Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 581 Don't be on a tree...

Chapter 581 Don't be on a tree... (first update)
Yu Dong looked at You Nesbo, and was thinking how much his appearance had deviated You Nesbo's track, and whether You Nesbo would change his career to become a novelist again, when Spielberg was holding a wine glass Walked over: "YU, you are a bit late today."

Looking at Spielberg, who was blushing, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Steven, I have something else to do. Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Happy, let me tell you something, I just bought the film and television adaptation rights of a novel."

Yu Dong was a little surprised and said, "Is it mine?"

"I can't afford yours now. All Hollywood knows that if you want your script, you must prepare at least 400 million dollars." Spielberg joked, and then said: "It's Marco Levi's The book "If It Was True."

"His novel doesn't seem to be officially published yet, have you read the manuscript?"

Spielberg shook his head: "No."

Hearing what Spielberg said, the people around him looked at him in amazement. They couldn't figure out why Spielberg bought the film and television adaptation rights of a novel without even reading the manuscript.

Yu Dong didn't ask any more questions, but just nodded and said, "Very good."

His reaction made Spielberg a little surprised, "YU, don't you wonder why I bought the film and television adaptation rights of this novel before I even read the manuscript?"

Yu Dong replied with a smile: "It's nothing curious. When I was in France, I only listened to Marco Levi's ideas, and decided to sign him and then publish novels for him."

The conversation between the two made Doug immediately speechless. Are genius creators so adventurous?
Doug Liman has always thought of himself as a creator who dared to take risks, but compared with YU and Spielberg, he is far behind.

After chatting with Spielberg for a while, Yu Dong looked around and saw Liu Qingyun approaching with a wine glass. He smiled and waved to Liu Qingyun: "Mr. Liu, this way."

Liu Qingyun was supposed to come to toast Yu Dong, but after hearing his greeting, he quickened his pace.

After arriving, Yu Dong introduced Liu Qingyun to Spielberg and the others: "Let me introduce to you, this is Liu Qingyun, our newly signed actor from Deep Space."

Hearing Yu Dong's solemn introduction, Spielberg and the others greeted Liu Qingyun one after another, and Liu Qingyun was busy responding to them in Mandarin and English.

The last time Liu Qingyun left Jinling after meeting Yu Dong, but came to Jinling again three days later, signed a brokerage contract with Shenkong Company, and officially became an actor under Shenkong Company.

During this time, Liu Qingyun basically stayed in Jinling, dealing with trivial matters after signing the contract, and busy learning to speak Mandarin at the same time.

Liu Qingyun is a very active person. Since he has decided to develop inland, it is imperative to practice Mandarin.After this period of study, his Mandarin level has improved significantly, and has caught up with his English level, upgrading from very bad to ordinary bad.

After the two parties greeted each other, Yu Dong said with a smile: "If you have any roles that are suitable for Qingyun in the future, you can consider it."

Joe Schumacher laughed and said: "It depends on whether there are such characters in the script you wrote for us. YU, I heard Jimmy say that you have written a lot of scripts recently, and there is no one suitable for us. ? Isn’t it more than 400 million, if you have a good script, I can afford it.”

"That's right, Yu, actually we..."

Yu Dong didn't expect that he would ask them to help take care of Liu Qingyun, but what he got in return was that these people beat him to the ground and asked him for the script.

But this also proves from the side that the matter of 400 million US dollars is really something they take to heart.

Yesterday Yu Dong chatted with Jimmy about the script. Jimmy meant that after selling at a high price once or twice, he would not continue to buy out others in the future. Occupying the company's liquidity can also ensure the maximum benefit.

To put it bluntly, the reason for selling so high this time is just for advertising.

At the moment, several directors are booing. In fact, some are just joining in the fun. For example, Spielberg, although Yu Dong didn't write a script for him, he has already negotiated "The Martian". It will basically be handed over to him; another example is Doug Liman, this guy has just made two movies "I Lived for 1 Years" and "The Butterfly Effect", and they haven't been released yet, and he has no intention of going Think of other movies.

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Don't hang yourself on my tree, we have many deep space works that are very worthy of adaptation."

Joe Schumacher smiled and said: "Yes, there are many authors in deep space whose works are worthy of adaptation, such as Rowling's "Harry Potter", but the copyright is tightly held by you and Warner. It's the same with "A Song of Ice and Fire", and the film and television copyrights are still not released."

"Old Joe, if you want "A Song of Ice and Fire", I will let Jimmy talk to you now."

Joe Schumacher thought for a while, then waved his hand and said: "Forget it, forget it, it's not suitable for me."

Yu Dong shrugged his shoulders: "That's right. Besides, apart from these few works, don't we have any good works in deep space? You guys, it's just that the eyes that are good at discovering are missing. Harold's remake "Her Eyes" did well at the box office and received a good reputation."

Schumacher nodded subconsciously. He has also paid attention to the movie "Her Eyes". The box office performance of this movie was mediocre at the beginning due to the schedule, but it has a strong stamina. In the end, the North American box office exceeded 5000 million, and the global box office has exceeded 6000 million.

There are still many regions that have not been released, so the final box office will definitely increase a bit.

Although the box office is not high, it has already made a lot of money for the producer. It's a pity that the box office of more than 1000 million US dollars in China was manipulated by Deep Space. Otherwise, the producer's income must be higher. .

"Her Eyes" performed so well at the box office in China, and it also gave a shot in the arm to the people and companies who have good relations with deep space. It is realized step by step, and it also proves that their choice to cooperate with deep space is correct.

In fact, regarding the script, it is not necessary to remind Dong. Some directors are already paying attention to these Chinese science fiction writers headed by Liu Cixin.

Compared with YU's works, the works of these authors also have potential, and most importantly, the works of these authors are much cheaper than Yu Dong's works.

(End of this chapter)

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