Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 593 Return to the Cretaceous Period

Chapter 593 Returning to the Cretaceous Period (Second Change)
During lunch, Wei Peng rushed over. His home was not far from Jinyi, and it took only ten minutes to ride a bicycle.

It is said that a nephew is more like an uncle, and this is indeed true. Wei Peng looks very similar to his uncle Wu Changxin, but he is much taller than Wu Changxin.

Wu Changxin said that Wei Peng's personality is usually off-the-charts, and he is a talker, but after meeting Yu Dong, Wei Peng behaved very well. He basically didn't speak during the meal. Yu Dong asked questions, and he answered with a smile. One sentence.

After the meal was over, Yu Dong started talking to Wei Peng about the business: "Xiao Wei, I am very optimistic about your novel, and Shen Kong wants to sign it."

Before Wei Peng came here, he hadn't heard Wu Changxin say that he wanted to sign a contract, but now that he heard Yu Dong suddenly mention it, he looked at his uncle in surprise.

Wu Changxin said with a smile: "Pengpeng, Mr. Yu appreciates your novel very much, and I think it's a good thing to sign it. But the decision is still in your hands. What do you think?"

"Should I discuss it with my parents?" Wei Peng asked.

"Yes, this is not a small matter. It is right to discuss it with your parents. But I think you are also in your twenties, so you should have your own judgment."

"Of course I want to sign a contract." Wei Peng said excitedly: "I write novels for people to read. If I can sign a contract with Deep Space, my goal will be achieved."

Yu Dong smiled, and said, "Maybe it's not what you think. In the beginning, this book will not be published in real form, but will be published on the website first. When the time is right, the real book will be released later."

The so-called time is ripe, naturally the novel became popular.

Wei Peng didn't hesitate at all: "Yes, isn't this normal? Wasn't it the same with "Sky Ax Sand Palace" before? It was first published on the Internet, and then the physical version was released. There are still many in deep space. Few novels are being serialized, but no physical version has been released."

Yu Dongrao looked at Wei Peng with interest: "Since you know so much about the mechanism of the Deep Space Chinese Network and are more accepting of this method, why didn't you think about submitting articles online before? Deep Space has published the editor's mailbox, you can Send the manuscript to the editor at any time, and after approval, it can be signed and published."

Wei Peng scratched his head: "I have two considerations. One is that I am worried that my level is not enough, and there are still places that need to be revised in the novel, so I want to go through the back door and ask the master for advice. Going to the editor's mailbox, it's a bit unreal, it's not like this kind of face-to-face chat..."

Yu Dong nodded, and understood what Wei Peng meant. The Deep Space Chinese website has developed very well over the past year, but there has not been a major explosion in the literature sector. Perhaps this situation Wei Peng said is also one of the reasons.

Netizens don't care if they make jokes on the website, or write some short jokes, even if they don't want to make money.

All in all, the model of online literature is still not mature enough to mobilize the enthusiasm of new writers like Wei Peng.

Yu Dong looked at Wei Peng and smiled. It seems that in the next year, apart from music, there are still many things that need to be done in deep space.Today is still fruitful, not only received a good work, but also made Yu Dong aware of some problems.


Yu Dong didn't chat with Wei Peng for a long time, and let him go after dinner.

Wei Peng needs to go back and discuss with his parents before he can give Yu Dong an answer, but this matter should be no problem, in addition to Wei Peng's own wishes, their family also values ​​Wu Changxin's opinion, after all, Wu Changxin is the most educated in their family As long as Wu Changxin supports them, Wei Peng's parents will definitely have no problem.

Yu Dong went to Wu Changxin's office to drink tea and chat for a while, and Jimmy brought Spielberg and the others to find Yu Dong.

After several people went to Yu Dong's office, Lucas said good news: "IMAX has confirmed the production of "Return to the Cretaceous", and we should be able to meet the audience in the second half of the year."

Spielberg laughs: "The bad news is, the movie is only 45 minutes long."

Yu Dong knows this situation. IMAX has developed for so many years, and the image quality is obvious to all. However, the reason why not many people pay attention to it is because the production and screening costs of IMAX are relatively high, and transportation is difficult, resulting in a relatively short film playback time.

For these reasons, IMAX has not been popularized, and it is generally used in popular science institutions such as science and technology museums to play some documentaries.

So after Deep Space, Lucas and Spielberg entered IMAX, the company's business has always been in this area.

Until now, I finally want to make a movie, but it is only about 10 minutes long, so I can't make it very long.

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Actually, both of you should be able to see the potential and future of IMAX. After "Return to the Cretaceous", we will receive other orders in a short time. When I cooperated to develop IMAX, I mainly considered the movies of our Deep Space Company. With the development of the times, the audience will definitely pursue better audio-visual effects. At that time, only IMAX can bring them a more extreme experience. .”

"But the question is, I don't know how many years, one year, two years, ten years, or 20 years will it take for the breakthrough of this technology? And after the breakthrough, it will take some time for the supporting facilities of the cinema. When do we have to wait?" Lucas frowned.

In fact, it won't take long. With the promotion of their three parties, IMAX can be truly applied in three to five years at most.It is not a problem to heal the supporting facilities of the theater, and the theater will find a solution by itself.

But Yu Dong did not tell Spielberg and the others about this, he just said: "As long as IMAX is the latest technology, as long as we can afford to wait in deep space, we will always guard it."

Hearing Yu Dong's firm words, Spielberg and Lucas looked at each other. The IMAX matter was driven by Shen Kong, and then the three of them were pulled into a boat, and Shen Kong was the captain of the ship. .

Although I don't know why YU has such confidence in IMAX, but the captain is so determined, they are naturally more at ease.

Jimmy suddenly said at this moment: "I heard that James Cameron, the director of "Titanic", is very optimistic about IMAX."

Spielberg said strangely: "Yes, then why didn't you tell us, Jimmy?"

Jimmy shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "I just remembered that too."

Of course he didn't just think of it, but Spielberg and Lucas insisted on listening to Yu Dong talking about IMAX, so Jimmy deliberately left this matter at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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