Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 56 It's not like science fiction, but it's beautiful

Chapter 56 It's not like science fiction, but it's beautiful

Fang Tao walked in front with "Science Fiction World", and Zhu Fu at the back first pulled his arm: "Brother Tao, how should we sort this time? There are a lot of people."

Zhu Fu pulled this first, naturally to remind Fang Tao to show him the book first.

A few of them were students in Grade [-], Class [-] of Jinling Middle School, and they went out to buy books while the early reading was over before class was over.

Originally, they didn't have to travel so far, there was a book stand at the front of the school, but after asking a few, either the magazines were sold out, or they didn't get any stock at all.

"Science Fiction World" is not a best-selling magazine, and many bookstands and newsstands are reluctant to buy them, for fear that they won't be able to sell.Although under normal circumstances, it can be returned if it is not sold, but it is somewhat troublesome.

There are not many students who read science fiction novels in schools. On the one hand, compared with magazines such as "Huacheng", "October", "Contemporary", "Reading", and "Zhongshan", "Science Fiction World" is a thorough extracurricular reading material, which is different from those of martial arts novels, Color novels are also the focus of teachers' care.

On the other hand, due to the influence of the domestic environment, the students of this generation do not know much about science fiction novels, and even the concept of science fiction is very vague.

In the impression of many students, science fiction is spaceships, robots, and space.

Fang Tao belongs to the students who came into contact with "Science Fiction World" earlier in the class and became a loyal fan of it. Since the first year of high school, he must watch every issue.

Not only did he read it himself, but he would also sell it to his friends, telling them how good the magazine was.

After going back and forth, under the influence of Fang Tao, some classmates also watched "Sci-Fi World" together, and Zhu Fuxian was the first to be taken by him to watch "Sci-Fi World".

According to what Zhu Fuxian said, if Fang Tao beat the sci-fi Jiangshan in the eighth class of the second grade, then he, Zhu Fuxian, was the founding father who followed Jiangshan.

Now, the founding father wants to get Fang Tao the right to watch "Science Fiction World" first, but Fang Tao said impartially: "Follow the old rules."

"Ah, it's the old rules again."

As soon as Fang Tao said that he would follow the old rules, Zhu Fuxian stepped down with a face.

The so-called old rule is rock-paper-scissors, and Zhu Fu didn't know whether it was a technical problem or a problem of luck, and every time rock-paper-scissors came to the bottom.

Fang Tao ignored his complaints and said to the others, "A total of six of you, are you going to play in the league or in the cup?"

The theory of the league and cup competition was first proposed by Zhu Fu. At first, they played a promotion system similar to the cup knockout, but after the implementation, Zhu Fu lost two games and went to the bottom every time.

He wondered if it was because he was unlucky, and the chance of cup matches was too high, so he mentioned the league.

The league is a round-robin game where everyone plays two or two, and then memorizes the points and ranks according to the number of points. In this way, there are more games and less chance.

But Zhu Fuxian still always loses.

"Cup, the league is too troublesome." Someone suggested.

Fang Tao nodded, "That's ok, it's the cup game. You two have a quick fight, and you're going to class soon."

The results came out soon, and this time Zhu Fuxian was considered to have made some progress, competing for No.2 from the bottom.

When they were in the game, Fang Tao had already started reading magazines.

He turned directly to the page of "One Day" and began to read it. The reason for this was not because the name "One Day" attracted him, but the cover of the magazine had only two words "One Day" in addition to the words "Sci-Fi World". maximum.

To be clear, "One Day" is the strongly recommended novel of this issue of "Science Fiction World".

Holding the book and seeing the school gate, Fang Tao frowned in confusion. No, I didn't see anything related to science fiction in the previous section.

In the previous paragraph, it was written that there was a traditional festival in a town next to Yanjing, and reporters from the TV station were dispatched to report on the festival.

And the reporter seemed impatient with the task, and was very perfunctory throughout.

Seeing that the school gate was in front of him, Fang Tao was busy and took the time to look back. Finally, he saw something related to science fiction. The time went back - the protagonist went back to the day before.

Kind of interesting.

Just when Fang Tao wanted to continue to look down, Zhu Fu, who was next to him, patted him on the shoulder and called out, "Brother Tao, class is about to start, it's too late if you don't run."

Fang Tao was startled, and hurriedly put away the magazine, only to find that the others had already run a long way.He didn't dare to delay, and he threw off his steps and followed.


All morning, Fang Tao was thinking about "One Day".

Originally, he thought about taking time to look at it between classes, but the four classes in the morning were all in a row, and there was a little time in the middle of the three or four classes, but after he took a bath of urine and went to the toilet and came back from the line, the class bell rang again. .

He didn't have time to take out the magazine until after school at noon.

As expected, the story becomes interesting after the protagonist finds himself caught in a time loop. Whether it is the protagonist's confusion at the beginning or the release of himself in the middle, the development of the story makes people feel funny and interesting.

But in the later stages, the story begins to change its tune, and the protagonist no longer has fun in the endless time loop, and is replaced by endless loneliness.

Only then did Fang Tao realize like the protagonist that the time loop is not a happy thing. He even silently prayed for the protagonist that tomorrow would come, so that he could get out of the sea of ​​misery as soon as possible.

But no matter how the protagonist struggles, he still cannot escape the prison of this time.

After countless indulgences, suicides, and deceptions, the protagonist gives up his struggles and instead chooses to start positively facing his day.He has become gentle and sunny, and he is no longer the old oil reporter who used to be full of negative energy.

He helped everyone he met and did all the meaningful things. Even though he knew that he would come again today and that everything he did would come to nothing, he still refused to waste even a second.

At the end of the story, the protagonist He Fang ushered in tomorrow, and moved on with a washed soul.

After reading a [-]-word novel, Fang Tao breathed a long sigh of relief.This is not a typical sci-fi novel in his impression, and there is no other sci-fi element except for going back in time.

However, it is beautiful, interesting, and it makes people deeply immersed in it.

During the whole reading process, he felt like he was on a sightseeing yacht, roaming in the river of stories, feeling the joys, sorrows, joys, and mental changes of the protagonist, as well as the powerful power of the time cage.

Fang Tao sighed, it turns out that science fiction can do the same, and only a seemingly inconspicuous science fiction element can show such a long-lasting story.

Only then did he remember to look at the author's name.

Yu Dong, a name I haven't heard before, no wonder I didn't feel familiar at all when I read it.

This novel made Fang Tao very happy, but he also had some doubts. He was afraid that this novel was a signal released by "Science Fiction World", and the style of the magazine would develop in this direction in the future.

Fewer brain holes, more humanistic care.

(End of this chapter)

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