Chapter 55 Big Business

Yu Dong is waiting for two letters.

One is from the editorial department of Science Fiction World, and the other is from Jiangcheng.

And what Yu Dong took was sent from the editorial department of Science Fiction World.

The letter was written by Tan Kai himself. In the letter, he told Yu Dong that "One Day" had been scheduled to be published in the December issue of "Science Fiction World", and it was published in full text, not in installments, and a sample issue would be published soon. Sent to East.

As for "Second World", it is initially determined that it will be serialized for ten to twelve issues, and it will be decided depending on the situation of each issue.

The specific situation refers to the receipt of each issue of "Science Fiction World". If the receipt of a certain issue is not good, the layout will be more vacant, and more serialization will be carried out.

Conversely, if there are other new manuscripts in a certain issue that are suitable for publication, they should be less serialized.

And Tan Kai also mentioned one thing to Yu Dong, that is, the company is considering changing from bimonthly to monthly.This matter has been discussed several times in the society, and a rough decision has been made.

As for the specific decision, Tan Kai did not disclose.It can only be seen from Tan Kai's words, whether it will be changed to a monthly magazine has something to do with Yu Dong.

Yu Dong guessed that they should still consider the sales volume and the voice of the readers. If the serialization can be successful and the sales volume has increased, then it is reasonable to change it to a monthly magazine.

Otherwise, it would take two years to complete the serialization of "Second World", which is too long.

Yu Dong still has some impressions about the change of "Science Fiction World" to the monthly magazine.If he remembered correctly, the last life should have happened in 93.

This time, if "Science Fiction World" can really be changed from bimonthly to monthly, it will be a year or two earlier than the previous life. This is also the biggest change to the world after Yu Dong's rebirth.

So Yu Dong is quite concerned about the revision.

In addition to talking about business in the letter, Tan Kai also cared about Yu Dong's recent life and invited him to visit Rongcheng again when he had time.

After reading the letter, Yu Dong counted his days, the next issue of "Science Fiction World" should be out soon.

Although it is a December issue, according to the practice of "Science Fiction World", it is usually available in the market in advance.

The advance time is not fixed, sometimes it can be advanced by half a month, sometimes it is only two or three days in advance, and sometimes it is even delayed.

After carefully putting away the letter after reading, Yu Dong stared at the window in a daze.

He was thinking about communications, and it was not always a problem to communicate with "Science Fiction World" as he did now.

The last time Yang Xiao asked Guodong if he could reach his landline at any time, Yu Dong told her no.

No, there are only a few telephones in the school, all of which are in the leaders' offices, and their collective offices do not have telephones.

Because of these things, I can't bother the school leaders every day, and some things are not convenient to discuss in their office.

Not to mention the phone call from Su Tong's office. He is too busy with his work every day, so he has no time to answer the phone for Yu Dong.

The public telephone station is a little far from the school and is not very convenient.

Buying a pager, this thing is not cheap, it costs several thousand dollars, and Yudong doesn't seem to improve his current situation much, so he rejected the idea.

The pager reminded Yu Dong of a joke on the Internet in later generations, saying that someone hoarded a batch of pagers in the 90s and wanted to make a fortune, but ended up losing money.

This paragraph is not made up, it does happen, because the bp machine has become more and more popular in recent years, and the price has continued to rise for a certain period of time.

This gave some people the illusion that the price of bp machines would keep going up. They did not expect that the development of mobile phones would be so fast, and bp machines almost disappeared from the market within a few years.

It is normal for businessmen to chase profits, and because of the limitations of the times, they cannot foresee the future and chase up and down.

After much deliberation, I can only make do with it for the time being. Anyway, the communication needs are not too urgent.When it is really urgent later, he probably has some spare money in his hand, and there are more ways to solve the problem.

The big deal is to buy a house in Jinling and install a phone.Or go buy a mobile phone and take it with you. Although he is used to using a mobile phone, he doesn't like the big brother like a brick, but when it comes time to use it, who cares whether it is heavy or ugly or not. .

In a word, it is still a matter of money. Once you have money, there are more ways to do it.


A bookstore opened at the intersection of Yunhua Road and Linhe Road.

The store is not big, about [-] square meters, but the boss built a canopy at the entrance, and customized two wooden frames on the chairs as a temporary book stand, which can be regarded as an expansion of the bookstore.

It's just that this expansion is also troublesome. His bookstore cannot be open 24 hours a day, and it has to be open and closed. At this time, it is difficult to move books.

On the morning of the 25th, the boss, Dai Huan, ran back and forth many times before he finally put the books away. When he was about to sit down and smoke a cigarette, he saw several teenagers in their fifteenth and sixteenth years walking towards him.

Before the teenagers arrived, one of them shouted to Dai Huan, "Boss, is there a new issue of "Science Fiction World"?"

Shoutout that this young man Dai Huan knew, this kid is a student of Jinling Middle School, and always likes to run to his bookstore when he has nothing to do.

Dai Huanyi seemed to be in business, and didn't want to rest. He picked up a copy of "Science Fiction World" from the bookstand and showed them, "You guys are here by coincidence, the new issue has just come out."

Seeing the boss take out "Sci-Fi World", several teenagers' eyes lit up at the same time, and they walked up to them quickly.

The boy who spoke earlier took the magazine in his hand and was about to read it. Another boy urged, "Time is waiting for no one. Class is about to start, so hurry up and buy it."

Dai Huan said with a smile: "Yes, this magazine is getting better and better now, so it's better to buy it back. How many copies do you want? I bought a lot this time, but there are only ten copies. If you want to buy it, you'd better buy it now. , if it's noon, it's hard to say."

In fact, "Science Fiction World" is not as easy to sell as Dai Huan said. He usually has five copies, but this time he entered ten because there were people asking after the last five copies were sold, so this time he was more daring. some.The reason why I say this, of course, is to sell the magazine.

He looked at the seven or eight students in front of him, and was also thinking about how many copies he could sell. If he could buy all ten copies, it would be a waste of time to open the door so early today.

"One copy is enough." The leading boy took out a lump of money from his pocket and put it on the book stand, then took the book and left.

Others surrounded the boy, and they walked in the direction of the school together.

A few people came and walked quickly, and after a while, Dai Huan was left standing alone in front of the bookstand.Looking at the backs of the teenagers, Dai Huan's eyes widened.

He runs a bookstore all year round, so he naturally knows that students like to buy a magazine and read it together.

But it was the first time he saw so many people come to buy books together, and only one.

Too much, really too much.

 Thank you [Yan Gaoge] [Comrade Red] [Book Friend 20180919102904147] for the rewards of several bigwigs
(End of this chapter)

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