Chapter 57
Although Fang Tao is young, he has his own opinions on science fiction.There are many types and directions of science fiction, not only to show readers a bizarre future world, but also to pursue the future and the universe.

Fang Tao also likes novels like "One Day" that explore less about the future and the universe and more about human nature.

But he doesn't want novels like "One Day" to become the mainstream of "Sci-Fi World", so that the sci-fi world will soon lose its characteristics and then fade away from the color of science-fiction.

In fact, after reading "One Day", Fang Tao also thought of another book, "Cat City" by Lao She. Although the two novels talk about different things, their genres are similar.

Maybe the sci-fi shell of "Cat City" is thicker.

The magazine put the word "one day" so big, could it be sending some kind of signal?Or is there another policy made above, science fiction is going to be hit, and the magazine has no choice but to change its course?
Many questions swirled in Fang Tao's mind, making him no longer in the mood to read other novels of the same period.

"Brother Tao, how are you looking?"

When Fang Tao was in a daze, Zhu Fuxian came from behind and patted him on the shoulder.

Seeing Zhu Fuxian's grinning face, Fang Tao temporarily put down the questions in his mind and teased Zhu Fuxian: "I said you, the second-to-last person, are in such a hurry, and the second-ranked Li Xiang hasn't come over yet. Urge."

Zhu Fuxian's face turned serious, "Brother Tao's words are bad, I'm in a hurry because I'm at the back of the line. Everyone of you delays a little bit, and I don't know when I'll have to wait. Li thinks there's no need to hurry, anyway. We are all behind him."

Not to mention, what Zhu Fuxian said is quite reasonable.

This time is really different. There are more people in line than usual, and the line at the back will take a long time.

After thinking for a while, Fang Tao said, "Don't worry, everyone don't go home after school at night, I'll let you all see."




In the evening, on the edge of the playground, seven students sat in a row on the curb.

"Brother Tao, are you really torn?"


"Why don't we buy another one."

"Are you rich? Don't buy the next issue of "Flower City"? Don't buy "October"? Tear it up."

Zhu Fu first gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and squeezed his hands.


Science Fiction World was torn apart.

This is what Fang Tao came up with, so that everyone can see it together.

He took the book cover that he kept intact, looked at the other people who were busy reading, and then looked up at the sky in the west.The rays of sunshine from the clouds shone on the trees above them, and the yellowed leaves turned a layer of crimson.

A gust of fresh wind can pluck the leaves from the branches, and they will fall precariously to the ground, under their feet.


Yu Dong also bought a copy of Science Fiction World.

He originally thought that the magazine could send the sample issue in advance, but when the magazine entered the book stand, he didn't see the shadow of the sample issue.

Now the cover of "Science Fiction World" is very dirty, at least according to Dong.The background color is white, and then there are two pictures of dirt on the upper left corner and the lower quarter of the page, with the time, the title of the work and the line "This journal won the Best Science Fiction Journal of the World Science Fiction Association" in the blank space in the middle. prize".

The font of "One Day" is the largest, and there are several other articles such as "Iron Man", "Alien Invite Me", and "Planet Bus". The font is one size smaller.

However, people's feelings are obviously different. When Yu Dong went to the bookstore, two children happened to be there. When they saw the cover of "Science Fiction World", they shouted very cool.

"There is a spaceship on this windmill."

"This is an alien radar!"

"This man has wings, he looks so weird."

"Do aliens look like this? They're all green!"

These two children are only thirteen or fourteen years old. They are probably still in junior high school. They should have never seen "Science Fiction World" before. Although the cover attracted their attention, they still did not buy a copy and go back to read it after discussing it for a while. .

Yu Dong went back to school after buying the book, and met Cheng Yanqiu at the door.

She was walking out on a bicycle, she didn't speak after seeing Yu Dong, just nodded at him, glanced at the magazine in Yu Dong's hand and continued to walk forward.

Yu Dong turned his head and looked at Cheng Yanqiu's back. Today's Cheng Yanqiu was dressed conservatively, with a black business suit, which was very different from his usual temperament.

In fact, after several contacts, although there is not much communication, Cheng Yanqiu has already overturned Yu Dong's previous impression of her.

Yu Dong's previous impressions all came from hearsay. They said that he was pungent, bold, and arrogant, but now it seems that he has nothing but a cold personality, and it is impossible to talk about his pungent personality.

Maybe she is a little maverick, and the relationship between her is not good, that's why she attracts those criticisms.

Shaking his head secretly, he is not familiar with Cheng Yanqiu, so naturally he can't control much.

But when he turned around, he saw Uncle Zhou standing at the door and smiling at him.

"Uncle Zhou, have you eaten yet?"

"I've eaten it." Uncle Zhou nodded and said with a smile, "Do you think I got a letter from you today?"

Yu Dong pouted, the old man doesn't look like a serious person this week.

He didn't guess anymore, he went directly to the reception room to find it, and he really found a letter, which was sent by Jiang Cheng.

"Thank you."

After taking the letter, Yu Dong ran away. The old man Zhou loved to gossip, and he didn't want to give the old man a chance to gossip.

After returning to the dormitory, Yu Dong opened the letter first.In fact, he had been waiting for the letter from the veteran during this time, because it had been too long since the last time he sent the letter.

If he can't wait for the letter from the veteran, Yu Dong will have to write another letter.

In this letter, the veteran first apologized, saying that something had happened recently, and he had no time to reply to Yu Dong, but he also reassured Yu Dong that the matter has now been resolved.

Then he made a second apology, because Yu Dong revealed a lot to him, but he couldn't tell Yu Dong what happened to him, and he felt very sorry for it.

After making two apologies, he mentioned Yu Dong's writing of science fiction. He expressed his interest and was very happy for Yu Dong. He said that he would definitely go to read it. The next letter will include his own thoughts after reading it.

There is not much content in the letter, but seeing the letter, Yu Dong felt relieved.

He put the letter away, and then sent a letter back to the veteran, so that he didn't have to feel sorry, and he didn't need to exchange such things.

In fact, Yu Dong has always had a doubt in his heart, that is why the veteran disappeared suddenly, and whether something happened.

But there is no way to ask the veterans this question now, and it is impossible for the veterans to predict what will happen to them ten years from now.

 Thank you [Yanzhai] for the 5000 reward
  Thank you [Flower?No trace] 200 reward of the boss
  I looked at it, the reward was over [-], and if I added another one, I owed ten more.

  Today and tomorrow there will be two or three more shifts, and it will be finished before the top score is strong.

  Because I usually have to work and my hands are handicapped, I don't have much manuscripts, just a few chapters.

  I have to keep a few chapters ready at any time, in case of any unexpected situation.

  Not a great god, the most important thing is to pass the new book period smoothly, otherwise it will be miserable if it is recommended to be on the shelves before a few.

(End of this chapter)

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