Chapter 601 Escape Game (Part [-])
"Yu Yuanwai, let's go."

When Yu Dong was writing big characters at home, Bi Feiyu stood outside and called him.

"Coming soon." Yu Dong replied.

After that, he was not in a hurry, and finished the post slowly, then picked up his football equipment and walked towards the field.

When they arrived at the place, Bi Feiyu and the others were passing the ball to warm up. Seeing him walking slowly, Bi Feiyu couldn't help urging: "Hurry up and change your equipment, warm up, the game is about to start."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows: "Aren't I a substitute?"

"There are two people who can't come today because of something, so you start."

Yu Dong pouted, "All right."

Today is a friendly match between Jinyi faculty and Southeast faculty, and Bi Feiyu attaches great importance to it.

Yu Dong didn't participate in the competition for a few days, and Bi Feiyu had already made him a substitute. If someone didn't come today, he probably could only watch from the sidelines.

The overall strength of Southeast's faculty and staff is stronger than Jinyi's, but Jinyi's side has Ruan Xiaohu as a big killer, so they can still play with Southeast.


This is a low-level game, but Jinyi has a lot of cheerleaders here, and the scene is very loud.

In the end, Jin Yi won the game [-]-[-] with Ruan Xiaohu's two goals and Mo Yan's one goal.

Some people may be wondering, Ruan Xiaohu and Mo Yan scored three together, why the score is two to one?

The answer is simple, Mo Yan entered through his own door.

Mo Yan is the Zhengyin goalkeeper of the Jinyi teaching staff team, and he performed pretty well, but today he made a super super huge mistake, throwing the ball behind him...

After the game, several people sat on the sidelines bragging.

Bi Feiyu said with a smile: "We made all three goals today."

Yu Hua nodded and said, "That's right, I didn't expect Mo Yan to score a goal. During the match just now, did someone take pictures with a camera? I don't know if they took pictures of Mo Yan's goal."

Hearing them tease him, Mo Yan folded his chest and rolled his eyes: "You can't only see one person's mistakes, but not one person's dedication. The greatest team is the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper stands in the team. The rear is the last hurdle. Without this hurdle, the team will surely fail. Although I made a mistake today, if it weren’t for my high-speed resistance, I would have been pierced by the opponent a long time ago. It's..."

"Did the opponent shoot on target today?" Yu Hua asked.

Bi Feiyu held his chin and said, "It seems to be a shot on target, and it not only hit the door frame, but also hit our goalkeeper..."

Mo Yan said angrily, "You don't understand football."

Yu Hua laughed: "The coach knows how to play football. After a while, the lads will train, and you will guide them."

Today is the school team training day, Feng Ming is arranging the training programs for the students, Yu Dong and the others have nothing to do, so they sat on the sidelines and watched for a while.

The training session of the school team is quite interesting. It is a running game. More than 20 players stand on the edge of the court. Sometimes, someone will shoot him with the ball, he needs to react, he can hide, he can catch, he can pass back, he can shoot.

Watching the students training, Bi Feiyu said with a smile: "Feng Ming is doing more and more tricks, and he is quite professional."

Yu Dong also nodded. Feng Ming really cares about Jinyi's school football team. The strength of the school team has indeed grown in the past two years. On the one hand, the school has recruited more students, and on the other hand, it is also due to Feng Ming's teaching.

But looking at the students training, Yu Dong suddenly thought of a game called "Temple Run". For a while, he played it on his mobile phone while lying on the bed, and the students dodged and ran just like him. The characters in it are kind of like that.

Before Jimmy said that their game company was short of games, now Yu Dong suddenly thought of this game, which might be helpful to them.

After thinking about it, Yu Dong told Bi Feiyu and the others, "Go on, I have something to do when I go back."

Before they could respond, Yu Dong had already run away with his things.

Looking at Yu Dong's back, Yu Hua smiled and shook her head, "Yu Yuanwai is always so busy."

"Otherwise, he is an outsider?" Bi Feiyu smiled and said: "I just saw that he was very busy these days, so I brought him over to play the game. He was fine, and went back to work after the game. What are you busy with?"


After Yu Dong went back, he first contacted Yu Yu and told him his thoughts.

Yu Yu didn't know much about games, but he attached great importance to what Yu Dong said, and quickly dragged Jiang Jie, who knew games, to Jinyi.

When they arrived at Yu Dong's house, Yu Dong had already written the introduction of the game.

"Look, this is the game I thought of just now, and I wrote down the general gameplay of the game."

Yu Yu looked at Jiang Jie, "Jiang Jie, you know the game, come and take a look."

Jiang Jie nodded, and took the paper from Yu Dong's hand.

There is not much content, and it will be finished in a while.

After reading it, Jiang Jie smiled and said, "The idea of ​​the boss is very good. It's like a simple version of the escape game. Konami made a game of this type more than ten years ago, called "Antarctic Adventure". Of course, the boss This one looks richer and more playable."

Hearing Jiang Jie's words, Yu Dong was a little surprised. He didn't expect this kind of parkour game to exist long ago.

"Jiang Jie, don't have extra thoughts, just comment on this game, can I meet the requirements I wrote above? Is there a market prospect if it is done?"

Jiang Jie thought for a while and said: "The game is a good game, but it is difficult to meet all the requirements you put forward, boss. For example, the game levels are endless, and the subsequent levels cannot be repeated. Boss, you want to put the background on the Great Wall. It’s a good idea, but even the Great Wall has an end. I think we can design a few more maps, which are difficult and easy, and it’s easier to integrate the elements we want.”

Yu Yu also smiled and said: "I understand what Jiang Jie said. I think it is good to get a few more maps, so that the playability is indeed higher. In addition, we can put some landmark buildings in China, Let others know more about our Chinese culture.”

After hearing what the two of them said, Yu Dong nodded thoughtfully.

He wanted to make this game because he really wanted to promote Chinese culture, otherwise he wouldn't have thought about putting the background of the game on the Great Wall.

Now it seems that his thinking is still limited, not as well thought out as Jiang Jie and the others.

"Okay, Jiang Jie, you know more about games than us. You take this back, write a simple proposal, and talk to Jimmy later to see if you can make the game."

 Thank you for your rewards. These two days are limited to free, and a bunch of ghosts and snakes have appeared again, and my brain hurts

(End of this chapter)

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