Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 611 I am the most favored

Chapter 611 I am the most favored (second update)

"Sea pianist?"

Looking at the poster, Jay Chou muttered to himself, this seems to be a movie that hasn't been released yet.

According to the poster, the movie will be released in October this year.

However, there is no introduction to this song.

Jay Chou looked at the listless staff behind the booth, "Excuse me, what's the name of the song that's playing?"

Wang Hailin glanced at the thin guy in front of him, did not explain to him that he was not a worker at the booth, nor did he directly tell him the name of the song, but asked with great interest: "Are you interested in this song? "

Instead of getting an answer, Jay Chou got a question instead, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"I've never heard of it, I'm curious."

Wang Hailin smiled and said, "It's called Jinghong."

Jay Chou nodded, "It's a good name."

After speaking, he turned to leave, because he felt that the staff member at the booth was too aggressive.

But as soon as he turned around, Wang Hailin stopped him: "Young man, can you tell me what you can hear from this song?"

If talking about other things, Jay Chou may not talk to Wang Hailin, but now when talking about music, he has to say a few words.

"Can I listen to it from the beginning?"

Wang Hailin nodded: "Of course."

Then he played the song "Jinghong" again.

Jay Chou listened quietly, and then said: "This song is not complicated. It was light and playful at first, and then it became soothing. It's like in a primary school, when a boy is laughing and playing around, he suddenly sees a girl he likes. , there is a feeling of heartbeat. The blank space of the song has an oriental aesthetic feeling in it. In addition, I can hear a little sadness, maybe that girl doesn’t like that boy.”

After listening to Jay Chou's interpretation, Wang Hailin went up and down and looked at him carefully, "Boy, you are really good."

Jay Chou was a little shy when he was praised, "Don't talk like that."


Jay Chou spoke ambiguously, and said these words so quickly that Wang Hailin didn't hear what he said, then Wang Hailin waved his hand again and said with a smile: "Don't go, I'll take you to see someone later."


"The author of this song."

Jay Chou raised his eyebrows, he really wanted to meet the composer.

Seeing that Jay Chou had no objection, Wang Hailin pulled him aside and found a chair for him to sit down.

Then I started chatting with Jay Chou.

"You don't look very old, are you still in school?"

"already at work."

"What work do you do? Don't tell me, let me guess... Is the work you do related to music?"


"Singer? No, no, you don't look like a singer, sound engineer? Composer? Band accompanist?"

"Music Assistant."

"Hey, it's okay, you're still young, and you still have chances in the future." Wang Hailin patted Jay Chou's shoulder again as he said, "Don't ask the source of the hero, I'm optimistic about you, kid. Let me tell you, the author of this song is my teacher's wife, who is also A very powerful pianist, she is Liu Shikun's student."


"She'll come in a while, maybe when she's in a good mood, she can give you some pointers. You didn't come in vain today. And my teacher... Forget it, my teacher's name is too big, I'm afraid it will scare you."

The two chatted for more than ten minutes. In fact, Wang Hailin was basically talking, and Jay Chou wanted to say a few words, but he felt that he couldn't get in.

Wang Hailin chatted more and more vigorously, suddenly noticed someone coming in front of him, stood up immediately, and said with a flattering smile: "Brother Dong, Mr. Cheng, you came at a good time, I will introduce you to one..."

"Xiao Zhou?" Yu Dong looked at Jay Chou in surprise, wondering how he and Wang Hailin got together.

Wang Hailin was also surprised: "Brother Dong, do you know this kid?"

Yu Dong nodded: "I met the day before yesterday, the music assistant of Alpha Music Company."

Jay Chou looked up at Yu Dong, and said hello: "Mr. Yu, Mrs. Yu, hello."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "My wife's surname is Cheng, you can call her Teacher Cheng, or Ms. Cheng."

"Teacher Cheng."

Yu Dong nodded and asked, "How do you know each other?"

"It's purely by fate." Wang Hailin explained with a smile: "Didn't I come to perform for Xiao Huo? This kid came to ask us what the name of the piano piece we played was Teacher Cheng's "Jing Hong". I asked him what he heard, and he told me a whole bunch of things, which made sense, and I thought this kid was quite intelligent, so I dragged him to introduce him to Mr. Cheng, who knew that you had already met."

Cheng Yanqiu asked with a smile: "How did you say it? What did you hear?"

Jay Chou was not ashamed to speak, Wang Hailin helped him and said: "He said that he heard a kind of innocent love in childhood, and he used a metaphor, like a boy playing and playing, suddenly looking up, seeing the girl he likes, It's like a cool breeze blowing from the shade of a tree in the hot summer, brushing off the sweat on the boy's cheek..."

Yu Dong looked at Jay Chou curiously, thinking that this kid talked so much all at once?It's not like his style at all.

Jay Chou looked at the eloquent Wang Hailin with a puzzled look on his face: Did I just say that?
After Wang Hailin finished speaking, Cheng Yanqiu smiled and said, "Xiao Zhou, you came alone?"

Jay Chou looked back, but couldn't find his companion in the crowd, "I came with Geng Hong and the others, but we separated halfway."

Yu Dong nodded: "Okay, since you're here, let's take a good look around. After the book fair is over, I'll go to your company again. See you then."

In fact, Yu Dong wanted to have a good chat with Jay Chou, but right now he has other things to do and he can't spare time.

Wang Hailin smiled and said, "Don't worry, Brother Dong, I'll take him for a walk."

"Well, let's play."


When Yu Dong and the others walked away, Jay Chou asked Wang Hailin, "Mr. Cheng is your teacher's wife?"

"Yeah, great. Tell me, how do you know my teacher and my wife? I heard from the teacher, which Alpha company are you from? What company is this?"

"Music company, brother Xian..." Jay Chou looked at Wang Hailin, feeling that he might not know Wu Zongxian, so he changed the phrase: "A small music company."

Wang Hailin patted Jay Chou on the shoulder, "Be humble, can the company that you can contact with Brother Dong be a small company?"

"Why do you call him teacher one moment and brother Dong the next?" Jay Chou asked curiously.

Wang Hailin laughed and said, "Is this difficult to understand? Because I am the most favored among his many students, so I dare to call him Brother Dong. Others, you let them call it a try?"

(End of this chapter)

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