Chapter 527 The Silver Age
Liu Cixin's acceptance speech was not long, and the time for the Galaxy Awards did not allow him to speak too long.

After he finished speaking, he retreated to the back, which was equivalent to going forward.

Yu Dong smiled, took two steps forward, and held the microphone, "I am very happy today, not only because I have won this award, but also because Liu Cixin is also standing on this stage. Besides him In addition, more friends have won awards this year than last year, and the overall level of award-winning works is higher than in previous years. I am very happy to see such great progress in Chinese science fiction. I have been saying that Chinese science fiction and even the world The prosperity of sci-fi should not depend on just one person or a few people. Half a century ago, British and American sci-fi took the lead, and many outstanding sci-fi writers were born at the same time, such as Clarke, Heinlein, Asimov and others. Later Herbert and others, it was their excellent writers who formed the magnificent golden age of science fiction."

"Nowadays, the situation facing science fiction literature is very different from that of the 60s and 60s. With the development of the film industry, science fiction has more connections with science fiction movies. Science fiction literature has been hindered, but there are more and more There are many possibilities. If the 90s was the golden age of sci-fi, then from the [-]s to a later year, I think it can be defined as the silver age of sci-fi. member."

Hearing Yu Dong's wild words, no one on and off the stage felt that something was wrong.

Indeed, because of Yu Dong's appearance, readers' attention to science fiction literature has increased a lot in the world in recent years.It is not only readers who pay attention to science fiction literature, but also countless filmmakers.

The more possibilities mentioned by Yu Dongkou also refer to the film adaptation of the novel.

"Today I am honored to be able to participate in the World Science Fiction Conference jointly organized by the China Association for Science and Technology and "Science Fiction World" and to gather with so many science fiction professionals. I am very excited to see the emerging forces in the science fiction world. I think, in such an era, with you, you will definitely be able to push science fiction to another peak."

"thank you all."

After Yu Dong finished speaking, there was warm applause from the audience, and Liu Cixin, who was standing behind Yu Dong, was also a little moved. Leaving aside Yu Dong’s achievements in science fiction, his support for Chinese science fiction is obvious to all, and this support is still selfless of.

Liu Cixin also finally understood why Yu Dong insisted on letting himself go ahead. Perhaps this was a kind of expectation Yu Dong had for him, hoping that he and other less advanced sci-fi writers could take the lead in creating a more prosperous sci-fi. era.

Such hard work is truly admirable.


Later, the winners of the Yinhe Award and the Golden Bridge Award took a group photo on stage. Yang Xiao deliberately walked up to Yu Dong and asked him in a low voice, "How do I hear your speech today? Has the banner been handed over to someone else? Have you heard some gossip?"

In fact, there are some rumors, saying that Yu Dong monopolizes the science fiction market and does not allow others to survive.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Sister Xiao, do you think I'm the kind of person who takes gossip and rumors to heart?"

"You are not, so why are you?"

"It's nothing. Isn't it a good thing that more excellent science fiction writers come out? Don't get me wrong, I will definitely continue to write science fiction, but I'm afraid I won't be so focused."

"Okay, I understand." Yang Xiao sighed slightly and said nothing more.

She can understand Yu Dong's meaning. Yu Dong's energy is distracted by many things now.In fact, since last year, Yu Dong's sci-fi works have suddenly decreased. For a whole year, only "Moon" was published at the end of the year.

Yu Dong's creative passion has not diminished, but it has been put more on other aspects.

Moreover, Yang Xiao always felt that Yu Dong's main battlefield was traditional literature.

Out of selfishness, Yang Xiao certainly hopes that Yu Dong can always focus on science fiction literature and continue to bring excellent science fiction works to readers.But reason told her that only traditional literature can bring Dongdong to a higher position.

Seeing Yang Xiao's preoccupation, Yu Dong emphasized it again: "Sister Xiao, don't think too much, I will never leave science fiction until the day I can't write."

Yang Xiao showed a bright smile: "I remember this, and I will always remember it until the day I can't remember everything."


After the awards were presented, the speaking representatives took the stage to speak. Yu Dong went up to the stage and read his manuscript like everyone else, probably because the manuscript was too official. Many people thought that his previous acceptance speech sounded more interesting.

The next two days of activities will be held in the China Science and Technology Museum Dome Movie Hall, which is a meeting for science fiction fans.

Without the presence of the leader, the atmosphere of the meet and greet was more relaxed. Everyone chatted casually and looked forward to the future with science fiction fans.

American astronaut Ross mentioned Yu Dong's "The Martian". He said that mankind has taken gratifying steps in conquering space. After landing on the moon, the next goal for mankind to land is Mars.He also predicted that this goal will definitely become a reality in the next decade, when the space flight and landing will be completed by extensive international cooperation.As a country with rapid economic and technological development, China will also devote itself to this plan, and all this is just as written in "The Martian".

After his speech, Rose also chatted with Yu Dong. He didn't know where he got the news that "The Martian" had been handed over to Spielberg for adaptation and was in preparation for filming.

He also joked that if the movie is made, he also wants to play a role, and expressed his willingness to provide some technical guidance and share some of his own experience with them.

Yu Dong didn't care whether he was joking or not, and extended an invitation to him openly.

Ross is an old astronaut. He is nearly 50 years old today. He has gone to space five times before, and he has not retired now, and he will continue to accept missions in the future.

If Ross can really be invited to make a cameo, it will definitely be beneficial to the movie.

On the afternoon of the 31st, after dinner, everyone flew to Rongcheng, where the summer camp started in Moon Bay.


Yu Dong and the others stayed in Moon Bay for more than a day. At four o'clock in the afternoon on August [-], they rushed to Rongcheng TV Station.

Before because of Mo Yan's matter, he still owed Rongcheng TV station a favor. Now that he has come this time, he will naturally have to return the favor.

Rongcheng TV station arranged an interview for a few of them, and the time was not long, just over an hour.

After the interview was over, Yu Dong took Mo Yan and the others to the TV drama department of the TV station.

He came here to meet someone, Mai Jia, the author of "Purple Dense Black Dense".

Shen Kong has already signed a contract with Mai Jia, and Yu Dong also heard Hu Hao tell him that Mai Jia was transferred to work and came to Rongcheng TV Station to work as a TV screenwriter.

At that time, he thought it was a coincidence that Mo Yan was also transferred to this unit before.

When Yu Dong and the others went to the TV drama department, they first alerted Zhu Yonggang, the director of the department.

As soon as Yu Dong said that he wanted to find Mai Jia, Zhu Yonggang was a little wary. After all, Yu Dong had just poached Mo Yan from their department before.

It might not be appropriate to say poached away, because Mo Yan never worked a day in their department.

However, Mai Jia is in the same situation as Mo Yan. He also came to work as a screenwriter. He has been working for a while and has performed very well.

If Yu Dong poached Mai Jia away right now, Zhu Yonggang would definitely be in pain.

"Teacher Yu, it's not easy for our TV station to have a talent." Zhu Yonggang said with a bitter face. When he said this, he kept sweeping his eyes at Mo Yan.

The implication is that you have already poached one, so just show mercy and leave one for the TV station.

If someone else came, Zhu Yonggang didn't have to worry at all. Their TV station is a first-level unit anyway, and it's not easy to poach people from them.

But Yu Dong is different. He is a great writer himself, and the Deep Space Company in his hands is so large. Few people can resist the olive branch he throws out.

Seeing his worried look, Yu Dong said with a smile: "Director Zhu, you don't need to be too nervous. I'm here this time just to see Mai Jia, there's no other purpose."

Zhu Yonggang looked at Yu Dong, then at Mo Yan and the others, finally nodded and said: "Okay, Teacher Yu opened his mouth, of course I have no reason not to believe it, just wait a while, I'll go and call Mai Jia over. "

(End of this chapter)

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