Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 525 The Number One Sci-Fi Fan

Chapter 525 The Number One Sci-Fi Fan

No one doesn't like to hear others flatter themselves, unless the flattering is in the wrong place.

But Liu Yukun's flattery was obviously not the slightest bit, and it just captured Liu Cixin's heart, making him feel elated.

"Yes, science fiction requires imagination, but imagination without support is doomed to be meaningless. Imagination can only be ideas and elements. They are an important part of a novel, but if you really want to build a An excellent novel also needs a good story structure, and a good story structure, first of all, is the perspective. If you don’t even choose the perspective of the story, you will definitely not be able to tell a good story.”

Liu Cixin became more and more enthusiastic: "When I was writing this novel, I went to Jinyi, and happened to meet..."

Most of the time, Liu Cixin was talking, and Liu Yukun would occasionally add a few words, but every time he said it, he could hit the point, which made Liu Cixin look at him, a college student who had not yet graduated, with admiration.

Liu Cixin can tell that Liu Yukun has his own understanding of science fiction and is very imaginative, not just an ordinary science fiction fan.

Yu Dong watched Big Liu and Xiao Liu whispering to each other, talking happily, and couldn't help but pursed the corners of his mouth and smiled.

If it wasn't for me, the meeting between the two should have been delayed for a long time.Liu Cixin was able to win the Hugo Award later, in fact, it was inseparable from Liu Yukun.The performance of a work abroad is inseparable from the ability of the translator.

Speaking of it, the fate is indeed wonderful. Yu Dong remembered that when he met Liu Yukun at the signing party, this kid was still in middle school. In a blink of an eye, he was about to graduate from university and became the president of the Singularity Association.


Yu Dong and the others chatted in Wang Jingkang's room until evening, and then they rushed to the restaurant of the hotel together.

After everyone arrived at the restaurant, they found their seats and sat down.

Yu Dong was looking for Yu Hua and the others when he saw Yang Xiao waving at him from a distance.

Standing beside Yang Xiao was a 80-[-]-year-old Caucasian old man, a little fat, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and looked gentle and elegant.

She first waved to Yu Dong, and then said something to the old man, and the two walked towards Yu Dong.

When the two came to the front, the old man opened his arms and gave Yu Dong a big hug: "YU, I finally see you."

Yu Dong looked at the old man in front of him suspiciously, while Yang Xiao introduced with a smile: "This is the famous science fiction collector, Foster Ackerman."

Hearing the name "Foster Ackerman", Yu Dong smiled: "Mr. Ackerman, hello."

Foster Ackerman is known as the number one sci-fi fan in the sci-fi world, and the reason why he can get such a title is entirely because of his exaggerated collection. As long as he has seen sci-fi magazines, he must be Will bookmark it.

He has been collecting since he was very young, and it is said that he has collected tens of thousands of magazines and more than [-] stills.

Yu Dong took another serious look at Ackerman in front of him. He was tall, 1.9 meters tall, with a bald forehead, gray hair, and the eyes on the bridge of his nose were not black frames, but tortoiseshell frames.

Ackerman was also looking at Yu Dong, and then smiled heartily: "YU, you are younger and handsome in real life than on TV. It's hard to imagine that you can achieve such achievements at your age."

"Mr. Ackerman, you are overrated. We all know that you were the number one member of the International Science Fiction League when you were a teenager."

Ackerman smiled and waved his hands: "The International Science Fiction Alliance sounds very powerful, but everyone knows what happened. In that era, not many people wrote science fiction. When I started writing science fiction, Axi Moff and the others may still be chasing girls in a middle school or elementary school."

Yu Dong and Yang Xiao looked at each other and smiled. Ackerman was right. In his time, few people wrote science fiction.

Among the Big Three of science fiction, Heinlein is bigger than Ackerman, but Heinlein officially entered the science fiction world in the 40s, while Ackerman began to try to write science fiction in the late 20s.

"Now in my house, the biggest movie poster is "Second World". After seeing the movie, I called Steven to ask for a poster, but I didn't expect him to send a poster that big. You know What? Because of that poster, my wife whispered at least [-] words into my ear. She always said to me, Foster, please fold up that poster, or move it, Haha, I never listen to her."

Ackerman's smile was contagious, and Yu Dong and Yang Xiao laughed when they heard him laugh.This old man is already eighty this year, but his condition is still very good.

He added: "Whenever you have time, you can go to my house to see that poster."

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, "Of course."

Yang Xiao smiled and said, "You must go and have a look at that time. Mr. Ackerman's home is like a science fiction museum."


The three chatted here, and soon attracted the attention of many people.

The first one to come was the famous science fiction translator Guo Jianzhong. He and Yu Dong were also old acquaintances. He helped translate many of Yu Dong's works.

After Guo Jianzhong came, many people came one after another, all of whom were translators.

For example, Wang Fengzhen, Yan Shangzhi, and David Hull are also among them. If there is no accident, these people should be the winners of this year's China Science Fiction Golden Bridge Award.

And these people, without exception, have all cooperated with Deep Space Corporation, and more than once.

Now in the whole world, the company that needs the most translation of science fiction is the Deep Space Company. The foreign translation work of Chinese science fiction writers is basically monopolized by the Deep Space Company.

But also because of the Deep Space Company, these translators have received more and more jobs in recent years, and their remuneration has also gotten better and better.

To put it more mundanely, for them, Yu Dong is not only the most famous science fiction writer in the world, but also their God of Wealth.

Seeing such a lively scene at the scene, Ackerman was also very emotional, "I still remember that when I went to the World Fantasy Convention for the first time, I couldn't even afford the banquet expenses. Of course, I am not the only one who cannot afford the expenses. More than 160 people participated, but only more than 20 people could afford the money, a plate costs one dollar, of course there is no food, you know, a light plate costs one dollar.”

Hearing this, Yu Dong couldn't help but sigh, the organizer of this World Fantasy Convention is really dark enough.Let alone that time, a dollar a plate is a bit outrageous now.

Yu Dong had reason to suspect that the World Fantasy Convention at that time was organized by some people to collect money, and the money collected was from science fiction writers.

(End of this chapter)

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