Chapter 528 Play to understand
Not long after Maijia was called, Zhu Yonggang felt a little regretful.

Yes, Yu Dong did not say that he wanted to poach someone, but since Mai Jia entered the office, the few of them have been discussing literary creation.

Mai Jia, who is usually listless, is full of energy when it comes to literary creation, especially literary creation related to espionage.

Mai Jia and Mo Yan are still brothers. Mo Yan was admitted to the Department of Military Art and Literature in 1984. At that time, Xu Huaizhong gave Mo Yan a chance to take the exam because he saw Mo Yan's "Folk Music".

On the other hand, Maijia entered the military art in 1989 with the two works of "Transformation" and "Life in Bermuda". In addition, they were assigned to Rongcheng TV Station after changing jobs, so the two have a close relationship.

Seeing that Mai Jia still maintains enthusiasm and desire for literary creation, Mo Yan encouraged him: "Mai Jia, your enthusiasm and talent cannot be wasted..."

Speaking of this, Mo Yan looked at Zhu Yonggang who was sitting on the side, coughed lightly, and continued: "Rongcheng is a good place, Rongcheng TV station is a good place, and you Director Zhu is a very good person. In such an environment, absolutely Conditionally support your creation."

Before Mai Jia could respond, Zhu Yonggang nodded and said, "Yes, yes, Mai Jia is a screenwriter in the station, and he doesn't have to work at ordinary times, so he has more free time. Of course, our station also hopes that he can calm down and start creating. Bring more and better scripts to our station."

The same is creation, novels and scripts are two different things.

Although novels can be adapted into scripts, the effect is completely different. Zhu Yonggang is afraid that Mai Jia will chat with Yu Dong and Mo Yan, and then focus on literature and novels, and the script will be left behind.

The most important thing is that if she writes too many novels, Maijia might not be able to stay on the TV station in a long time.

Not to mention himself, when the time comes, organizations like the Writers Association will definitely follow him.

Seeing Zhu Yonggang's tense appearance, Yu Dong secretly laughed. He knew that even if they didn't come to the TV station today and didn't see Mai Jia, Mai Jia would definitely pick up a pen and write a novel.

As Zhu Yonggang himself said, Mai Jia does not sit on duty at Rongcheng TV Station and has very free time. He has enough time to engage in literary creation.

Of course, Yu Dong also knew that Zhu Yonggang was nervous, but it would definitely not hinder Mai Jia's creation.

Their unit really needs an excellent screenwriter, but if they can produce an excellent writer who can help their unit win some awards, that would be even better.

Mai Jia gave Yu Dong the impression that he was very silent. When talking about literary creation and espionage, he would say a few more words and his whole body would move, but most of the time, when others were talking, he would not be too quiet Willing to chime in and just listen quietly.

He didn't know where he came back from, with a schoolbag on his shoulder, and he sat on the bench obediently as soon as he came in.

It stands to reason that he is a few years older than Yu Dong, and the same age as Bi Feiyu, so he should appear more mature, but the way he sat there with a satchel, is gentle, like a college student who hasn't graduated yet.

He has been away from his hometown for many years, but when he speaks, he still has a strong southern accent.

Sometimes, Yu Dong could still see a little bit of tension in Mai Jia.He is obviously resisting and hiding this tension, but he magnifies it invisibly.

Yu Dong has felt this kind of tension in Mai Jia's works, especially the novel "Private Notebook", which is tense and lonely.

This is related to Maijia's childhood experience. Because of his background, he was often bullied when he was a child. This experience made him less talkative.Perhaps because of this, loneliness has become the main theme in his novels.

But Yu Dong can still feel that Mai Jia doesn't want to talk too much, but still has a strong desire to talk. Sometimes when Mo Yan and Yu Hua are chatting enthusiastically, Mai Jia will raise his head and open his mouth. Everyone thinks that he is going to talk. , but he just smiled.


Yu Dong and the others only stayed in Rongcheng for one more night, and they took Mai Jia out for a drink the night before.

Several leaders in the stage were also there, a large table of people, only two people did not drink, one was Wang Xiaobo, and the other was Maijia.

The leader of the station persuaded him to drink, saying that it was such a good day, it would be a pity not to drink, but he just refused sincerely, saying: I don’t know how to drink, I really don’t know how to drink.

After finishing this sentence, he added another sentence: You should also be less.

The next day, on the plane back to Jinling, Yu Hua talked about Maijia again.

"This kid will definitely only be able to engage in creation in the future, otherwise he will definitely not be able to get along in the unit."

Bi Feiyu smiled and said, "Are you complimenting or belittling?"

"It's not a compliment or a derogation, it's just a statement of an established fact."

"If you don't smoke, drink, or play cards, you won't be able to get along in the work unit?" Mo Yan smiled: "Yu Hua, you still have prejudice against the government work unit."

Yu Hua glanced at Mo Yan, "You are not prejudiced, so how did you write "Wine Country"?"

Mo Yan argued: "My "Wine Country" doesn't really write about drinking, it's a metaphor... I can't explain it to you."

"Haha, in fact, I said that he can't get along in the agency, not because he doesn't drink. You can tell that this kid has a little 'pull' on his face all the time. People who don't know him think he likes to work hard. .”

"You don't know him well, so you think he likes to push?" Wang Xiaobo asked.

"I'm different."

"What's different about you?"

Yu Hua laughed and boasted: "As a person, I am good at seeing people's hearts through their appearance."


After returning to Yanjing, they rested for two days and then rushed to the United States.

This time I went to many Americans, and everyone brought their family members, and they planned to have a good time in the United States after the signing was over.Wang Xiaobo went alone, but his wife Li Yinhe is in the United States, so this time it was a reunion.

"Old Book" was released globally on August [-]th, and Yu Dong and the others arrived in New York on the [-]th.

Jimmy sent a minibus to pick them up. On the way from the airport to the hotel, Mo Yan's daughter Guan Xiaoxiao suddenly pointed out the window and shouted, "Wow, is that the poster of Uncle Dong's novel?"

Everyone looked in the direction Guan Xiaoxiao pointed, and saw a huge poster hanging outside a six or seven-story house, with two huge letters "YU" on it that people could see at a glance.

Below "YU" is written YU's new book "Old Book" and a string of numbers 1997.08.09 in English.

The entire poster is very simple, without any bells and whistles. The blue background and red font are very conspicuous.

Wang Xiaobo looked at the poster and said with a smile: "This promotion is for the Deep Space Company to play."

(End of this chapter)

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