Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 595 Lu Xun Literary Award

Chapter 595 Lu Xun Literature Award (first change)
On New Year's Eve on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, the sun was shining brightly on the 27th, and it snowed heavily in Jinling on the 28th.

Early in the morning, Yu Dong squatted downstairs in the hut where he and Cheng Yanqiu lived, watching the snowflakes dancing in the garden.

Cheng Yanqiu sat in the room and said with a smile, "Aren't you cold sitting by the door?"

"It's not cold when it's snowing." Yu Dong smiled: "Simple knowledge of physics."

"Then why are you shaking?"

"Muscle shaking can convert biological energy into heat energy to maintain body temperature, simple biological knowledge."

Cheng Yanqiu rolled his eyes, "When people are cold, they will go to a warm place. This is...common sense. Also, it is common sense that people will get sick when they catch a cold, and they need to take medicine when they are sick."

Yu Dong shrank his neck, got up and walked into the room: "Well, you are right."

But as soon as he turned his head, he heard someone calling him from behind: "Uncle Dong, Uncle Dong, let's make a snowman."

Yu Dong turned his head again, and it was Yu Haiguo, wearing a flowered padded jacket and a tiger-head hat, his little follower Feng Changdi was following behind him, one big and one small blushing, obviously Just had a fuss.

The two of them ran over, saw Cheng Yanqiu in the room, and called out politely: "Aunt Qiu."

Seeing these two boys coming, Cheng Yanqiu waved to them, "Hai Guo, Chang Di, come here, I'll give you candy."

"My mother said that if you eat too much sugar, your teeth will fall out." Yu Haiguo said it well, but her two calves were already walking towards Cheng Yanqiu involuntarily.

Feng Changdi grinned: "Auntie, my teeth are good."

After getting the candy, the two boys didn't ask Yu Dong to build a snowman again, and ran to the front yard with the candy in their arms.

Yu Dong knew that this boy Yu Haiguo didn't come here to build a snowman. The snow had just fallen for a while, and there was no snow on the ground. How could he build a snowman? If Yu Dong saw it, this kid was here to beg for candy .

Looking at the backs of Yu Haiguo and the others bouncing around, Yu Dong was about to turn his head when he heard Yu Hua's voice, "Yu Yuanwai, come and play cards!"

Yu Dong pretended not to hear, and went straight into the house.

Yu Hua stood on the second floor of the meeting room, and patted his head in confusion. Why is Yu Dong so poor in hearing now?


This year's Chinese New Year, Deep Space Company is still celebrating the New Year with its employees and guests who have not left.

But it snowed too much that day, and the roads were blocked, so Yu Dong and the others didn't go to Jinling Hotel to celebrate the New Year with them at night.

Afterwards, it snowed for several days, Yu Dong and the others simply didn't leave their relatives, and a group of people staying in Luoyuan was not boring.

Spielberg and Lucas were also trapped in Jinling due to the heavy snow. Originally, Jimmy wanted to take them to visit other cities, but because of the heavy snow, they couldn’t make the trip. I heard that Jimmy took them to fight every day and held a The internal egg-scrambling contest was quite fierce.

It wasn't until the fifth day of the fifth day that the sun cleared, and another day later, when the snow had melted a little and the road was easy to go, Yu Dong and the others started to visit relatives.

On the ninth day of the ninth day, the relatives on the Jinling side were gone, and on the tenth day, Yudong and the others returned to Shanghai, and it took two days to finish the relatives on the other side of Shanghai.

On the morning of the [-]th day of the first lunar month, Yu Dong was catching up on sleep at home, when Bi Feiyu came and knocked on the door of his house: "Yu Yuanwai, get up soon."

Cheng Yanqiu was preparing the lesson plan for the beginning of the year in the study, when he heard the knock on the door, he ran to open the door.

"Teacher Bi, is there anything urgent for you this morning?"

Bi Feiyu handed a copy of "Newspaper" to Cheng Yanqiu: "Sister and sister, read this."


As soon as Cheng Liye arrived at the office in the morning, he saw the head of the department, Shen Changhe, standing at the door of his office.

"Old Shen, are you looking for me?"

As soon as he saw Cheng Liye, Shen Changhe smiled brightly.

"Old Cheng, congratulations."

Facing Shen Changhe's congratulations, Cheng Liye couldn't figure it out: "Old Shen, what kind of joy did you express to me this early in the morning? Where did the joy come from?"

Shen Changhe slowly raised the "Newspaper" in his hand, cleared his throat, and read: "Xunlu Literature Award 1995-1996 The results of the individual outstanding works awards have been announced. There are a total of six works that have won the National Excellent Short Story Award." The chapters are "Tree Hole" (Yu Dong), "Brq's Woman" (Bi Feiyu), "Old House" (Shi Tiesheng)..."

Before he finished reading, Cheng Liye snatched the "Newspaper" over and looked at it carefully. The first one on the list was Yu Dong's "Tree Hole".

Shen Changhe said with a smile, "Old Cheng, your son-in-law won the first Xunlu Literature Award. He should be the youngest Xunlu Literature Award winner, right?"

"Hey, isn't this the first session? Young or not? Besides, Yu Dong is thirty."

"Hey, look at how you look."

"Walk around, go in and drink tea." Cheng Liye pointed to the small box under his arm: "I brought good tea from home."

"Did the son-in-law buy it?"

"Haha, I bought it last year and haven't drunk it yet. Although it is old tea, it tastes good."

"Can't you pass me a cup of tea, and I will treat you to dinner later."

"Easy to say, easy to say."


"Newspaper" personally announced the results of the Lu Xun Literature Award, and the news quickly spread.

Even if you don't read "Newspaper", as long as you log in to Shenkong Chinese website and Dongdong today, you will see the results of the Lu Xun Literature Award.

Even to celebrate Yu Dong and the others winning the award, Deep Space Chinese Network directly pulled up a large banner on the homepage, and then opened up 1 internal beta quotas.

For Deep Space, it's not just as simple as the boss winning an award. Among the results announced this time, the six authors who won the National Excellent Short Story Award all signed contracts with Deep Space Company.

The performance of the Novella Award was not good, and two out of ten authors signed contracts with Deep Space.

[Shangguan Luojun: Haha, out of six authors, I predicted five correctly. 】

[The end of the remote control: I also predicted four, it seems that the result this time is still what everyone expected. 】

[Ronald Shao: These six short stories are all very good, but I haven't read many of the novella. 】

[Flying Stupid Bear: Mr. Yu has won the Lu Xun Literature Award, should the next step be looking forward to the Mao Dun Literature Award? 】

[Wheat King: I feel that the temperament of Mr. Yu and the Mao Dun Literature Award does not fit well. 】

[No. [-] in the world: Who said that "Xiang Xi" is not suitable? 】

[Dark Fragrance Floating: Hey, hey, isn't it worth mentioning our teacher Bi's name? 】

[Crazy keyboard and mouse: Congratulations to Teacher Bi, congratulations to Teacher Shi Tiesheng, congratulations...]

[Compendium of Materia Medica: Oh, I want to enter Jinyi. 】

[Bacchus: nnd, there are actually two Lu Xun Literature Prize winners in an art academy, I am not balanced—a complaint from an unnamed Chinese student. 】

[Northeast specialties: We not only have two winners of the Lu Xun Literature Prize, but also teachers Mo Yan and Yu Hua, teacher Xiaohu, and Fushui...]

(End of this chapter)

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