Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 577 Why write such a thing?

Chapter 577 Why write this kind of thing? (Second more)

After eating, not long after Li Hong returned to her room, the staff from Deep Space knocked on her door.

"Ms. Li, do you have time now?"

Li Hong looked at the staff suspiciously, and asked, "What's the matter?"

The staff laughed and said, "Our boss wants to invite you to Jinyi."

"Is the boss you're talking about Yu Dong?"

"of course."

Hearing that Yu Dong wanted to find him, Li Hong nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, if you have time, do you want to go now?"

"Well, the car is already at the entrance of the hotel."


When Li Hong saw Yu Dong, she felt like she was still in a dream.

Yu Dong looked at Li Hong who was in a daze, and said with a smile, "Li Hong, don't come here without any problems."

"Teacher Yu, you really still remember me!" Li Hong said in surprise.

It is said that nobles forget things, but Li Hong never thought that after so long, Yu Dong still remembered such a small person as her.

Yu Dong smiled and asked Li Hong to sit down, "Of course I remember, we chatted for a long time that day, I still have the impression of the stories you told at that time, how about, after graduation, work in the unit is going well? "

Li Hong sat down slowly, nodded and said: "It's good, my colleagues in the unit take good care of me."

"Have you written a script recently?" Yu Dong asked again.

Speaking of the script, Li Hong scratched her head in embarrassment: "Teacher Yu, I just wrote it for fun."

Seeing that she was a little nervous, Yu Dong smiled and comforted her, "Don't be nervous, just like back then, let's chat casually together. In fact, I also watched the work "Dark Fragrance" that you submitted when you participated in the Deep Space Short Film Contest. Yes, the script structure is quite good, but the shooting skills are a little immature."

"Yes, yes, I still have a lot to learn."

Yu Dong shook his head and said, "Actually, what I mean is, you can try to write more scripts, and don't tie yourself to the profession of director."

While he was talking, someone knocked on the door outside, Yu Dong looked up and said with a smile, "Wei Wen, come in."

"Teacher Yu, long time no see."

Li Hong heard the voice somewhat familiar, and turned her head to look. When she saw that it was Chen Weiwen, she said unexpectedly: "Brother Weiwen, why are you here?"

Seeing Li Hong, Chen Weiwen was also very surprised: "Yes, why are you here?"

"I..." Li Hong didn't know how to answer.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "I invited both of you. Luo Yi was originally there, but because of some things, he won't be there until tomorrow."

Chen Weiwen asked strangely: "Teacher Yu, what is the reason you asked us to come?"

Yu Dong raised his hand to signal Chen Weiwen to sit down, and when Chen Weiwen sat next to Li Hong, Yu Dong asked with a smile: "Do you still remember that day when I went to your school with Quentin and we told stories together at night? "

"Of course I remember." Li Hong nodded heavily: "I don't think I will forget what happened that night in my life. It had a great impact on my study and work. Unfortunately, later, I tried to Play the storytelling game like that night, but you can't achieve the effect of that day."

Chen Weiwen laughed and said: "Isn't this nonsense, who were the participants that day? And the story was started by Teacher Yu, among other things, how many of you can tell what he started?"

"En." Li Hong nodded: "Of course I know the reason, but I still want to try."

Yu Dong smiled and gave Li Hong affirmation: "Li Hong's idea is very good. It is a good thing to play this kind of game more often. Don't always think that every game can produce a good story. This is not realistic. If you play casually You can write a good story by playing this game, so the screenwriters should stop working and play games together every day. And the reason why I mentioned that day is to remind you of your own style of storytelling .”

"Our story can't be compared with Teacher Yu's." Li Hong said with some embarrassment.

But Yu Dong waved his hand: "No, no, it's not good or bad, it's just a different style. The stories you two tell have an advantage, that is, they are very shocking to ordinary audiences. I remember Li Hong telling In a story in the novel, the heroine had to leave her lover because of a terminal illness. Later, the hero went to great lengths to find her and expressed his love to her. The two finally got married, but the heroine ended up died."

Hearing Yu Dong repeat the story she told back then, Li Hong felt a little ashamed: "This is all something I imagined when I was in school. It's really unrefined. I didn't expect Teacher Yu to remember it."

"No, no, no." Yu Dong waved his hand and said, "I don't mean to say that this story is bad at all. I just want to say that you are very talented in creating such...conflicting plots."

In fact, when everyone finished telling the story, Yu Dong felt that if Li Hong wrote a TV series, the ratings would definitely not be low, because she could capture the excitement and tears of ordinary audiences, especially female audiences. These things are commercial .

Being praised by Yu Dong, Li Hong felt even more embarrassed. She really felt that the love stories she had written before were too clichéd, especially after seeing Yu Dong's "Old Book", this feeling became more obvious.

Compared with the indifferent but turbulent love in "Old Book", the ones she wrote are just piled up by coincidences to create a climax.

Chen Weiwen heard what Yu Dong meant, and said with a smile: "I think, Teacher Yu called us here, it must be more than simply reminiscing with us."

Yu Dong glanced at Chen Weiwen, nodded with a smile and said, "Weiwen, you're right, I'll just say it straight. I've called you here this time because I hope you can form a screenwriting team to write this kind of story."

"But this..." Li Hong opened her mouth, but didn't say the following words.

She was wondering why Yu Dong, as such a profound and great writer, would think of setting up such a screenwriting group. Does Teacher Yu really think this kind of story is good?

Why write something like this when you can write "Old Book"?

Even if this kind of thing can attract the audience's attention for a while, the "Old Book" can be passed down forever and become a human treasure.

Yu Dong could see what Li Hong was thinking, and he said with a smile: "I called you here today, not only to tell you about the screenwriting team, but also to catch up with you. I don't ask you to answer this matter now. You can tell me the answer in your heart after this deep space annual meeting is over."

Now that Yu Dong has said so, Li Hong can only nod: "Okay Teacher Yu, let me think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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