Chapter 602 Twins (Second Change)
"Okay, boss."

Hearing that Yu Dong entrusted himself with the game, Jiang Jie was also very excited, "Actually, I think that in addition to the map, we can also work on the characters. Each character can be given some special colors, and they can Use it."

Hearing Jiang Jie's proposal, Yuyou rolled his eyes and said, "Is it possible to link the game with other businesses of our company?"

Yu Dong looked at Yu Liang: "How to say?"

"Jiang Jie mentioned the character just now, which gave me some ideas. We can use real people as prototypes, for example..." Having said that, Yu Yu looked at Yu Dong.

Seeing Yu Liang looking at him, Yu Dong immediately understood what he meant: "Like me?"

Yu Yu smiled and said: "Boss, I didn't say that. But since you mentioned it, let's use you as an example. If you design a character based on you, the boss, then you can give the character a special skill." , you can roll back every time you fail to pass a level, because boss, you have written a lot of time-related science fiction, so it is very reasonable to have such a skill."

"It's interesting, you continue to talk."

With Yu Dong's approval, Yu Yue rolled up his sleeves and began to gesture: "And Mr. Yu Hua, didn't he write "Xu Sanguan Selling Blood", we can design his character to be able to resist some injuries... "

After Yu Yu finished speaking, Jiang Jie also had some new ideas: "Mr. Yu is right, we can also apply this idea to props, for example, to design a prop called [Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks], we... "

"Ahem, it's fine to use this name for literary works, but don't use this name for games."

"I'm sorry, boss, I didn't think carefully, but what I mean is that we can design props based on the works of writers signed by our company."

Yu Dong nodded and said: "I know what you mean, how about this, you go back, sort out these ideas, put them into the plan, and then connect with the game company to see if it can be done. It’s useless for us to just dream here, we must combine the game itself.”

"I understand. In the past two days, I have to seize the time to make the proposal."

"Well, tell Jimmy about that too."


As soon as Jimmy joined the company, he received a call from Yu Yu.

"What's the matter, margin, what's the matter?"

In fact, Jimmy has just returned to the United States for two days. The work that should be reported, when he was in Jinling before, he had already reported almost all the allowances, so he was quite surprised that the allowances called now.

"Boss Ji, the boss made a game."

Jimmy was a little surprised by the margin: "Boss? What game?"

Yu Dong had played games before, that is, Werewolf Killer, and Jimmy subconsciously thought it was this kind of game again.

"It's a kind of escape game, I'll probably explain it to you..."

A few minutes later, Yu Yu told Jimmy about the game, and then added: "I think this game still has potential, the key is that it can be linked with other businesses of our company. During the day we chat At that time, it was said that the characters were based on the boss and the others, but after I came back, I thought about it, and I can also use the characters from our company's film and television dramas, such as the tuner, such as the little playboy..."

Jimmy squinted his eyes and pondered. In fact, in his opinion, this game is nothing special. It is not fundamentally different from ordinary obstacle avoidance games. It is just a simple dodge.

However, using the Great Wall and other landmarks as the background is quite an idea, and the design of the characters is also ingenious. It is really worth a try.

Jimmy didn't expect that Yu Dong would really help him think about the game, and he actually came up with one. Although it was just an idea, it was very powerful.

Regarding the background design of the game, Jimmy also understands Yu Dong's intention, which is to promote China through the game.

It is precisely because of understanding Yu Dong's thoughts that Jimmy decided that even if the game does not make money, he must make the game.

Boss, of course it's for curry favor.

After thinking for a while, Jimmy said, "Let Jiang Jie quickly make out the proposal, and then contact the game company to see if the game is feasible."

"Jiang Jie is already working overtime, and he will be out in a few days." Yu Yu replied.

"Leave the game to Jiang Jie. You have been paying attention to the treasure island book fair recently. You send a team to go half a month in advance to set up the booth."

"Don't worry, Mr. Ji, it's been arranged."


After talking to Yu Yu on the phone, Jimmy stared out the window for a while, then took out a document from the drawer.

In the past two days, Jimmy has been thinking about the music company. He has the same idea as Yu Dong. The singer is secondary, and the creator is more important.

And the information in front of him contained the person he wanted, Li Weisong and Li Sisong, a pair of very talented twin brothers.

The two brothers are Singaporeans, in their early thirties, but they became famous very early, and they made their debut in [-].

At the beginning, they debuted as singers in Singapore, and released several albums in a row, and the response was not bad.

In 93, he went to Baodao to develop and released the album "Playing", but soon began to go behind the scenes.I have written a lot of songs in recent years, the most famous of which are the two songs written for Zhang Xueyou, "I'll Wait until the Flowers Are Withered" and "A Thousand Reasons for Sadness". These two songs are written by each of the brothers compose.

Jimmy has studied the songs they wrote and thinks that they are very talented, and their talents should not only stop at songs like "A Thousand Reasons to Sad", but also have great potential to be tapped.

If we can get them to Deep Space Music, it will definitely have a great effect on the development of the company.

It's just that the two of them already have a lot of fame in Xiangjiang and Baodao, and they are starting their own companies, so it may be difficult to find them.

Of course, it's not like there's no chance at all.

Jimmy found out that Li Weisong and Li Sisong have the idea of ​​developing inland. They also collaborated with EMI Science and Technology to help Naying make an album called "Conquest" and it will be released in April.

If their interest in the mainland market is really strong, perhaps Deep Space can use this to attract them. Even if they cannot be recruited to the company, they can still carry out in-depth cooperation with their studio.

In addition, Deep Space will produce a large number of TV series in the past few years, which is also one of the advantages of Deep Space.

As long as it is a TV series, there must be theme songs and episodes, so Deep Space has the ability to digest songs.

(End of this chapter)

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