Chapter 582 Espionage (Second Change)

Deep Space does not set a high price for the film and television adaptation rights of domestic writers such as Liu Cixin.

Compared with asking for a high price, Deep Space pays more attention to those who buy film and television adaptation rights, because now it is the promotion stage, and the company hopes to have an excellent team to help Liu Cixin and their works to film and television, so that they can more quickly promote them as writers. Promote it.

Of course, this is all temporary. After Liu Cixin and the others become famous, the price will naturally follow.


The dinner didn't last too long, because tomorrow's deep space annual meeting will run from morning to night, so everyone took care not to drink too much.

Before ten o'clock, the guests in the lobby had almost left.

Yu Dong looked around, and most of the people who hadn't left were bragging with their shoulders crossed. There was only one person sitting at the table in the corner. When he got closer, he realized that it was Mai Jia.

With curiosity, Yu Dong walked over.

"Mai Jia, why are you still here?"

Mai Jia was staring at the table in a daze, when she suddenly heard Yu Dong's voice, she raised her head, smiled and pushed her glasses, "It's okay, I'll leave later."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Aren't you used to such occasions?"

Mai Jia shook her head: "It's not that I'm not used to it, it's just that I can't get used to it."

"Do you want to blend in?"

"No, it's good to be a spectator."

Yu Dong smiled and sat down next to Mai Jia: "What have you been up to lately?"

"I'm still working on my novel." Mai Jia showed a shy smile.

Yu Dong nodded. He knew that the novel Mai Jia was talking about was "Decryption". According to Mai Jia himself, he had been writing this novel since 91, and more than six years had passed in between. Manuscripts with hundreds of thousands of words have also been rejected many times.

When Mai Jia and Yu Yu were talking about this book last time, Yu Yu felt that it could be published, but Mai Jia backed down again, saying that he would take it back and revise it. Month has no news.

When Yu Liang mentioned this to Yu Dong, he complained that he didn't understand Mai Jia.

"I heard from Yu Liang that you don't want to publish it yourself?"

Mai Jia shook her head, "It's not that I don't want to. I was always rejected before, and every time I was rejected, I was hit once. Later, I became a little dazed and always thought about how to pass the manuscript. But when Mr. Yu told me that I could When it was published, I felt that it was still a little bit worse. Some places needed to be revised, but I didn’t know how to change it. And there were some things involved in it. I wrote too detailedly, fearing that it would involve state secrets. If it is too general, it will feel a little bit less interesting.”

When it comes to her own book, Mai Jia's chatterbox opens.

He even took a satchel from the back of the chair, and took out a stack of manuscripts from the bag.

Yu Dong was taken aback by this action. Yu Dong didn't expect that Mai Jia would bring a bag when he went to the restaurant for dinner, and there were manuscripts in the bag.

This manuscript is only a part of it. Mai Jia held the manuscript and said: "Actually, I have some new ideas when I come here this time. I especially visited various places in Jinling and felt some wartime atmosphere."

Yu Dong stared at the excited "Father of Spy Novels" in front of him with piercing eyes. His slightly dull appearance made it difficult for people to think of the shining light of wisdom in his novels.There were not many people left in the hall, but it was still a bit noisy. Several drunken guests were talking loudly, and the hotel waiters had already started to clear the tables. All kinds of voices came together, but Mai Jia But it seems that he is only immersed in the world around him.

Mai Jia told Yu Dong about his new ideas that he had recently, but it seemed that he was talking to himself, and he didn't pay attention to Yu Dong's reaction after listening to his words.

Yu Dongan listened quietly for a while, Yu Yue came over and said to Yu Dong: "Boss, this is coming to an end."

Mai Jia also heard Yu Yu's words. He put away his manuscript a little embarrassedly, and then put his satchel on his shoulder: "I'm sorry, did I waste everyone's time?"

Yu Dong waved his hand, "No, isn't there someone else who hasn't left yet?"

Then Yu Dong asked Yu Liang: "Which room is Liu Yunlong in?"

"I have to ask, I don't remember so many guests."

"Well, you go ask."

Yu Yue nodded and went to make a phone call. Mai Jia pushed his glasses and said, "Teacher Yu, I'm leaving first."

"Maijia, don't worry, I'll take you to meet a friend."

Maijia didn't ask who it was, nodded and waited.

After Yu Yue asked clearly, Yu Dong took Mai Jia directly to Liu Yunlong's room.

When he arrived at the door, Yu Dong was about to knock on the door, but he heard Zhao Baogang's voice from inside, "Yunlong, you are not authentic, bring such good wine and drink it secretly."

Then I heard Liu Yunlong say: "What nonsense, didn't I invite you here?"

"Did you invite me? I forced myself to come."

As soon as he heard the conversation, Yu Dong knew that the two of them hadn't had a good drink, and ran back to the room to start a small stove.

Knock knock, Yu Dong knocked on the door.



"It's Yu Yuanwai..."

Liu Yunlong came over to open the door. As soon as the door was opened, he was about to speak, but he saw that there was another person beside Yu Dong, who swallowed the words again.

Yu Dong introduced with a smile: "This is the writer Mai Jia, this is the actor Liu Yunlong, and there is also a director Zhao Baogang."

Liu Yunlong extended his hand to shake Mai Jia, "Hello, hello, come in and sit down."

After entering, Yu Dong saw Zhao Baogang holding a bottle of Moutai.

Liu Yunlong is a loyal supporter of Moutai. He likes to drink some Moutai when he has nothing to do. This bottle of Moutai should be made by himself.

Yu Dong joked: "Looks like there will be a banquet that Brother Yunlong will attend in the future, and he must go to Moutai."

"I'm joking, I'm just joking, I just saw that Director Zhao didn't drink well, so I asked him to taste some more, do you want some?"

Yu Dong waved his hand, "No, I brought Maijia here to let you guys chat. Didn't you say you were interested in espionage before? Coincidentally, Maijia is an expert in this field."

"No, no, it's not professional." Mai Jia waved his hand humbly.

When Liu Yunlong heard that Mai Jia was an expert in espionage, he became interested, and quickly brought a glass to pour wine for Mai Jia.

"Mai Jia doesn't drink." Yu Dong helped out.

"I really don't want to drink it." Liu Yunlong looked at Mai Jia.

Mai Jia nodded: "I really don't want to drink it, thank you for your kindness."

"You don't have to drink, let's have something to eat. I just ordered some sauced beef from the table." Liu Yunlong pulled Mai Jia to sit down again, and naturally chatted about spying: "Where was Brother Mai before?" Have you ever been in contact with espionage?"

"I studied radio before and worked in related units."

Liu Yunlong opened his mouth wide: "You actually have actual combat experience, it's amazing, it's amazing, then you..."

(End of this chapter)

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