Chapter 594 Filming location (third update)
Cameron is very popular recently. "Titanic" has been released for more than a month. The box office has continued to rise and is very strong. Movie.

Cameron is also optimistic about the news of IMAX, which really gave Spielberg and the others a shot in the arm. Coupled with what Yu Dong said so firmly just now, they are also relieved.

In fact, for the IMAX stall, there is no need for Deep Space to ask Spielberg and Lucas to do it together. Their company can support it alone, but Yu Dong and Jimmy want to use IMAX to tie their three parties together. Go, this way, Spielberg and Lucas' resources can be used for their deep space.

It is precisely because deep space always makes profits, so it has firmly established roots in Hollywood in just a few years, and they are inextricably linked with major companies.

"YU, do you think "The Martian" has any hope of catching up with IMAX's technological breakthrough?" Spielberg said suddenly.

"Yes." Yu Dong nodded, "The premise is that you don't make this movie within five years."

Originally, when he heard "yes", the smile on Spielber's face would appear, but then he couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard Yu Dong's next words, "Even if "The Martian" is not filmed this year, it will be filmed next year." Will shoot."

Lucas smiled and said, "You can use it when "Deep Space" is filming."

""Deep Space" must have more than two hours. When will IMAX technology be able to produce movies longer than two hours?"

"There's no rush. Anyway, it's difficult to shoot this movie. Let's wait until I can polish the technology with Industrial Light and Magic."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Let's talk about the filming of "The Martian" first. What do you think about the filming location of this movie?"

"About the location, I did think, have you seen the movie 'Lawrence of Arabia'?"

"Of course." Yu Dong nodded.

This is a 60s movie with a very grand scene, and it has won the Oscar for Best Picture.Yu Dong had seen it once before, and the impression was quite deep.

Spielberg said, "In this movie, there is a location that is very similar to the terrain of Mars. This place is the Wadi Rum Desert in Jordan."

Yu Dong recalled for a while, he had no impression of this desert at all, nor did he remember the scenes in the movie.

Instead, Jimmy smiled and said, "Steven, I think the landform of Wadi Rum Desert is more like the moon, isn't it?"

Spielberg frowned and thought for a while, then sighed, "It's indeed more like the moon, but Jimmy, it took me a long time to find such a good place, and you just denied it with one sentence. I think even if I don’t want to, I can make up for it later.”

"Steven, in fact, there are many places in China that look like Mars. You can think about it." Jimmy said with a smile.

"Really?" Spielberg said, raising his eyebrows.

"Of course, I'll ask someone to get some photos for you to see later."

Spielberg glanced at Yu Dong and nodded with a smile: "No problem, anyway, I'm not in a hurry to take photos now, you can get more photos, it's best to give me a detailed local information."

Yu Dong also glanced at Jimmy. Jimmy had told Yu Dong about the filming location before.

There are indeed such places in China, but the place is too remote, and the transportation is inconvenient, and there is no signal. If you really want to go there to make a movie, the price is not small.

The best way is to build a road, but Jimmy calculated it... At that time, Jimmy told Yu Dong that when he calculated the cost of road construction, Yu Dong was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped. Really want to build a road for a movie.

According to what Jimmy said, if it’s just a small section, [-] kilometers will be enough. Although the road ahead is not good, it can barely be walked.

If it is to be fully repaired, it may take an additional two to three hundred kilometers.

It doesn't cost much to repair 4000 kilometers. It only needs to invest 4000 to [-] million yuan. In addition, the infrastructure of the filming base will cost several million yuan, and more than [-] million yuan should be able to get it.If the roads are poorly repaired, the budget can be further reduced.

This cost is definitely nothing compared to the investment in "The Martian".

But even if this road is built, the follow-up traffic may not be very good, and it must not be comparable to that in Jordan.

But Jimmy is quite concerned about this matter. He told Yu Dong that he hopes to shoot the movie in China. It’s not that Jimmy has any Chinese plots. It’s just because Jimmy knows that as long as "The Martian" is finished shooting in China , Deep Space Corporation can go sideways in the country.

It would be even more perfect if they could leave a path locally.

In the past few years, roads have been built every day in China, and more roads are also being thought about.

If you want to be rich, build more roads, have fewer children, and plant more trees.

This sentence, even the dolls in the mountain village talk about it every day, which shows how much the country attaches importance to it, and even puts it in front of family planning.

If at this time, Deep Space puts the filming base of "The Martian" in China, which not only stimulates the local economy, but also builds roads in response to national policies, then it will be equivalent to a gold medal for avoiding death in the future, as long as Deep Space does not make any big mistakes , domestic policies can be inclined to them.

Yu Dong smiled and said to Spielberg: "I have also seen the photos of the place Jimmy mentioned, and it really looks like Mars. However, the transportation may not be as convenient as that in Jordan."

"That's okay." Spielberg said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if the traffic is a little bit, anyway, most of the scenes of this movie are there, we can make preparations, and then stay there until the filming is finished. Let’s go, no matter how bad the traffic is, the car can always pass.”

"Don't worry about this, the car must be able to pass, you can't let you walk over with the machine on your shoulders."

"Haha, if the place is really good, it's not impossible for me to walk over with the machine." Spielberg laughed.

Yu Dong and Jimmy glanced at each other. Now that Spielberg spoke so freely, he didn't know what his expression would be when he saw the scene later.

Regarding the shooting location, they didn't say anything more, and they were going to wait until Spielberg had seen the local photos.


After Spielberg and the others left, Yu Dong continued to start his own work. There was still some finishing work on "Terror Cruise", which could be done in two days.

After finishing "Cruise of Horror", Yu Dong was ready to rest.

Today is already the 23rd, and the 27th is New Year's Eve, so there are only four days left.

I have been busy for a year, and of course I have to spend more time with my family when the Chinese New Year comes.

(End of this chapter)

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