Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 608 A little distressed

Chapter 608 I feel a little distressed (sixth)
Yu Dong and the others stayed in Alpha Company until after five o'clock. Wu Zongxian offered to invite them to dinner, but Yu Dong declined.

On the way back, Cheng Yanqiu mentioned Jay Chou again: "That Xiao Zhou's classical foundation is indeed good. Although he is not very top-notch in the professional field, he should be considered outstanding in the pop music industry. Maybe he can really write good songs in the future. Song."

"Maybe." Yu Dong smiled. In fact, he thought that Jay Chou should have written some songs by now, but he didn't show them.

Yu Liang smiled and said: "But he almost sang, and there are some traces of imitating Zhang Xueyou."

"Well, his technique is a bit weak, but his function is quite good."


"It's the condition of the voice. You can see that he didn't use any skills, but it was quite easy to reach the high notes. This proves that he has a relatively good voice."

Yu Yu was stunned, he didn't associate Jay Chou with a good voice at all.

But the proprietress is a professional. She not only teaches piano at school, but also teaches vocal music. She must know a lot about this aspect.

Yu Liang asked Yu Dong again: "Boss, how do you feel about Fang Wenshan's words?"


"I think the same way. The few poems he presented are of average standard, and there are no bright spots. Alpha is actually a more formal company than the others, but Wu Zongxian doesn't pay much attention to it. It may be difficult to develop. If you really want to acquire If so, Alpha can be considered, after all, it can tie Wu Zongxian, and Bailefeng, it’s also okay.” Yu Yu analyzed.

Yu Dong nodded, "Go back and contact these two companies to see if you can take them down."

Yu Yu said with a smile: "As long as the price is reasonable, it is impossible not to take it down. In fact, during the chat just now, I have already seen that Wu Zongxian has this idea. He started this company for himself. If our company can help He, his goal has been achieved. Their company, apart from him, Wen Lan who sang at the end, and Liu Genghong, who didn't come today, are not bad, and they are worth packing. Bailefeng, Lin Kan The image is not bad, but the singing skills are a bit weak."


When the three of them returned to the hotel, Yu Hua and the others were still playing outside and didn't come back. However, many other guests had already arrived, and the hotel was quite lively.

Jimmy also came, and the first thing he said when he saw Yu Dong was: "How do you see it?"

Yu Dong knew what he was referring to, so he smiled and said, "It's not bad, it's not like I didn't get nothing."

Yu Yu reported from the side: "Alpha and Bailefeng are two good companies. The boss of Bailefeng is Ning Yuan. He has worked in Polygram before and has a lot of contacts in the record industry. Wu Zongxian of Alpha will not talk about it. , There are two newcomers in their company, one is Liu Genghong and the other is Wen Lan, and they are also good in every way."

"Very good." Jimmy nodded, "But let's put these little things aside for now, let's talk about another thing."

"What's the matter?" Yu Dong asked.

"Actually, I have been here for several days. I was supposed to dig out the Li Weisong brothers."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and said, "Li Weisong, this name sounds familiar."

Yu Liang smiled and said, "Boss, of course it sounds familiar to you. Today Xiao Zhou sang "I'll Wait until the Flowers Are Withered" was composed by Li Weisong. The two brothers are very talented."

Yu Dong squinted his eyes. Although he didn't remember where he heard the name Li Weisong, it probably wasn't because of the song "I'll Wait until the Flowers Grow."

"Then did you succeed?"

Jimmy shook his head: "Not yet, but it is very promising. What I want to tell you is not this, but another thing. From Li Weisong, I heard a news that Zhou Jianhui, the general manager of Technology EMI, wants to left."

Yu Dong and Yu Liang glanced at each other with a strange expression on their faces.

Seeing their reaction like this, Jimmy asked, "What's wrong?"

Yu Yu explained to him: "This is Mr. Ji. We went to a music company today, and the boss told us about it. He also said that Zhou Jianhui is going to Warner."

Jimmy nodded: "That's true, but it hasn't been settled yet."

Yu Dong frowned, he could hear Jimmy's voice.

"Jimmy, aren't you playing Zhou Jianhui's idea?"

Jimmy laughed and said, "Why not? Last year we were saying that deep space music lacked a helm, and now it has appeared. Zhou Jianhui is very capable in all aspects. To come out, of course we have to seize the opportunity."

"But, he is going to Warner." Yu Yu said.

"Warner Records is different from Warner UFO. If Warner headquarters invited Zhou Jianhui now, then I would never have any idea, but it is just a Warner UFO that has just been established a few years ago. In fact, I have already contacted Zhou Jianhui. "

Holding a teacup, Yu Dong waited for Jimmy's next words. Based on what he knew about Jimmy, if there was no hope for this matter, Jimmy would not tell them now.

"It hasn't been successful yet, but I see some hope. Warner UFO didn't give Zhou Jianhui much. Coupled with the situation of Warner UFO in the past two years, he has reason to consider us. My current idea is to combine the brothers Li Weisong and Zhou Jianhui. Get together and talk."

"How to say?"

"Do you think that if we have brother Li Weisong in our hands, will the possibility of Zhou Jianhui coming to our company increase?"


"Then if we invite Zhou Jianhui, based on Zhou Jianhui's relationship with Brother Li Weisong and the reputation of Zhou Jianhui's connections, wouldn't it be more hopeful to bring Brother Li Weisong to our company?"

"This... I don't know Zhou Jianhui's reputation and his relationship with Li Weisong, so I can't comment on it," Yu Dong said.

Yu Liang smiled and said, "Boss Ji is right, it is possible."

"So, I just want to tie these two things together, but in the end, we have to show sincerity and give enough conditions."

Yu Dong nodded: "No problem, you can figure it out."

But Jimmy shook his head and said, "No, the condition I gave this time must be your nod."

"Must I nod?" Yu Dong immediately understood what Jimmy meant, and he needed to nod, either involving a particularly large amount of money or shares.

From what Jimmy meant, it should be the latter.

Yu Liang also understood, and stood up with a smile: "Boss, Mr. Ji, I brought some tea in my room, go get it now."

After the margin left, Yu Dong asked, "How much do you want to move?"

"Five to fifteen points, if I can't win more than fifteen points, I will give up."

From five to fifteen points, Yu Dong squinted his eyes. If there was no Jay Chou, fifteen points would be nothing to Yu Dong.

But now Yu Dong has at least one Jay Chou in his hands. If fifteen points are allocated, it means that Jay Chou will also be allocated fifteen points.

To be honest, Yu Dong felt a little distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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