Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 558 The physique of people and people cannot be generalized

Chapter 558 People and people's physiques cannot be generalized (first update)
In mid-December, Zhang Yimou left Jinling with the revised "Golden Dreamland".

This time he stayed at Jinyi for two and a half months, which was more than enough time for him to make a movie.

Before he left, Zhang organized a farewell party for him.

The atmosphere at the farewell party was very warm, and the happiest person among them was Zhang Xian.

During these two and a half months, Mr. Zhang had a hard time.Although Zhang Yimou didn't bother him, he was a little embarrassed to see Zhang Yimou working so hard. He usually went to bed early, and often started to work overtime.

In the past, when he compiled textbooks, he squeezed out a little bit after a while, and the process of new textbooks in the past two and a half months has been greatly accelerated, which can match the work progress of the previous year.

"Oh, let alone, although I was very tired when Lao Mouzi was here, the work did progress faster."

Yu Dong glanced at Zhang Xian who was sitting on the sofa, and while tidying up his manuscript, he said with a smile: "From this point of view, he is still a hero of our Jinyi. Come here, please, to refresh you."

Zhang Xian was taken aback, and quickly waved his hand: "Farewell, two and a half months of chicken blood is enough. If I go on like this for a few more months, I probably won't be able to take it anymore. I suspect that Lao Mouzi's body is It’s not made of iron, and a little sleep every day will do.”

"People's physiques cannot be generalized."

Zhang Xian nodded and said, "Indeed."

After finishing the manuscripts, Yu Dong took out a folder from the study drawer and handed it to Zhang Xian, "Look at this."

"This is?" Zhang Xian sat up and took the folder, "I just had a little free time, what job are you looking for me?"

"Look first." Yu Dong smiled.

Zhang Xian nodded, opened the folder, and inside was a proposal, about Jin Yi's screenwriting studio.

Deep Space Company has been recruiting and developing screenwriters, so Yu Dong had an idea to take advantage of the company's momentum to set up a screenwriting studio in Jinyi, led by Zhang Xianlai, and chaired by Wang Hailin.

With such a studio, it can not only strengthen the professional level of drama students, but also retain outstanding students.

The proposal was not long, and Zhang Xian quickly read it. After reading it, he closed the folder with a smile, "The establishment of a studio, among other things, is definitely beneficial to the school. I agree with it with both hands. But I don't think it's right for you to ask me to take the lead."

"How do you say this? You are the head of the department, or a research expert in this field. You have compiled several textbooks alone. The students in our school basically use your textbooks. It is not perfect for you to take the lead. Something? No one will be dissatisfied."

Zhang Xian shook his head: "It's not a matter of dissatisfaction. You are from the Chinese Department. You should be clear that research and application are two different things. I can write textbooks, but I can't write screenplays. In my opinion, the leader is not as good as you."

"I don't have the time."

"If you don't come, let Lao Bi come."

"Old Bi... that's fine, are you sure you don't want to come?" Yu Dong asked again.


"Okay, then I'll go back and talk to Lao Bi and ask him what he means."

"He should be fine." Zhang Xian smiled, and said: "Also, after the establishment of this studio, it will definitely not see any results for a while. You also know that our drama creation pays more attention to the basics in teaching. , more traditionally, it mainly cultivates students' professional creative quality, and is not eager to require students to create complete works during their studies, but hopes that they can accumulate a lot of money after they leave school."

Yu Dong nodded. This is how drama creation works. There are more basic courses.

Before Wang Hailin and the others had an incident, a second-hand dealer named Du Nan tricked the students into writing scripts and selling them to him.

This matter was found out by the school, and the school established a school rule for this, stipulating that students are not allowed to sell scripts before the fourth grade, and if they want to sell scripts after the fourth grade, they need to apply to the school.

But this screenwriting studio is not aimed at lower grade students.

Those who will take the lead will be those who have graduated and those who are about to graduate, such as Wang Hailin. Students below the fourth grade will mostly study in the studio.

"I know this. It is impossible for Deep Space Company to put all its treasures on this studio. This plan is long-term. I don't ask for results now. What I want to see is the development in ten or twenty years. The film and television industry gradually With development, private capital is slowly infiltrating, the cost of filming and the salary of actors are rising year by year, but the industry of screenwriting has not received due attention, and I am afraid that the film and television industry will become top-heavy in the long run.”

"Yes, screenwriting is the cornerstone of a work. If the screenwriting is not done well, no matter how good the movie is, it is impossible to make a good movie. And it is estimated that only you in deep space can do this. Others want to do it, and they don't have the capital. This If things are done well, the returns will definitely be slower, but when there are returns, the gains will definitely be huge.”

Yu Dong nodded and laughed again, "I will tell Bi Feiyu about the studio and let him take the lead. You don't want to take the lead, but you have to make a name."

"Just by name..."

Before Zhang Xian finished speaking, Yu Dong waved his hand and interrupted him, "That's the deal, you won't give up this bit of face."

"It's not that I won't give it..." Zhang Xian smiled, but still didn't refuse, "All right, then thank you."

Yu Dong asked him to name him, which was tantamount to giving him a gift.

For one thing, if the studio develops in the future, he can make some credits along with it, and he will also have the capital for subsequent promotion.Second, since it is a studio, he will be paid more or less for being named.

After the matter was settled, the two chatted for a while, and Yu Hua suddenly ran over.

Yu Hua knocked on the door first, but before Dong went to open the door, the guy ran to the window and shouted inside: "Look at the Deep Space Chinese website."

Yu Dong heard the knock on the door and was about to open it, but when he looked back, Yu Hua's head popped out of the window, and he said angrily, "What's the matter, I'm in a hurry."

"Look at the Deep Space Chinese Website."

Yu Dong looked at the door, and then at him, "Then should I check the website first, or open the door for you first?"

Yu Hua glanced at Zhang Xian, "Ask Lao Zhang to open the door for me, and you can turn on the computer."

Zhang Xian patted his thigh and stood up, "Okay, let me open the door, turn on the computer and see what this guy is doing."

Yu Dong shook his head, ran to the study and turned on the computer. Before the computer was turned on, Yu Hua and Zhang Xian walked over.

Seeing the computer booting up, Yu Hua curled her lips and said, "What a broken computer, it starts up so slowly."

 Thank you [Shangguan Luojun] for the 1500 reward
  It depends on the situation today to see if there will be one more update, next year it will definitely be three more

(End of this chapter)

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