Chapter 576 Going up to a new level (first update)
"Is there a problem with the game company's operation?" Yu Dong was a little surprised: "I remember you said that the game company has developed very well thanks to "Resident Evil"?"

"That's right, with the help of "Resident Evil", our game company can indeed make money, and this series can continue to be developed. According to preliminary estimates, within ten years, the company can be supported by "Resident Evil." Jimmy said .

"Then what problem are you talking about?"

"What I'm saying is that the company is just too dependent on Resident Evil. It tried a few other games, but most of them died halfway, and only one came out, and the response was very mediocre. If this is the case, we might as well have directly Sold the game copyright of "Resident Evil"."

Yu Dong nodded, Jimmy was right in thinking, if this continues, it would be a good thing for a strong man to cut off his wrist as soon as possible.

But Yu Dong didn't know much about games, he knew about Blizzard, but I heard that Blizzard has developed quite well, and it is basically impossible to accept Blizzard like Amazon.

Also, Yu Dong has heard of some classic games of later generations, but he doesn't even know how to play these games, let alone how to play them.

"I'm afraid I can't help you with this matter."

Jimmy smiled and said, "I never thought that you could help with this matter. In fact, I was mainly responsible for the situation of the game company. When recruiting employees, they were all technicians. There was a lack of someone who could coordinate the overall situation, so everyone asked No direction. After the annual meeting, I plan to take some time to find a head of the game company, and the situation will definitely be better by then."

Yu Dong nodded and said, "Since you have an idea, that's good, but when you mentioned games, you reminded me that a game company can also be established in China to prepare for the future."

"No problem, but the direction of the new company must be clearly thought out. It cannot follow the old path of other game companies. It needs to be a little innovative." Speaking of this, Jimmy smiled and said: "These things are left to Yu Yu and Jiang Jie. it is good."

"Okay, the game is just an addition for the time being, you can take your time."

"I think so too." Jimmy smiled, and then talked about "Love Through Time and Space", "The response to the TV series is very good. I heard from the report that since it was broadcast, many TV stations have come to ask about it. Yes. This kind of TV series has never been seen before, so the audience thinks it is very novel. I mean, push and push to see if it can go to a higher level. Especially in some surrounding countries and regions, this may be the beginning of our TV series. An opportunity in the foreign market."

"Of course, this is also the purpose of our TV series. With the development of the country in the past few years, many foreign film and television dramas have entered the country and gradually gained momentum. If we don't do well now, we will lose ground later. I think This year, there is a TV series in Korea that has caused some repercussions in China."

"There is such a one called "What is Love". As for the response, it is just average. The production level of Korean dramas is relatively average. I don't think their TV dramas have any advantages compared with domestic TV dramas." Jimmy smiled. He said, as if he didn't take the Korean TV series seriously.

Jimmy would think this way, and Yu Dong can understand it completely. At least for now, Korean dramas do not have the momentum to sweep China, and there is no such potential.

But in fact, after a few years, Goryeo TV dramas will enter the country strongly and quickly establish a trend.

When the Chinese were still thinking about spreading Chinese culture through Confucianism, young people in China were already in Hagaoliha Nihong.

Yu Dong looked at Jimmy with an indifferent face, and said, "We don't have enough TV series, so I won't talk about it next year. I hope our company will participate in fifteen TV series in the next year."

"Fifteen!" Jimmy, who was leaning on the sofa, sat up. "Do you mean the total of all our companies, or just Deep Space China?"

"Just Deep Space China."

Jimmy stared at Yu Dong for a long time. Seeing Yu Dong's firm eyes, he sighed, leaned back and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you. Fifteen TV series, although there are many to listen to, but in the end In terms of the current production cost of domestic TV dramas, it doesn’t cost much, at most it’s just a script of yours.”

"I want to do it well. I want not only quantity, but also quality." Yu Dong said.

Jimmy rolled his eyes: "You are not talking nonsense. Of course, our company's products must pay attention to quality. In this way, at this year's annual meeting, I will take this matter as a key point, and then let Zhao Baogang and the others also pay attention to quality." A lot of cooperation, relying on our own people alone, making fifteen TV dramas is not enough."

Yu Dong smiled and said: "There are so many outstanding talents, of course we have to make good use of them. Don't worry, I will also pay more attention to this matter. Isn't our screenwriting group established now, and I will arrange for them in the next year. Work."

Hearing what Yu Dong said, Jimmy held the back of his head with his hands, raised his legs again, and said with a smile: "I'm relieved when you say that, with you here, let alone 150 TV series, even [-] TV series are no problem. But I still want to remind you that with regards to TV dramas, you can give them advice from a high-level view, but don’t raise your guns on your own, and spend more time on more important things.”

When he said this, Jimmy glanced at the manuscript on the desk. The meaning was very obvious, that is, to ask Yu Dong to write more movie scripts.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "You have learned idioms well recently."


Li Hong arrived in Jinling on the 21st, and this is her first time in Jinling.

After arriving in Jinling, people from Deep Space Company came to take her to the Jinling Hotel and arranged for her to stay. When she went out for dinner at noon, she saw many famous people, such as Zhang Yimou, Ning Jing, Jiang Wen...

She was dazzled by the sight of well-known directors and stars, and once made her think that she was here to participate in some film festival.

Li Hong was very surprised to receive the invitation letter from Deep Space. She just graduated from Yenching Film Academy this year and was assigned to work on the film paper in Shanghai. She usually does some casual work in the factory. , is a complete newcomer.

But it was a newcomer like her who received an invitation to the annual meeting of Deep Space Corporation.

Li Hong still remembers the complicated look in his director's eyes when he delivered the invitation letter to her, with surprise in doubt, regret in surprise, and goodwill in regret.

But at that time, her eyes were full of surprise, and she had no other emotions.

 Thank you [Book Friend 20210301105256079164] for the 100 reward of the boss
(End of this chapter)

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