Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 610 A Different Book Fair

Chapter 610 A Different Book Fair (First Update)
When he was about to get off work at noon, Wu Zongxian walked out of his office and said to Liu Genghong and the others: "There is a book fair in the afternoon, you can go and see it too."

After speaking, he went out by himself.

Liu Genghong looked at several other people: "Are you going?"

Fang Wenshan was the first to express his opinion: "I was going."

"I'll go too." Wen Lan said.

Then they looked at Jay Chou again, and before Jay Chou could express his opinion, Liu Genghong took him by the arm, "Let's go, let's go to eat first, and we'll go there after dinner, it's not far anyway, it's the World Trade Center."


The book fair started at one o'clock in the afternoon, and Jay Chou and the others arrived at the place at 12:30. They thought they had arrived early enough, but they didn't expect that the World Trade Center was already crowded with people.

Looking at the crowded entrance of the World Trade Center, Wen Lan asked curiously, "Are the book fairs so hot?"

Fang Wenshan smiled and said: "It's not every book fair is hot. It's the first time I've seen such a hot book fair. But it's also understandable. Today's book fair doesn't require tickets, and there are many international stars here. Many of them probably aren't For the book."

The World Trade Center holds the Beishi International Book Fair every year. This year's International Book Fair was just held last month. Fang Wenshan also came at that time. At that time, there were not so many people.

Although both are called book fairs, book fairs are different from book fairs.

Although the annual Beishi International Book Fair is open to the outside world, it is more of an exchange of people in the industry, involving many copyright transactions and related business cooperation.

Moreover, the Beishi International Book Fair needs tickets, which can be regarded as a threshold, which keeps many people out.

Compared with the Beishi International Book Fair, this time the Deep Space - Cross-Strait Three-City Book Fair is more open. Although it only lasts for half a day, there are many activities.

Everyone who comes to the museum will receive a beautifully crafted brochure, which describes the process of the event and the characteristics of each special area of ​​the book fair.

Liu Genghong pointed to the manual and said in surprise: "There is even an opening movie. Is this still a book fair?"

Jay Chou also opened the manual in his hand and looked at it. He also saw the opening movie Liu Genghong mentioned. The opening movie of this book fair is "Second World", which is not a new movie.

The box office of this movie in Baodao is not low, and its popularity is also very high. A Motorola mobile phone that Wen Lan has been clamoring to buy before appeared in this movie.It was still a concept machine at the time, and now Motorola has made it and sold it.

"Let's go in first, the movie will be playing in the first hall in a while, we need to find a good seat." Fang Wenshan said.

Wen Lan curled her lips and said, "I've watched this movie three times, let's watch something else."

"Let's take a look first, maybe something is different."

A few people entered the museum with the crowd, and as soon as they entered, they saw a big screen, which should be used to show a movie later.

Various booths have been set up in other parts of the hall. The one closest to the entrance is the exclusive booth of "Second World". There are many physical books of "Second World" and movie posters and props on it. There were also many visitors.

At one o'clock, a picture appeared on the curtain, but it was not a movie picture of "Second World", but another video.

The great director Spielberg appeared in the video, he smiled and said: "Welcome everyone to participate in the Deep Space Book Fair, I am Steven Spielberg, the director of "Second World"."

Spielberg's words have been translated into Chinese, so everyone can understand them.

"It's a great honor for Deep Space to use "Second World" as the opening film of the book fair. Here I would like to tell you some short stories related to filming..."

In the next 5 minutes, Spielberg talked about the birth process of the film and some interesting things encountered during the filming process.

When Spielberg said that Motorola's current models were designed by Yu Dong's team back then, there was an exclamation in the stadium.

"Isn't Yu Dong a writer? Why do you still design these things?"

"Isn't that true of geniuses? Da Vinci was a painter."


"If you've read the novel, you won't find it unbelievable. The description of near-future technology in the novel is already very powerful."


Hearing the discussion from the people around him, Liu Genghong poked Fang Wenshan's arm: "Wenshan, is this the case, the original novel has a lot of related things?"

"Of course, otherwise how would the movie be made?"

"It's amazing." Liu Genghong sighed.

Wen Lan joked: "Our boss will be Yu Dong in the future, will it be cheaper if we buy Motorola phones?"

"It's a beautiful idea."


After Spielberg's video ended, the screening of "Second World" officially began.

Of course, it’s not just as simple as showing a movie. While the movie is playing, someone will introduce the relevant technology and the difference between the movie and the original novel.

Fang Wenshan and the others looked at it for a while, and felt that this place was too crowded, so they walked deep into the exhibition hall.

The first exhibition hall of the World Trade Center is very large, covering more than 3000 square meters, and can accommodate more than 300 booths.

In such a large place, Deep Space has used them all.

Some booths even have TVs, which are dedicated to playing movies or promotional videos adapted from works.

A few people from Alpha walked halfway, and suddenly heard a scream from the east, and they turned their heads to look, and it turned out that the famous actress Winona appeared in the venue.

With the "Edward Scissorhands" and "Resident Evil" series, Winona has become one of the first-line actors, and she is also very popular in Taiwan.

Liu Genghong and Wen Lan were attracted by Winona, so they left Fang Wenshan and Jay Chou and ran over.

With only the two of them left, Fang Minshan glanced at Jay Chou and said, "I'll go to the Yudong area to see, do you want to go?"

Jay Chou shook his head: "I won't go."

Seeing Jay Chou shaking his head, Fang Wenshan heaved a sigh of relief. He and Jay Chou have known each other for a while, but they always feel out of tune with him.

Moreover, Jay Chou usually reads very little, Fang Wenshan felt that being with him at the book fair was really meaningless.

But Jay Chou felt that Fang Wenshan was a bit hypocritical, and he didn't want to be alone with him.

In this way, the two separated and went shopping separately.

Fang Wenshan's visit to the book fair was planned, so he went directly to the Yudong special area, and he planned to visit the Wang Xiaobo special area in a while.

Jay Chou wandered aimlessly, wherever there are few people, where the posters are beautiful, and where the sound is nice, he will go there.

Wandering around, Jay Chou suddenly heard a soothing and affectionate piano piece.

The song is very nice, the most important thing is that he has never heard it before.

Jay Chou walked over following the sound, and saw a booth with a poster next to it, which said "Sea Pianist".

 Thank you [Five Elements Lack of Gold] for the 100 tip from the boss
  Thank you [Spoon 8321] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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