Chapter 580 Nesper (Second)
Yu Dong stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and watched the scenery outside for a while, then Hu Hao walked up: "Boss, Mr. Yu is asking when we will go to the theme pavilion."

"Go now." Yu Dong looked away from the outside: "Just take a look, and then go to the restaurant."

"it is good."

Yu Dong and the others casually took a look at the short building. There was nothing in the deep space theme pavilion, so he just stopped by to have a look.

Wang Jun, a reporter from Dragon TV, also followed behind. Yu Dong looked around and asked Wang Jun with a smile: "Reporter Wang, from the perspective of a professional media person, should the themed pavilion be mainly for viewing, or should it be for entertainment?" Is it interactive?"

Wang Jun was taking a pen to record what Yu Dong and the others said just now, but he didn't expect Yu Dong to suddenly ask him for his opinion.

"If viewing is the main thing, the difficulty of operation should be lower, and the cost should be lower." Wang Jun said with a smile.

Yu Yu nodded: "Well, if the interaction is enhanced, the operation must be a little more troublesome. The simplest thing is to increase the number of venue personnel. However, the cost itself is not within our consideration."

Wang Jun pursed his lips and smiled, Deep Space is indeed rich and powerful, and he has the capital to say this.

"Then I still think it's better to enhance the interactivity, especially the sci-fi themed pavilions. If you just stay at the level of visiting, the effect will definitely be worse."

Yu Dong nodded in agreement: "Let's focus on improving interactivity. Our sci-fi themed pavilion can also play a role in science popularization and reflect some cutting-edge technologies. If you can't get these technologies in China, you can also go abroad to find them. Just do it well, and it’s okay to spend a little more money.”

"I understand." Yu Yue nodded with a smile.

While making notes in his notebook, Wang Jun asked Yu Dong: "Mr. Yu, what you said just now, can I report it later?"

"Of course there is no problem. Since you are invited to come together, you can disclose everything we said today."

Wang Jun said gratefully, "Thank you, thank you."

Lin Xuan, who was carrying the camera while listening to the conversation between Wang Jun and Yu Dong, couldn't help feeling a little emotional. Wang Jun was really lucky, and he was able to build a good relationship with someone like Yu Dong. No wonder the leader sent Wang Jun over. It turned out to be Wang Jun The military has connections.


After leaving the Deep Space Park, Yu Dong and the others went to Jinling Hotel.

When we arrived at the place, it was past eight o'clock, halfway through the banquet, but the wine was full of excitement, and many people left their seats to find someone to clink glasses with.

As soon as Yu Dong arrived at the place, he attracted the attention of the guests. Zhao Baogang was holding a wine glass and going to Zhang Yimou for a drink. When he walked halfway and saw Yu Dong and Yu Liang entering the hall, he turned his head and walked over, "You two The one who came late will be punished by the bar."

Seeing that Zhao Baogang's face was flushed, Yu Dong knew that this guy had drunk a lot, "Old Zhao, wait for a while, I'll come find you for a drink right away."

"All right, all right, then I'll come find you later." Zhao Baogang said, and walked towards his target Zhang Yimou again.

Just when Zhao Bao left, Liu Heping and Kong Sheng walked over, both holding wine glasses.

Seeing the menacing look of the two of them, Yu Dong quickly waved his hands: "Don't worry, don't worry, just sit down for a while, and I'll ask you to drink later."

"Don't be in a hurry." Before Liu Heping and Kong Sheng spoke, Han Shaogong came over with two glasses of wine, and he stuffed one of them into Yu Dong's hand: "Come on, I've prepared the ammunition for you. We have come all the way to Jinling, is it plausible that you, the host, will not show up?"

Yu Dong had no choice but to take the glass of wine into his hand: "Didn't I ask Jimmy to accompany you?"

"Ji is always Mr. Ji. You can't say that Mr. Ji is here, so you won't show up. Don't you think so?"

After Han Shaogong yelled, everyone around noticed Yu Dong, and soon everyone in the lobby knew that Yu Dong had come to the hotel.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Yu Dong shook his head helplessly. He first looked around, but he didn't find the stage, so he pulled a chair at random, stood on the chair, raised his glass and said loudly: "Everyone! .”

The hall is too big. There are more than 100 tables in this hall. It was a mess at first, but after being shouted by Yu Dong, it gradually quieted down.

"Welcome everyone to come to Jinling to participate in our company's annual meeting. Everyone eats and drinks well. I would like to offer a toast to everyone here. Thank you for your kindness."

After saying a few words, Yu Dong raised his head and drank the wine.

Han Shaogong, who brought the wine, booed and applauded, and the others followed suit.

After everyone applauded, Yu Dong said again: "Drink well, but don't get drunk. This year's annual meeting will start in the morning. I hope I can see everyone present in the Deep Space Park tomorrow morning. If anyone drinks too much Lai is sleeping in the room, I will definitely have someone knock on your door. I won’t say anything redundant, let’s find the target by ourselves.”

After finishing speaking, Yu Dong got down from the chair and brought Yu Dong a glass of juice in due course.

Han Shaogong and the others chatted around Yu Dong for a while, and then went to find someone to drink again, but the people around Yu Dong never stopped. After Zhang San left, Li Si came again, and there were still more than ten people. .

About half an hour later, Doug Liman walked over with a blond man in his thirties. The man was thin, wearing a black suit, and was shorter than Yu Dong.

"YU, long time no see."

Seeing Yu Dong, Doug Liman was very happy. This year he has filmed two works written by Yu Dong. Although they have not yet been released, the finished films are very good.

Especially after he heard that one of Yu Dong's scripts sold for 430 million US dollars, he was even happier. He always felt that he had earned more than 800 million US dollars.

Yu Dong smiled and raised his glass to Doug Liman: "Long time no see, Mr. Liman. I heard from Jimmy that the finished products of the two films are very good, congratulations."

"Thank you for your script." Doug Liman smiled, and then introduced the blond man next to Yu Dong: "This is Nesper, and he wrote a theme song for "Butterfly Effect."

"Nesbo?" Yu Dong narrowed his eyes.

Nasibo came up with a smile and said in English, "YU, hello, I'm Nasibo."

Yu Dong shook hands with Nesb, and then heard Doug Liman say: "Nisb is also a singer signed by Deep Space, he is very famous in Norway, and now he is entering the American music industry, I am very optimistic about him. "

Norway, Nesbo, and singer, these three words created a person in Yu Dong's mind.

Jo Nesbor, king of Nordic crime novels, author of The Snowman.

Yu Dong can't remember the specific transition time of You Nesb, but it seems to be in the late 90s, but now You Nesb came to write the theme song for "The Butterfly Effect" and wanted to enter the American music industry. The trajectory is completely wrong.

You Nesbo looked at Yu Dong, and he always felt that Yu Dong's reaction was a little strange.

He is a singer signed by Deep Space, whether Yu Dong recognizes him or not, he will not feel too strange, but Yu Dong's reaction makes him feel that Yu Dong seems to know him, but he doesn't seem to know him.

Yu Dong also knew that his reaction was a bit strange, so he laughed: "You, I know you."

You Nesbo nodded: "It's my honor, I like your novels very much, when I felt bored for a while this year, it was only after reading your "Golden Dreamland" that I regained my energy. "

(End of this chapter)

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