Chapter 526 Go ahead

On the morning of July 28, Zhu Guangzhao walked into the multi-functional studio of China Science and Technology Hall together with Deputy Secretary Zhang Yutai.

Looking at the somewhat crowded studio, Zhu Guangzhao frowned and sighed: "The place is still small."

This multi-functional studio can accommodate more than 300 people. At the beginning, they thought that this studio should be enough. It can not only hold domestic and foreign representatives, reporters from all walks of life, but also invite some science fiction fans. Come and listen.

But after the list was drawn up, it was discovered that there were not enough representatives from home and abroad alone, let alone sci-fi fans.

There is no way, and there is no other suitable place, so we can only add some movable seats on the original basis to let everyone squeeze together, so that more than 400 people can be accommodated in the end.

Hearing Zhu Guangzhao's sigh, Zhang Yutai said with a smile: "We didn't expect that there would be so many people in advance. Many news media didn't need us to invite them, but they came here on their own initiative. Among them, the British Broadcasting Corporation also pays special attention to it. Just the camera Just a few came. As you know, Yu Dong is very popular in the UK, and his influence is not limited to science fiction.”

Zhu Guangzhao nodded: "Well, I heard that he is quite famous in the football world. Does he play football?"

"I don't know whether he plays football or not, but he became famous in the British football circle at first because of the movie "Second World". Later, it happened that whichever club he accepted to invite him to watch the game, that club would win. Many fans think he is a lucky star."

Zhu Guangzhao smiled: "This foreigner still believes in this."

"It doesn't necessarily mean you believe it, most people probably just join in the fun."

"Probably so." Zhu Guangzhao turned his head and looked at Li Xiang, the office director behind him: "Let's distribute all the materials at the venue, so don't miss anyone."

"Don't worry about this, everything is in order, I have confirmed it again and again."


Yu Hua sat next to Yu Dong, looked at the collection of papers in his hand, and said with a smile: "An international conference is an international conference. This booklet is so beautifully made, and there are only a few pages. It is heavier than a novel of 10,000+ words."

"If you think it's good, I'll ask Yu Yu to find a publishing house later and get you a super hardcover collector's edition of "To Live". Just use this kind of paper, and put some fancy illustrations in it. It's guaranteed to be heavier than a brick." Dong joked.

"If it comes out, I will definitely buy it." Bi Feiyu smiled, and then added: "The premise is that the price cannot exceed 15 yuan."

"Looking at the stars in the sun, I think you are daydreaming." Yu Hua snorted, then opened the booklet and asked Yu Dong, "Where is your speech? Where is it?"

"Page No. 15."

"Oh... I'd better not read it, you can go up and tell me later, otherwise it will be boring."

All the representatives who spoke at this conference submitted their speeches to the organizing committee in advance. After the speeches were approved, they would be bound into volumes in both Chinese and English, and then these volumes would be distributed to each participant.

Before the conference started, Yu Dong looked up at the monogram of the conference hanging on the stands. The spotlights in the studio cast light on the monogram. The monogram was a globe, and people could clearly see that the globe was divided by straight lines Bright and dark halves.

A slender human body lifted a bright red star out of the horizon with a graceful leaping gesture, and flew into the vast and boundless universe.

Until 09:30, the host Zhu Jian came to the stage to announce that the Yanjing International Science Fiction Convention was officially opened.

At the opening ceremony, the leader of the Association for Science and Technology made a speech first, and then the astronaut representative Leonov also made a brief speech.

After they finished their speeches, the awarding ceremony of the Galaxy Awards and Golden Bridge Awards began directly.

Compared with the previous Galaxy Awards ceremonies, the Galaxy Awards did not take long at this conference. In addition, there are more awards today than before, so many people won the awards and did not give their acceptance speeches.

When the best novel was awarded at the end, Zhu Guangzhao first read Liu Cixin's name, and his "Supernova Era" won the best novel of this Galaxy Award.

But when everyone's applause just started, Zhu Guangzhao called Yu Dong's name again.

"Congratulations to Liu Cixin and Yu Dong. This year's Galaxy Awards for Best Novel will be shared by the two of you."

In fact, when Yu Dong heard that Liu Cixin won the best novel, he was quite happy. For him now, science fiction awards can't bring more things, so it's better to let more newcomers compete.

Yang Xiao and the others were afraid that the awards would be monopolized, but he didn't want that either.

Only by giving others a little hope can this award play a better role.

Moreover, Yu Dong only published "Moon" last year. The quality of this novel is not bad, but it's perfectly fine not to award it.

It's just that he didn't expect that the organizing committee would come up with two works tied for the award.

When taking the stage, Liu Cixin deliberately walked behind Yu Dong, but when the two were about to walk up, Yu Dong suddenly stopped, gave way, and said to Liu Cixin with a smile, "Please, Liu."

Liu Cixin was taken aback for a moment, then waved his hand, "Go ahead."

Yu Dong shook his head with firm eyes, and just turned sideways to wait for Liu Cixin to move forward.

There were more than 400 people in the entire studio, and Zhu Guangzhao was still on the stage waiting for the two of them to come on stage to receive the award, and everyone turned their attention to them.

Under such pressure, Liu Cixin could only walk to the front. When he walked in front of Yu Dong, he couldn't help muttering: "This is not appropriate."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "I think it's very suitable."

The actions of the two were also clearly captured by the camera, and the reporters were also paying attention to them.

It seemed that the two were condescending to each other, but Yu Dong's humility was a bit extraordinary. He would rather let Zhu Guangzhao wait on the stage than let Liu Cixin go first. Is there any special reason for this?

Liu Cixin was also muttering in his heart, not understanding why Yu Dong insisted on letting him take the stage first.

After taking the stage, the two took the medals from Zhu Guangzhao one after another.

"You two, work hard."

Zhu Guangzhao patted the shoulders of the two, then returned to his seat, leaving the stage in front of them to them.

Next, he was about to deliver his acceptance speech. Liu Cixin looked at Yu Dong, but Yu Dong made a gesture of invitation, "You go first."

Liu Cixin sighed slightly, and walked to the microphone.

"Hello everyone, I am Liu Cixin. I am very grateful to the organizing committee for awarding me this award. This is a great affirmation to me. When I started trying to write science fiction a few years ago, I would not have thought that one day I will stand on such a stage and hold this medal representing the highest honor of Chinese science fiction..."

 Thank you [Wangyunshanren] for the 5000 reward
(End of this chapter)

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