Chapter 524
Yu Dong and the others arrived one day earlier, which was already considered late, so Tan Kai complained to them a few words.

On the contrary, Campote and George Martin, who came all the way from the United States, arrived the day before yesterday.

This time Campote came here and brought a lot of people, basically the backbone of the YU Umbrella Association and the Singularity Association.

As for the representative of the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association, Qu Aiguo and the others arrived in Yanjing first, and the three associations had already met.

"I was there when they met, and everyone chatted very well. Jeff from the YU Umbrella Association has always been interested in the Cucumber Garden Association. After all, you are in Jinyi, and the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association is also in Jinyi. I heard Jeff told Hahns that after the International Science Fiction Association is over, they will go to Jinyi to have a look." Tan Kai said.

"It's a good thing." Yu Dong nodded.

Yu Hua asked Tan Kai, "How long will the summer camp in Rongcheng last?"

Tan Kai replied with a smile, "Just one day."

"It's only been a day." Yu Hua shook her head, a little disappointed.

The itinerary of this International Science Fiction Convention will be in Yanjing from the 28th to the 31st, and the closing ceremony will be on the morning of the 31st. In the afternoon, some people will rush to Rongcheng Moon Bay to participate in the summer camp activities.

Yu Hua and the others came here purely for fun, and of course they were more concerned about the upcoming summer camp activities than the formal activities of the previous few days.

"Although the official event is only for one day, since we have arrived in Rongcheng, of course we will accompany you how you want to play."

Mo Yan said from the side, "Editor Tan, don't listen to Yu Hua's eagerness to ask questions. In fact, we won't be able to stay in Rongcheng for long."

"How?" Tan Kai asked.

"After the conference, we will go to the United States." Yu Dong explained.

Tan Kai nodded: "Is it because of the new book?"

"Wrong, it's Old Book." Yu Hua reminded.


After meeting Tan Kai, Yu Dong was going to find Liu Cixin and Wang Jingkang, but just as he went out, he ran into Jeff and Liu Yukun.

Yu Dong looked at the two of them: "Are you here to find me?"

"Yes, yes, Yu, are you going out?"

"Is there something important to tell me?" Yu Dong asked.

Jeff shook his head, "It's nothing important, I just heard that you came to Yanjing, so I wanted to come and see you."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Okay, I'm going to find Liu Cixin and the others, you go with me."

"Okay." Jeff and Liu Yukun readily agreed.

The three of them went to Liu Cixin's room first, knocked on the door, but no one answered, then turned around and went to Wang Jingkang's room.

Before entering the door, the three of them heard the commotion in the room.

Went in and took a look, Liu Cixin, He Hongtao, Yang Peng, Xing Yusen... half of the participating science fiction writers were crowded in Wang Jingkang's room.

He Hongtao saw Yu Dong first, and shouted excitedly: "Brother Dong is here."

His voice attracted the attention of everyone in the room to the door.

Then everyone was greeting Yu Dong, in a mess, and Yu Dong couldn't tell who was talking to him, so he could only keep nodding.

After nodding around, Yu Dong was not in a hurry to exchange greetings, and first introduced the two people around him: "This is Jeff and Liu Yukun, Jeff is the president of the YU Umbrella Reading Club, and Liu Yukun is the president of the Singularity Association , this time I made a special trip to participate in the International Science Fiction Convention.”

Wang Jingkang nodded and said, "I know, I know, I heard that there are three non-government associations coming this time, why didn't there be another song?"

"President Qu went out just now, and it seems to be to deal with some matters of Yanjing branch." Liu Yukun said.

Jeff followed up and said, "President Qu said he won't be back until dinner."

Hearing Jeff's words, everyone was a little surprised.

Both of them speak Chinese, and Liu Yukun speaks Chinese, which is not surprising to everyone, because Liu Yukun can be seen as a Chinese.But Jeff is different. He is a serious foreigner.

Jeff's Chinese pronunciation is definitely not comparable to Jimmy's, but the level is already quite high, at least everyone present can understand it well.

He Hongtao laughed and said, "Since I met Brother Dong, I have seen more and more foreigners who are good Chinese thieves."

Jeff waved his hand modestly: "Where, where, thank you, thank you."

"Damn it, you can even use 'where, where'!" He Hongtao's jaw almost dropped from shock.

The most difficult thing in language learning is not words and pronunciation, but this kind of expression with language characteristics.The use of this kind of vocabulary basically needs to rely on a strong sense of language support.

Jeff can use it so well, which means that he has really put a lot of effort into learning Chinese.

"In order to better understand YU's novels, many people in our association are learning Chinese. People like me are already relatively poor."

Jeff’s words are of course exaggerated. There are indeed many people in the YU Umbrella Association who are learning Chinese, and there are indeed many who learn Chinese very well, but they speak better than Jeff. Except for Chinese, there are basically no Chinese how much.

Because Jeff can speak Chinese, everyone had a good first impression of him, and we chatted with him naturally.

Wang Jingkang pushed his eyes and said with a smile, "You didn't come just now. We were talking about the Hugo Awards. Liu said that he thought you didn't go to the Hugo Awards Ceremony. Secretary Hu wanted to make a trip for nothing. I didn’t expect the Hugo Awards to be quite grand, so I still awarded the awards to you.”

Liu Cixin nodded and said: "I really think so, and old Martin, he got an award even if he didn't go."

Yang Peng laughed: "Da Liu, if Uncle Martin hears your words, he will definitely be unhappy."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "It's a mess. "Dragon Blood" was originally a by-product of "A Song of Ice and Fire". However, the sales volume is not bad. The Hugo Awards have received little attention in recent years, and this kind of sales volume is needed. Good science fiction is all about the facade."

Jeff stood next to Yu Dong, secretly stunned, Yu's words are really straightforward.

In fact, according to the process of Hugo Awards announced to the outside world, the award-winning works must be works with high sales, because the selection of awards basically depends on readers' votes.

But it turns out that's not the case at all.

If the selection is strictly based on the readers' votes, the winners in recent years should all be YU's works.But since YU's debut, he has only won one short novella award in this Hugo Award.

From this, it can be seen that there is still internal manipulation of the Hugo Awards.

Not to mention the Nebula Award, which is originally a selection within the circle, and whoever gets the award is not all decided by the jury.

Thinking of this, Jeff couldn't help sighing.

His tone was not because YU didn't win the award, but because of the future of the Hugo Award and Nebula Award.

During the two days since he came to Yanjing, Jeff also heard some news related to the International Science Fiction Convention.

The opening ceremony of this International Science Fiction Conference will be held at the same time as the Galaxy Awards ceremony. According to Tan Kai, editor-in-chief of "Science Fiction World", this year's Galaxy Awards will expand the scope of awards.

This means that it is not necessary for science fiction published in Science Fiction World to have a chance of winning.

While expanding the scope of selection, but can't let go of their own prejudices, comparing the two, it is self-evident who has the future.

Maybe in the near future, when it comes to science fiction, the first thing people think of is not the Nebula, Hugo or Locus, but the Galaxy Award.

Jeff has such an idea, not only because the Galaxy Awards itself is making changes, but also because the explosion of science fiction in China in the past few years is too amazing.

Since YU came out, it seemed that other Chinese science fiction writers were activated at once.

Jeff made a special study of Chinese science fiction before and after 92, and found that in just a few years, the overall level of Chinese science fiction writers has improved a lot.

For example, the chubby young man whose pen name is He Xi has undergone tremendous changes in style in his works in recent years.Liu Yukun told Jeff that the improvement of He Xi is not only the enrichment of science fiction elements and the strengthening of Luo Ji in the novel, but also his writing ability has improved a lot.

Regarding this point, Liu Yukun concluded after analysis that a large part of the reason for the improvement of the level is that Chinese science fiction writers have started to make money in the past two years.

Before that, everyone wrote for their hobby, and there might be some unconstrained ideas, but the stories were rarely polished.Now, they can treat science fiction writing as a career, put in more effort, and their level will naturally improve.

Jeff was lamenting the rapid development of Chinese science fiction, but Liu Yukun had been staring at Liu Cixin opposite.

Among these science fiction writers in China, apart from Yu Dong, Liu Yukun's favorite is Liu Cixin, so this time he came to Yanjing to meet Liu Cixin is also his main purpose.

While everyone was chatting, Liu Yukun kept leaning towards Liu Cixin.

It took more than half an hour before Liu Yukun finally got to Liu Cixin's side.

"Mr. Liu, hello."

Liu Cixin was listening to Wang Jingkang talking about Dashan, turned his head to look at Liu Yukun, and responded with a smile: "Hello, hello, just call me Da Liu, and the teacher will not."

Liu Yukun blinked and said, "Then you can call me Xiao Liu."

"Xiao Liu..." Liu Cixin laughed: "Yes, yes. I heard about your Singularity Association, and it's doing very well. You must have contributed a lot."

Liu Yukun said modestly: "In fact, I didn't do anything, all thanks to the support of Deep Space Corporation and Jeff. Of course, the foundation of the Singularity Association is the domestic science fiction writers. As long as there are outstanding writers like you, I will I believe that the Singularity Association will go on in a long-term and stable way.”

Liu Cixin pushed his glasses with a smile. He didn't expect Liu Yukun, a Chinese, to be quite tactful.

"you are too humble."

Liu Yukun was not polite anymore, but changed the subject and said, "Old Liu... I read your new work "Country Teacher". "Country Teacher" has a special angle of entry and is attractive enough."

 Thank you [clover leo] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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