Chapter 612 Curse (Part [-])
Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu first went to Yu Hua and the others, and then met with a few reporters. Later, Yu Dong found his booth and sat down, signing autographs for the readers.

When the signing time was over, Yu Dong was going to find Yu Hua and the others when Jimmy brought a middle-aged man over.

"Yu Dong, this is Mr. Wu Qingyou, the owner of Eslite Bookstore."

Yu Dong smiled and shook hands with Wu Qingyou: "Hello, Mr. Wu."

"Hello, Mr. Yu."

Wu Qingyou is tall. Although he is under fifty, most of his hair has turned gray.He was wearing a neat black suit and a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and he acted like a literati studying knowledge, not like a corporate boss.

Yu Dong has heard about Eslite Bookstore. Since they opened their first store in the late 80s, they have developed rapidly in the past few years, and have opened many branches throughout Beishi.

At the beginning, their bookstore mainly focused on architecture and art books, and later expanded their business. The combination of comprehensive book area, art space and gallery opened up a new perspective for the local bookstore management. If you come to Beishi, you don’t have to go to other places, but you must go to Eslite Bookstore to feel the atmosphere.

Jimmy smiled and said, "When I was chatting with Mr. Wu just now, he mentioned that he hoped to open an Eslite Bookstore in Jinling, as the first Eslite Bookstore in mainland China."

Yu Dong smiled with interest: "Oh, really?"

"Yes." Wu Qingyou nodded with a smile: "The customs and cultures of Jinling and Baodao have many similarities. I have been to Jinling, and it made me feel very friendly. At the same time, Jinling has good educational resources. Students from major universities It is also an important target group of bookstores.”

Yu Dong smiled. Wu Qingyou said that there are many similarities in the customs and cultures of Jinling and Baodao. He would not comment, but Jinling's educational resources are indeed very good as Wu Changqing said.

Wu Qingyou didn't just talk about opening a branch. In fact, Jinling was indeed their first choice.

But apart from Jinling, Su City was also on their list of choices.

Wu Qingyou personally prefers Jinling, not because Jinling has similar customs and culture with Baodao as he said, but because the city of Jinling has been very well-known in domestic literary circles in recent years.

The root of this lies in the great writer Yu Dong in front of him.

Wu Qingyou has studied it, and since the appearance of Yu Dong, the city of Jinling has been mentioned more and more frequently in literature-related reports, not to mention, because of Yu Dong, Jinling has more people like Yu Hua, Mo Yan, and Ruan Xiaohu Such an excellent group of writers.

"In fact, Jinling really needs a high-quality bookstore like Eslite, and mainland China has always welcomed entrepreneurs from Taiwan to invest. I think if Eslite can open a branch in Jinling, it will definitely be a win-win situation."

Jimmy said: "Mr. Wu's only concern is that his Danxinchengpin model will not be very popular in mainland China,"

Yu Dong can understand Wu Qingyou's concerns. Although the mainland's economic level has improved a bit in the past two years, there is still a big gap with Baodao.

Eslite's business model is difficult to implement in economically underdeveloped areas. In fact, even in Taiwan, it is difficult for their bookstores to make a profit.

Wu Qingyou smiled and said, "Mr. Ji is right. I have concerns about this, so I was wondering if we can reach a cooperation. In the future, authors from your company can come to our bookstore to hold bookstores from time to time. Activities. There is another one, I also want to make an "Old Book" theme area. To tell you the truth, I like the book "Old Book" very much, not only because the story moves me, but more importantly, this book is related to the bookstore. It fit perfectly."

"Of course, this book is about books and bookstores." Jimmy laughed.

Wu Qingyou nodded and said: "That's exactly the case, that's why I have such an idea. I don't know what you two think."

Regarding Wu Qingyou's proposal, Yu Dong didn't hesitate at all, and nodded directly: "I have no problem at all. As long as your company can build a distinctive and conscientious bookstore in Jinling, we, Shenkong Company, will naturally help you."

In fact, Yu Dong is quite concerned about this matter. Although it is just a bookstore, if you can really pull Chengpin Bookstore over, it will be considered a considerable investment, and this kind of investment is of high quality and will not have any negative effects .

Hearing Yu Dong's statement, Wu Qingyou also smiled and said: "Since Mr. Yu is so sincere, I will ask the people in the company to come up with a plan later."

"No problem." Yu Dong nodded.

After a preliminary agreement on cooperation was reached, both parties were in a good mood, and Yu Dong chatted with Wu Qingyou casually afterwards.

In addition to being a businessman, Wu Qingyou is also a scholar. He is a well-known local sociologist of the Republic of China. He has studied the social economy and politics of the Soviet Union. He has published "The History of the Founding of the Soviet Union" and "The History of the Republic of China" before .

I don't know if I made preparations for today's meeting, or I liked Yu Dong's works before. When they were chatting, Wu Qingyou talked a lot about Yu Dong's works, and they were quite in-depth.

When they chatted for about 50 minutes, a middle-aged woman in her [-]s came towards them.

The woman was dressed in black, from her hat to her shoes.

After she came over, she greeted Wu Qingyou first, then chatted with Yu Dong after being introduced by Wu Qingyou, and then left.

Looking at the woman's back, Wu Qingyou sighed, "I never thought she would come here today."

Jimmy asked curiously, "This Mrs. Liang usually dresses like this, or..."

"Her son died the day before yesterday."

Wu Qingyou's words stunned both Yu Dong and Jimmy.

Mrs. Liang did look like there was a funeral at home, but they didn't expect that her son had just died.

"Is something wrong with his son?" Jimmy asked again.

"Suicide." Wu Qingyou sighed again, "Mrs. Liang must have had a hard time recently. When her husband committed suicide a few years ago, there were rumors that there was a curse in their family. Now her son has followed in her husband's footsteps. That statement will surely be brought up again."

Yu Dong looked surprised, "Curse?"

"Well, Liang's family is a tailor. During the Republic of China, they specially made clothes for those high-ranking officials. Later, they followed Jiang to Baodao. At first, life was okay, but then something went wrong. Fifteen years ago, Mr. Liang Mr. Liang committed suicide a few years ago, and his son also committed suicide two days ago. There are rumors that Mr. Liang betrayed a friend when he came to Baodao, and that friend cast the curse."

"Does the curse have specific content?"

Wu Qingyou shook his head and said, "It's been passed around, there are so many versions, it's hard to distinguish between true and false."

(End of this chapter)

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