Chapter 557 Is Bold (Second)

When Yu Dong received Yu Yu's call, he thought Yu Yu was going to say something related to the New Year's Eve.

Both "Party A and Party B" and "The Tuner" are scheduled to be released on December 12.

When it was said to be set on the same day, many people, including the margin, thought it was inappropriate, thinking that they were both their own films, and that the two films would be released together.

But in the end, after much deliberation, the company decided to schedule the two films on the same day, and the reason for this decision was to stir up the atmosphere of the Lunar New Year file.

Someone once put forward a metaphor, saying that the Lunar New Year stalls are like shopping malls for sales promotion.

Since it is a shopping mall that promotes promotions, which shopping mall will put the promotional products in batches?

It is already December [-]th, and there is only half a month left before the release of the two movies, so it is not surprising to call Yu Dong in the spare time.

However, Yu Yu didn't talk about the New Year's Eve file. Instead, he first reported to Yu Dong about "Don't Lie to Me". The script of this TV series has been finalized, and the filming can start in the spring of next year.

After talking about "Don't Lie to Me", Yu Yu talked about Zeng Zhiwei, "Zeng Zhiwei asked for a role from me and gave him two supporting roles, but he is not satisfied."

It was the first time Yu Dong heard about Zeng Zhiwei asking for a role. He asked strangely, "When did Zeng Zhiwei find you?"

"It's the phone number given by Liu Weiqiang the morning after Mr. Qian came to Jinling last time."

Hearing that it was the number given by Liu Weiqiang, Yu Dong frowned: "What does Liu Weiqiang mean? Does he have problems with us in casting?"

"That's not true. Liu Weiqiang just gave him a number. Zeng Zhiwei's request for a role has nothing to do with them," Yu Liang said.

"Then how did Zeng Zhiwei know about the casting of our movie?"

Yu Liang smiled and said, "This matter has something to do with Liu Weiqiang. He went to Liang Chaowei before and showed Liang Chaowei the script. It should be that Liang Chaowei told Zeng Zhiwei about it later. Hearing from Liu Weiqiang, Zeng Zhiwei Zhiwei and Liang Chaowei have a good relationship. By the way, Zeng Zhiwei even threatened me, saying that if we don’t give him a role, Liang Chaowei might not be able to act in our movie.”

Yu Dong almost laughed out loud, "What did you say? You said that Zeng Zhiwei threatened you that if you don't give him a role, Liang Chaowei might not play "Infernal Affairs"?"

"Boss, you heard me right, he really meant that."

Yu Dong curled his lips and said with a smile: "Does Zeng Zhiwei think we can't find an actor? Or does he think Liang Chaowei is too good to be replaced?"

"Who knows? That's what he meant anyway."

"What did you say?"

"I told him tactfully that I couldn't satisfy his request. Originally, he gave me a recommendation list with several actors on it. I gave him two small roles, but he was not satisfied."

"There's no need to be euphemistic about this kind of thing, you can be more straightforward. Also, the list he gave, the people on it, are directly blacklisted, and none of our movies will be used in the future."

Yu Yu hesitated and said: "Isn't this a bit extreme, after all, harmony makes money?"

Yu Dong understands the consideration of margin, but Yu Dong will not give in on this matter, "Let me tell you, we try not to get involved with such unruly people, and it is best to cut them off. People are all bombs, if they touch it now, if they blow it up in the future, even if we are not injured, we will be covered in mud."

Yu Yu actually felt that the boss's words were a bit exaggerated, but since the boss said so, he can just implement it directly.

"Okay, I'll put these names into our company's blacklist later." Yu Yu thought for a while, then asked again: "By the way, where is Liang Chaowei? Do you want to hit it? Speaking of which, it's also because of him." Only. Liu Weiqiang showed him the script before and told him not to disclose it to the public, but he still disclosed it to Zeng Zhiwei."

Yu Dong nodded: "Let's find a few candidates for the role of Chen Yongren first. If Liang Chaowei shows any sign of uncooperativeness, just replace him without hesitation. The same is true for the role of Liu Jianming. We have to do more Prepare, don't put all your eggs in one basket. You have been with Jimmy for so long, you should understand that you have to be prepared for everything. In addition, you don't have any psychological burden, let me tell you, even this It’s okay to not be afraid of the movie, we have nothing to lose, and you don’t have to worry about the script being wasted.”

"Okay, I see."


After hanging up the phone, Yu Dong looked at Zhang Yimou in front of him, saw Zhang Yimou's strange smile, and asked, "What expression do you have?"

Zhang Yimou said with a smile: "I never thought that you would be so tough, such a big movie, can you not make it if you don't make it?"

"No way, who told me that my strength is not bad?" Yu Dong joked, and then explained in a serious way: "This kind of thing, you can't back down, once you back down, people will have room , in the end, they will drag you into that muddy water."

Zhang Yimou nodded sympathetically: "That's true. Although this industry is open to the most public, there are also many hidden darkness. This probably means that where there is light, there are shadows."

Yu Dong shook his head, "No, the shadows don't appear because of the light, they just become conspicuous because of the light."

Zhang Yimou's eyes lit up, he picked up a pen and wrote it down in his notebook: "That's a good sentence, I'm going to add it to the script."

"Where to add?" Yu Dong asked.

"Just add it to the part where the protagonist confronts the black policeman. Didn't we always say that the line tension in this part is a little bit off? I think what you just said is good."

Yu Dong thought for a while, and felt that Zhang Yimou's proposal was quite good.

The part Zhang Yimou said was that the protagonist was caught by the black police, and the black police persuaded him to accept his fate. There was such a conversation between the two.

"Okay, try adding it in first."

Zhang Yimou wrote the lines in his notebook, read them over and over several times, and finally nodded, "That's right, it feels much better than before."

Then he put down his notebook and talked about "Infernal Affairs" again: "You have a choice, but it's hard for Liu Weiqiang, if this movie is not shot, he will be busy all this time, and there is no place to cry cry."

Yu Dong laughed and said: "Why is there no place to cry? He can come to me to cry, isn't it just a movie, and I will return him another one later. Besides, I just said that just now, probably at most Just change a few actors, and it’s not to the point where the movie can’t be made.”

Zhang Yimou gave a thumbs up: "The talent is bold, the talent is the talent."

(End of this chapter)

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