Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 609 Li Weisong Music School

Chapter 609 Li Weisong Music School (Seventh)
Distressed, but Jimmy is right, deep space music really needs a helm.It is impossible for Jimmy and Yu Liang to focus on deep space music all the time. There are many other things they need to do.

Moreover, he always felt that he had heard the name Li Weisong somewhere before, and it might bring him unexpected surprises.

Or, the acquisition of Alpha does not go to Deep Space Music, but directly to Deep Space China?Let Deep Space China directly control Alpha, which can avoid the split shares.

But this kind of operation is completely unreasonable. It is impossible to separate the business of the music sector for a small company.If so, what do others think?Especially when Jay Chou becomes popular in the future, people will not think about this weird operation again.

Seeing Yu Dong's hesitation, Jimmy continued, "Do you know why I want to poach Li Weisong and the others so much?"

"Why?" Yu Dong wondered, "Isn't it because of their talents?"

Jimmy shook his head, "In addition to their own talents, it is also because Li Weisong opened a music school in Singapore under his own name. I have specially inspected their school, and it is a serious music training school. It’s very good, and it will definitely export a lot of music talents in the future. Do you think, if the principals are all from our company, wouldn’t this school be able to continue blood transfusion for our company?”

Li Weisong... At the music school, Yu Dong suddenly remembered where he heard Li Weisong's name. If he remembered correctly, the little queen Sun Yanzi was taught by the two of them. Later, they wrote many songs for Sun Yanzi. She is popular.

If Sun Yanzi can be brought in, then the Li Weisong brothers and Zhou Jianhui are definitely worth 15.00% of Deep Space Music's shares.

After pondering for a while, Yu Dong said, "Okay, let's talk."

Seeing that Yu Dong agreed, Jimmy clapped his hands and smiled and said, "Dong, don't worry, I will definitely take care of this matter for you."


Early the next morning, Wu Zongxian had just woken up when he received a call from Yu Yu.

Yu Yue cut straight to the point, telling Wu Zongxian directly that he wanted to buy Alpha, and at the same time signed a contract with him personally.

Wu Zongxian was not at all surprised that Deep Space Corporation wanted to acquire Alpha. He was already mentally prepared. If the conditions offered by Deep Space Corporation were reasonable, he would not mind selling the company.

In fact, when Alpha was first established, besides serving his own music career, Wu Zongxian also thought about cultivating some newcomers, but after several years of operation, he found that he was really not suitable for this.

His own acting career kept him busy, and he didn't have time to take care of the company at all. A few days ago, he was thinking whether he should find someone to take care of the company for him. He also called his friend Yang Junrong, But Yang Junrong is also busy recently, so he didn't agree, saying that he would watch it after a while.

At this time, the deep space just came, and he also had a reason to make a move.

Yu Yu went to Alpha again in person, and had a face-to-face conversation with Wu Zongxian for more than an hour, basically negotiating the terms of the acquisition. After all, the company is small, and most of their discussions revolved around Wu Zongxian himself.

When negotiating conditions, I also found out that Wu Zongxian was more considerate of himself.

Although other people called him Brother Xian, he also showed more concern for the younger generation, but in the terms of the acquisition, there was no mention of the placement of other people in the company, so he didn't help Liu Genghong and the others figure out the way.

But Yu Yu didn't expect it to be so smooth. Before coming, Yu Yu thought maybe Wu Zongxian would delay for a while and raise the price.It can be seen that although Wu Zongxian has the style of a company boss, he is really not suitable for doing business. In fact, if Wu Zongxian really drags his appetite for deep space, the margin will definitely increase his conditions appropriately.

After the conversation, the two walked out of the office.

Yu Yue shook hands with Wu Zongxian, and said with a smile, "Mr. Wu, let's just say that for now. I'll think about it later. Let's finalize some details, and the acquisition will officially start later. You won't be needed then." Don't worry, we'll handle everything."

Wu Zongxian nodded with a smile, "No problem, Mr. Yu, we will all be family from now on."

Yu Yu smiled: "Well, this afternoon is our Deep Space Book Fair, and we will meet again. I will bring you to meet some friends, and you will definitely be interested."

"Thank you, thank you."


After sending the balance away, Wu Zongxian returned to the company, saw Liu Genghong and the others muttering around the front desk, and said, "What are you doing here? Why don't you hurry back to work."

Liu Genghong opened his mouth and wanted to ask Wu Zongxian what happened today, but Wu Zongxian had already turned around and returned to his office.

Looking at Wu Zongxian's office, Wen Lan sighed slightly: "If the company is acquired, we will all be miserable."

Liu Genghong nodded and said, "Yes, I don't know if the Deep Space Company will want us. I feel that their goal is Brother Xian."

"Brother Xian probably won't leave us alone, and we all have contracts." Fang Wenshan said.

Liu Genghong whispered: "Who knows, and even if brother Xian wants to control us, so what? So what if there is a contract, according to the contract, they don't have to do anything, as long as they pay us the basic salary."

Wen Lan glanced at Jay Chou, "Jay Lun, do you have nothing to say?"

Jay Chou shook his head: "Anyway, I was just a music assistant."

"That's right, no matter how bad you are, you can't go anywhere, but what if the assistant trainer at Deep Space Company doesn't let you do it?"

"Then look for a job again, what else can I do?"

Wen Lan was most worried about the company being acquired. After all, Wu Zongxian wanted to support her during this time. Now that the company has changed and there is a new boss, it is hard to say whether he will support her.

Liu Genghong put his arms around Jay Chou's shoulders: "It's okay, Jay Lun, if you want to go, I'll take you with me."

Regarding Liu Genghong's comfort, Jay Chou smiled and said nothing, he said it didn't matter, but he was also quite disturbed.

Although Jay Chou is currently working as a music assistant, Brother Xian still says that the songs he writes are not good and no one wants them, but after all, he is still doing music-related things, as long as this is enough, as for the others, he doesn’t think much about it now .

But if Deep Space really doesn't want him anymore, he doesn't know what to do.

Maybe he will find another music company, but will they definitely want him?
He was upset by what Wen Lan and the others were discussing, and now he wanted to run to sit next to the electronic piano, even if he didn't play the music, just sitting.

ps: ask for a monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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