

Kong Sheng also responded with a smile: "My favorite is "Death of a Widow". At that time, I watched "Soft Knife" directed by Zhang Yimou..."

Yu Yu listened to the two of them discussing Yu Dong's novel, left the meeting room with a smile, and had someone fetch them two sets of Yu Dong's signed books.

The Deep Space Company kept some of this set, not only Yu Dong's, but also Mo Yan, Yu Hua and others, but Yu Dong's set contained the most books.

There are 14 books in total, "The Second World", "Essays on Cucumber Garden", "The Last City", "One Day", "Resident Evil 1, 2", "Westward", "The Crowd", "Fatal Identity", " Deep Space, The Martian, The Moon, Golden Dreams, Diary of Chaos.

That's why all of Yu Dong's works have not been included.

In the past two days, the company was discussing with Wang's family about compiling the complete works for Wang Zengqi, and Yu Yu was thinking that if one day they wanted to compile the complete works for Yu Dong, it might not be an easy task.

Even if Yu Dongfeng stopped writing now, it was enough for them to make up.

Besides, Yu Dong is still in his thirties now, and he has just created for five or six years, and he still has a lot of time for creation in the future. Maybe after a hundred years, the volume of his works can be doubled on the current basis .


Gao Xixi and Kong Sheng were dumbfounded when they saw the two stacks of books brought to them by the staff.

They didn't expect there to be so many. Just now, Kong Sheng thought about stuffing the books into his backpack and taking them back when they arrived.

Gao Xixi patted his head: "Look at me, I'm so happy, I forgot that Mr. Yu is a prolific writer."

"No hurry, there will be another one in a few days." Yu Liang said with a smile.

Gao Xixi showed a curious expression, "Does Yu always talk about "Old Books"?"

"That's right, it's the Old Book."

"Has the release date been set?"

"Well, it's already been decided. It's the Qixi Festival this year. But if you want to read it, Director Gao, I can send you a copy in advance."

Gao Xixi was a little moved by Yu Yu's statement that he would send him a copy, but after thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "No, no, I'll go and buy a copy by myself when the time comes."

Kong Sheng said generously: "How about, Mr. Yu will send me a copy when the time comes?"

"Okay, no problem. Let's go to the restaurant too. The boss may be here."


Yu Dong did arrive, besides him and Wang Hailin.

Wang Hailin has lost a lot of weight recently, and his long hair has disappeared, and it has become a short cut.

A few days ago, he finished writing a script of "Looking for the Qin Dynasty" and was going to send it to Yu Dong for reading. Before he went, he competed with himself and swore in his heart that if there was another big problem this time, he would shave his head.

And then, that's it.

Yu Dong glanced at Wang Hailin's hair, and said with a smile, "Your hair grows pretty fast."

Wang Hailin tilted his head, unwilling to talk to Yu Dong.

Seeing him like this, Yu Dong laughed again: "Tell me about you, why are you competing with yourself? Didn't I say nothing about you?"

Wang Hailin felt wronged and said, "Brother Dong, stop talking, I'm already suffering enough."




Just glanced at it, and it is still 1000 away from 90 tickets. Now double the monthly tickets, there is still hope.

(End of this chapter)

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